No. 310-15 大寶積經,文殊師利授記會第十五,大唐于闐三藏實叉難陀譯
No. 319 大聖文殊師利菩薩佛剎功德莊嚴經,唐不空譯
藏譯英Mañjuśrī-buddha-kṣetra-guṇa-vyūha https://read.84000.co/translation/toh59.html
1. 51 King Ajātaśatru then exclaimed to the Blessed One, “Blessed One, it is remarkable how well the thus-gone, worthy, and perfect Buddha teaches. Blessed One, even if I were to pass away right now, I would not have to take birth again.”
“Blessed One, from where do malice, anger, aggression, and hypocrisy arise? From where is unknowing born? How does unknowing cease?”
1. 50 The Blessed One responded to King Ajātaśatru, “Your Majesty, malice, anger, aggression, and hypocrisy arise with the presence of self-clinging and possessiveness. When in a state of self-clinging and possessiveness, one recognizes neither positive qualities nor flaws. This is termed unknowing. However, with respect to a person who fully understands self-clinging and possessiveness just as they are, one cannot speak of knowing or unknowing.
Your Majesty, you should therefore train to avoid labeling any formations as either going or coming from anywhere. Your Majesty, for one who neither goes anywhere nor comes from anywhere, all phenomena are devoid of coming and going.
For one in whom there is no coming or going, there is nobirth or cessation. For one in whom there is no birth or cessation, there is no knowing. Just as it is with knowing, so it is with unknowing.
Why is this? Because there is no knowledge of any phenomenon that is either emancipated or not emancipated. When there is no knowledge of any phenomenon that is either emancipated or not emancipated, one is said to have wisdom.”