No. 310-15 大寶積經,文殊師利授記會第十五,大唐于闐三藏實叉難陀譯
No. 319 大聖文殊師利菩薩佛剎功德莊嚴經,唐不空譯
藏譯英Mañjuśrī-buddha-kṣetra-guṇa-vyūha https://read.84000.co/translation/toh59.html
1. 34 Then, out of love for the bodhisattva Destroyer of Nonvirtue, [F.251.b] and in order to train this large assembly of beings, the Blessed One took a seat in one part of the city. Seeing the Blessed One there, hundreds of thousands of beings arrived. In the sky above, trillions of gods joined their palms in respect and honor, bowed toward the Blessed One, and arranged themselves there.
1. 35 The Blessed One then responded to the bodhisattva Destroyer of Nonvirtue, “Noble son, if bodhisattva great beings have one quality, they will swiftly and fully awaken to unsurpassed and perfect buddhahood, purify their buddha realms, and acquire the arrays of virtues of their buddha realms, just as they desire.
What is this one quality? Noble son, it is for bodhisattva great beings to develop the mind set on unsurpassed and perfect awakening, out of compassion and pure motivation toward all beings.
In this context, what is the pure motivation that is to be mastered? Noble son, pure motivation is arousing the mind set on awakening and avoiding all nonvirtues.
What is to be avoided? It is attachment, aggression, ignorance, and craving for the features of the household life. Renouncing these things, bodhisattvas have no desire for gain, honor, or praise, and they abide in the accomplishment of going forth.
What is the accomplishment of going forth? It is realizing all phenomena just as they are.
What is realizing all phenomena just as they are? Noble son, all phenomena refers to the aggregates, elements, and sense sources, as well as conditioned and unconditioned phenomena.
How are the five aggregates understood? They are understood to be illusory, void, empty, unobservable, unborn, and unceasing. [F.252.a] They are understood in this way to the degree that one does not see them as being real.
When there is no seeing, no knowing, no assuming, no thinking, and no conceptualizing them to be real, all concepts are pacified —and this is what is called understanding the aggregates. Understanding the aggregates is understanding all phenomena. Noble son, this is the accomplishment of going forth.
1. 36 “Bodhisattva great beings who have entered this practice will not abandon beings. Why not? To the degree that one understands phenomena, one can teach all beings and yet not apprehend beings or phenomena.
Noble son, if bodhisattva great beings possess this one quality, they will swiftly and fully awaken to unsurpassed and perfect buddhahood, purify their buddha realms, and acquire the arrays of virtues of their buddha realms, just as they desire.”