2022年3月1日 星期二


1.No. 721正法念處經,元魏婆羅門瞿曇般若流支譯

2.藏譯英The Application of Mindfulness of the Sacred Dharma, Saddharma smṛtyupasthāna https://read.84000.co/translation/toh287.html.



5. 142 “The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will also wonder how other winds in his body function when disturbed or in balance. With insight derived from hearing or by seeing with the divine eye, he will notice that the feces-drier wind is present in his body. Wondering what function this wind may have when either disturbed or in balance, he will apply insight derived from hearing or see with the divine eye. He will then notice, ‘When the feces-drier wind is disturbed, I will be inclined to overeat and enjoy consuming large quantities of food. As I swallow such food and drink, it enters my body via the throat, and is pressed downward. It will then spread throughout my body and cause debilitation. My feces will become dry and I may be unable to pass any stool for two, three, or even four days. Even if I am able to defecate, this will be accompanied by some discomfort. However, if the feces-drier wind is not disturbed, all those ailments will be absent.’ In this way, examining the feces-drier wind, he develops a correct understanding of the body. [F.143.b]


5. 143 “The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will also wonder about the function of other winds in his body. With insight derived from hearing or by seeing with the divine eye, he will notice that the ribcage-impairer wind is present in his body. Wondering what function this wind may have when disturbed or in balance, he will notice, ‘If the ribcage-impairer wind is disturbed, it will move through the ribs on the sides of my body and dry up the blood in those places, thereby giving rise to a terrifying, fierce, and excruciating pain. Yet if that wind is not disturbed, such disorders will not occur.’ In this way, examining the ribcage- impairer wind, he develops a correct understanding of the body.


5. 144 “The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will also wonder how other winds in his body function when disturbed or in balance. With insight derived from hearing or by seeing with the divine eye, he will notice that the nine-openings disease wind is present in his body. Wondering what function this wind may have when either disturbed or in balance, he will apply insight derived from hearing or see with the divine eye, and will then notice, ‘When the nine-openings disease wind is disturbed, all nine apertures of my body will contract. Seven of those are located in my head and the remaining two are those for feces and urine. This wind may block them all collectively or each one of them individually. [F.144.a] In this way, it causes general disease in my body, and my breathing will become extremely constricted. The breath in my nostrils pervades my entire body. The entire body is governed by wind and functions by means of wind. Moreover, only wind can stir wind —no other factor whatsoever can do so.’ In this way, examining the nine-openings disease wind, he develops a correct understanding of the body.


5. 145 “The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will also wonder how other winds in his body function. With insight derived from hearing or by seeing with the divine eye, he will notice that the body part-decreasing wind is present in his body. Wondering what function this wind may have when either disturbed or in balance, he will apply insight derived from hearing or see with the divine eye, He will then notice, ‘When the body part-decreasing wind is disturbed, my fingers contract and are harmed by illness. They degenerate and shorten. My legs and arms will contract, I will feel pain in the upper bones, and the tendons in my thighs will contract. Nevertheless, the contents of my bowels will not become enlarged. I will experience swellings and physical fatigue. All such ailments are caused by the body part-decreasing wind. Yet if this wind is not disturbed, none of those will occur.’ In this way, examining the body part- decreasing wind, he develops a correct understanding of the body. [F.144.b]


5. 146 “The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will also wonder about the function of other winds in his body. With insight derived from hearing or by seeing with the divine eye, he will notice that the warmth-extinguisher wind is present in his body. Wondering what function this wind may have when either disturbed or in balance, he will notice, ‘When the warmth-extinguisher wind is disturbed in the body, the warmth of fire that is present within my body will transfer from its natural locations and begin to decline. When the warmth of fire thus weakens, I will become unable to digest food or absorb drink. My skin will take on an unhealthy coloration. My blood will dry up and my flesh will degenerate. My muscles will contract and my fat will disappear. Even my bones will become dry and my marrow will diminish. The vital fluids and strength that are produced throughout the body will decrease. When the wind is based in my heart, I will lose consciousness. Yet if the warmth-extinguisher wind is not disturbed, none of those ailments will occur.’


5. 147 “The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will also wonder about the function of other winds in his body. With insight derived from hearing or by seeing with the divine eye, he will notice the wind that cools the entire body. Wondering what function this wind may have when either disturbed or in balance, he will apply insight derived from hearing or see with the divine eye. He will then notice, ‘When the wind that cools the entire body is disturbed, [F.145.a] saliva is produced, and the body becomes moist. When asleep, the body will then appear crude, rough, and cramped. All the major and minor body parts will look stiff and the body hairs will stand on end. Many parts of the body will be flat whereas others will be uneven. I will become prone to exhaustion and suffer from rashes due to the primary fluids of lymph and blood. My body hair will become yellow and I will suffer from fevers. My body will swell, and its various parts will become disproportionate and pale. In many places, the skin on my body will become thick and dry so that it resembles the skin of an elephant. It will become hard for me to stand up, and my body will smell from suppuration. Anything I eat will feel rough and lumpy. Parts of my body will be covered with skin like elephant hide. The skin will be filled with lumps and bumps. There will be wounds on my arms and legs, and moving about will cause exhaustion. Rashes will break out everywhere on my body, the skin will burn, and my body will have an unpleasant texture. Pockets of pus will develop along with oozing wounds. My teeth will also become repulsive. My nose will ache, and my eyelashes will fall out. My fingers and toes will crumble, and my voice will become inaudible. [F.145.b] Worms will invade the body from outside. All my body hairs will fall out of their follicles. I will appear repulsive to everyone. In the homes of benefactors and donors, I will be reviled. Flies will constantly crawl on my body and even the Dharma robes will become unbearable to wear. My nails will also fall out. During sleep, I will wheeze when I breathe. Although suffering, I will still crave food, but I will be unable to digest anything. Whenever I drink, I will get specific types of fever. My tongue will transform. In this way, the wind that cools the entire body causes degeneration throughout the body and makes it deteriorate. However, if the wind that cools the entire body is not disturbed,my body will maintain a fine complexion and be firm, smooth, shiny, light, supple, and appealing to everyone. My sweat will be warm and will be produced from all the pores of the body, just as it should. None of the ailments mentioned previously will occur.’ In this way, examining the wind that cools the entire body, he develops a correct understanding of the body.


5. 148 “The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will also wonder about the function of other winds in his body. With insight derived from hearing or by seeing with the divine eye, he will notice, ‘When the destabilizing wind is disturbed in my body, [F.146.a] even small troubles will give rise to fear. All my major and minor body parts will become decrepit. I will suffer from paralysis, panic attacks, and stupor. Although my breath will be extremely forceful, I will be unable to properly inhale. Nor will I be able to tolerate wearing the Dharma robes. I will develop diseases in the head and when training in concentration I will be unable to let my attention rest on a single point. My dreams will be disturbed. I will vomit. Even peaceful appearances will seem terrifying to me and I will perceive nearby forms as if they were far away. I will also have tremendous craving. However, if the destabilizing wind is not disturbed, none of those ailments will occur.’ In this way, examining the destabilizing wind, he develops a correct understanding of the body.


5. 149 “The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will also wonder about the function of other winds in his body. With insight derived from hearing or by seeing with the divine eye, he will notice that the wind that makes the entire body tremble is present in his body. Wondering what function this wind may have when either disturbed or in balance, he will apply insight derived from hearing or see with the divine eye. He will then notice, ‘When the wind that makes the entire body tremble is disturbed in my body, I will tremble. My ears will be rattled by shuddering sounds. [F.146.b] This wind will cause trembling; all my major and minor body parts will tremble. This wind will move within, where it will cause sporadic contractions, but not provoke disease. When this wind that moves throughout the body is not disturbed, none of those ailments will occur.’ In this way, examining the wind that makes the entire body tremble, he develops a correct understanding of the body.


5. 150 “The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will also wonder about the function of other winds in his body. With insight derived from hearing or by seeing with the divine eye, he will notice that the burning wind is present in his body. Wondering what function this wind may have when either disturbed or in balance, he will then notice, ‘When the burning wind is disturbed, the food that I swallow will get stuck in the esophagus where it will quickly get heated. When this wind remains with the food, the physical elements in my body will not flourish. That which I eat and ingest is of two kinds: pure or contaminating. Pure food makes the great elements flourish, whereas contaminating food provokes disease. Now, if the burning wind is disturbed, it will contaminate most of the food that I eat, and only very little will be pure. In this way it will stir up diseases. However, if the burning wind is not disturbed, the food I eat will still be of two kinds —pure or contaminating —but the physical elements of my body will then be in balance and I will not develop diseases.’ [F.147.a] In this way, examining the burning wind, he develops a correct understanding of the body.


5. 151 “The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will also wonder what other winds may be present in his body. With insight derived from hearing or by seeing with the divine eye, he will notice, ‘The worm-engager wind is present in my body. It enters and mingles with all the worms that live in my major and minor body parts, causing disturbances, conflicts, and upheaval. It moves from the top downward. It moves from the head to the feet, within the brain, from the brain to the brain membrane, and from the brain membrane to the cranium. From there, it consumes the hair and, as it enters the nose, it causes a profusion of mucus. It then enters the fat, joints, jaws, and forehead, consuming the roots of the teeth.


There are ten further species of worms that cause vomiting and live in the throat and neck. They consume nasal mucus, move in the saliva, and cause severe vomiting. Within the ten channels of vital fluids live the worms intoxicated by sweetness, the utterly intoxicated, those that crave the six tastes, those that cry out, those opposed to taste, those that enjoy sleeping, and the bulky.


The ten worms born from blood and that live in the flesh are the hair eater, the sosura, 603 the jantumandarava, the audumbara, the grasper, the hair protector, the worm infuriated by blood, the blood consumer, the limb shaker, and the sour one. All those worms have no legs and are small, but with a developed appearance. The worms born from blood have no eyes and they cause rashes and perforation.


The ten types of worms that live in the flesh are [F.147.b] the wound provoker, the cuncuraga, the muscle traveler, the vein biter, the skin eater, the fat agitator, the enricher, the stinker, the sweat traveler, and the burner.


The ten worms that live in the bile are the jurava, the shaker, the worm that thrives on substance, the common one, the dark one, the great food worm, the warmth traveler, the burner, the worm that decreases heat, and the great fire worm.


The worms that live throughout the major and minor body parts are the bone biter, the puller, 604 the joint cutter, the stinker, the bone pus species, the red-mouth, the relisher, the skin eater, the ant, and the razor mouth.


The ten species of worms that live in excrement are the calf snot, the needle mouth, the ant, thelegless one, the excrement disperser, the thirst inducer, the intestine separator, the paralyzer, the fine-color worm, and the excrement digester.


The ten species of worms that live in the tendons are the hair dweller, the inactive one, the black mouth, the highly painful one, the obscurer, the fire- colored, the descending worm, the auṭhīngā, the thinker, and the enjoyer.


These worms move easily throughout the body, entering all the body’s elements and causing problems throughout the major and minor body parts. The worm-engager wind causes all those worms to move easily within the body, thus causing them to descend. This relates to all the worms that affect my body and life force.’ In this way, examining the worm-engager wind, he develops a correct understanding of the body. [F.148.a]


5. 152 “The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will continue to apply insight derived from hearing or see with the divine eye, and so notice that the descending wind is present in his body. Wondering what function this wind may have when either disturbed or in balance, he will apply insight derived from hearing or see with the divine eye, and observe, ‘Any disturbance of the descending wind occurs in five ways and along five paths. This wind resides in five places. What are the functions it performs as it resides in those five places?


It functions to create the movements of inhalation and exhalation of the breath. This is what in the world is referred to as the life force. Situated in the head and chest, it moves within them and disperses strength to the entire body.


If it becomes excessive, it destroys the functions of the body. It causes mucus and cough to move upward through the passage of food from below.


Thereby inhalations and exhalations take place in the chest and the heart, which gives rise to intense pleasure. When the wind passes upward, the pleasure will be lost. It moves upward within the cavities of the throat, emerging in the head where it moves to the base of the tongue. When it dwells in the tongue it connects with the cooperating condition of an immediately preceding instant of mind and thus various syllables emerge that facilitate understanding.


A third function of this wind is to continuously spread warmth within the body. This, however, can also cause problems.


A fourth function of this wind is to permeate and maintain the body. It supports the closing and opening of the eyes and it also resides in the waist, feet, thighs, penis, and colon. [F.148.b] It expands the stomach but causes a deficiency in women. When present in the lowest joint of the backbone it unites semen and blood in females. Then, by stirring forcefully in their legs, it mingles semen and blood. It also causes liquids to move. When food is digested, the fire quality, which is described as a third aspect, causes separation. This wind also takes on various long, short, round, and square forms, which correlate to the body’s manifestations, dimensions, and shapes. It is also connected to consciousness in various ways.


For example, when a woman mixes thick milk and water in a jar and churns the liquid, it first causes a froth to form, which subsequently solidifies and turns into butter. This resembles the way that this wind combines with all the afflictions within the body.


As for the fifth function, when that which is eaten, drunk, consumed, and ingested comes into contact with the tongue and its cavities, this wind ensures that the flavors, colors, and smells of the food are distributed throughout the body, from the hair at one end to the nails at the other. When the food-descending wind is disturbed, it acts in five ways that eliminate well-being and it blocks the breath in the upper body.


This causes great disturbances throughout the body, and may even lead to loss of the body, which is the third kind of disturbance. [F.149.a] All faculties and cognitions become disturbed and even the body may be lost. When the body is lost, three factors are destroyed: life force, warmth, and consciousness. A verse speaks of this:

5. 153 “ ‘Life force, warmth, and then consciousness — When the body loses these three, It falls flat, Like a tree that topples to the ground.


5. 154 “ ‘There is also a second effect when this wind is disturbed. One’s breath will be short, and one will be unable draw any long breaths. This will cause great discomfort throughout the body, and the body may be even be lost as a result.


There is also a third effect when this wind is disturbed. All faculties and cognitions will become distracted to the extent that one may fall unconscious and even abandon the body.


There is also a fourth effect when this wind is disturbed. Occasionally, one may draw a breath so forceful or weak that the body is relinquished. Alternatively, without dying, one may continue breathing in an unconscious state.’ In this way, with knowledge of the descending wind, he develops a correct understanding of the body.


5. 155 “The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will then wonder about the effects when other winds are disturbed. With insight derived from hearing or by seeing with the divine eye, he will notice that the completing wind is present in his body, both sustaining 605 and endangering the body. This wind also supports the mindstream. If this wind is disturbed, it scatters the mind and can harm the consciousness even if one is trained. It disturbs what one hears and sees. One’s ears will no longer hear [F.149.b] and one may also become insensitive to smell, taste, and touch. Nor will one be able to cognize any mental phenomena. One will be unable to distinguish between oneself and others. In this way, with knowledge of the completing wind, he develops a correct understanding of the body.


5. 156 “The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will also wonder about the function of other winds in his body. With insight derived from hearing or by seeing with the divine eye, he will notice that the wind that ruins the mindstream is present in his body. Wondering what function this wind may have when either disturbed or in balance, he will apply insight derived from hearing or see with the divine eye. He will then notice, ‘If the wind that ruins the mindstream is disturbed, all the conduits along which the mind moves will be ruined, disturbed, paralyzed, withered, diverted, and deflected. I will also become unable to process the food that I eat. My mind will be distracted, and I will not delight in factors of virtue. I will constantly sweat, and froth will form at my mouth. I will be unable to tolerate cold objects. The forms that I see will be blurred. My body will feel heavy and sapped of strength. My body will deteriorate severely.’ In this way, examining the wind that ruins the mindstream, he develops a correct understanding of the body. [F.150.a]


5. 157 “The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will also wonder about the function of other winds in his body when either disturbed or in balance. With insight derived from hearing or by seeing with the divine eye, he will then notice, ‘The agitator wind is present in my body. When this wind is disturbed, I will perceive myself engaging in activities in my dreams and thus, while asleep, I will experience delusions. The warmth within my body will be overpowered by cold. I will perceive cities and houses as if they were uninhabited. I will become pale and my physical and verbal actions will be few. I will be unable to find any comfort in bed. I will not have any real interest in anything that I have access to. The great elements within me will be unbalanced. All the physical elements that I consume, as well as what I say, will be stuck in the area of my heart and I will experience an abrupt loss of consciousness. I will suddenly encounter heaps of illnesses. However, if that wind is not disturbed, none of those ailments will occur.’ In this way, examining the agitator wind, he develops a correct understanding of the body.


5. 158 “The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will also wonder about the function of other winds in his body when either disturbed or in balance. With insight derived from hearing or by seeing with the divine eye, he will then notice, ‘The eye-blinking wind is present in my body. If this wind is disturbed, I will become unable to open or close my eyes. [F.150.b] This swift wind will then move throughout my major and minor body parts, passing through all my channels, rendering my faculties incapacitated and weak, and making me unable to see anything. Yet, if the eye-blinking wind is not disturbed, none of those ailments will occur.’ In this way, examining the eye-blinking wind, he develops a correct understanding of the body.


5. 159 “The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will also wonder about the function of other winds in his body when either disturbed or in balance. With insight derived from hearing or by seeing with the divine eye, he will then notice, ‘Five mutually conflicting winds arise at the time of death. What are the effects of those winds when either disturbed or in balance at the time of death? If disturbed, my eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind will cease engaging their objects, which are form, sound, smell, taste, texture, and mental phenomena. But if those winds are not disturbed, I will not die quickly.’ In this way, examining the five mutually conflicting winds, he develops a correct understanding of the body.



5. 161 “The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will also wonder about the function of other winds in his body when either disturbed or in balance. With insight derived from hearing or by seeing with the divine eye, he will notice that the womb-destroyer wind is present in his body. Wondering what function this wind may have when either disturbed or in balance, he will apply insight derived from hearing or see with the divine eye. He will then notice, ‘When the womb-destroyer wind is disturbed, I will be ruined by circumstances of sexual misconduct. After I have been born within the womb, it may cause me to become a female or a neuter. It will cause such a transformation within the womb due to flawed actions in the past. However, when the womb-destroyer wind is not disturbed due to the conditions of previous misdeeds, no such ailments in the form of transformation within the womb will occur.’ In this way, examining the womb-destroyer wind, he develops a correct understanding of the body. [F.151.b]


5. 162 “The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will also wonder about the function of other winds in his body when either disturbed or in balance. With insight derived from hearing or by seeing with the divine eye, he will then notice, ‘The wind that causes going, coming, running, and jumping may be either disturbed or in balance. If disturbed, it may cause my body to become bent over, my arms may curl up, I may develop a hunchback, or I may become unable to move from one place to another. I may become unable to move in order to eat, or to visit new places or parks. It will also put a damper on my physical faculties and my mind. However, if this wind is not disturbed, it will enable my body to move about. I will be able to run, jump, and climb.’ In this way, examining the wind that causes going, coming, running, and jumping, he develops a correct understanding of the body.


5. 163 “The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will also wonder about the function of other winds in his body when either disturbed or in balance. With insight derived from hearing or by seeing with the divine eye, he will then notice, ‘Five different winds are responsible for the functioning of my eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body. A single wind is present in the four great elements that coexist with the eyes. It is classified as wind because it is highly agitating. If my eyes are clear, the four great elements in them will also be clear, and so I will be able to see forms. Likewise, another wind that is present in the ears enables me to apprehend sounds. [F.152.a] The way the nose registers smells is also like this, powered by a wind, and this is also the case with the perception of taste by the tongue and textures by the body.’ With knowledge of those five winds he thereby develops a correct understanding of the body. However, if the five winds are disturbed, the faculties become incapable of perceiving their objects in the ways just mentioned. In this way, examining the five winds that reside in the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body, he develops a correct understanding of the body.


5. 164 “The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will also wonder about the function of other winds in his body when either disturbed or in balance. With insight derived from hearing or by seeing with the divine eye, he will notice that the ant wind is present in his body. Wondering what function this wind may have when either disturbed or in balance, he will apply insight derived from hearing or see with the divine eye. He will then notice, ‘If the ant wind is highly turbulent at the time of my death, my skin, blood, flesh, fat, bones, and essential fluids will dry out. This will create shaking and agitation. As the elements of my body dry up at the time of death, I will suffer. Even if thousands of ants made of red-hot iron were to infiltrate my body, that sensation would not even compare to one sixteenth of that agony. However, if this wind is not turbulent with such tremendous force at the moment of dying, the power of my past positive actions will save me from such terrible agony.’ [F.152.b] In this way, examining the ant wind, he develops a correct understanding of the body.


5. 165 “The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will also wonder about the function of other winds in his body when either disturbed or in balance. With insight derived from hearing or by seeing with the divine eye, he will notice that the needle wind is present in his body. Wondering what function this wind may have when either disturbed or in balance, he will apply insight derived from hearing or see with the divine eye. He will then notice, ‘If the needle wind is disturbed at the time of my death, my entire body —my joints, vital points, muscles, sinew, gut, hair follicles, flesh, marrow, and bones —will hurt as if it were pierced by needles. Even if many hundreds of thousands of glowing needles were stuck in my body, that would not compare to as much as one sixteenth of that pain. However, if the needle wind does not become excessively powerful at the time of my death, due to the splendor of my past positive actions, then such excruciating sensations will not occur.’ In this way, examining the needle wind, he develops a correct understanding of the body. [F.153.a]


5. 166 “The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will also wonder about the function of other winds in his body when either disturbed or in balance. With insight derived from hearing or by seeing with the divine eye, he will notice that the bile-destroyer wind is present in his body. Wondering what function this wind may have when either disturbed or in balance, he will apply insight derived from hearing or see with the divine eye. He will then notice, ‘If the bile-destroyer wind is disturbed, the bile in my stomach will be spoiled and dry up. My body will lack luster; my nails, eyes, and mouth will turn yellow; and my belly will dry up. Blue and yellow lines will appear on my upper abdomen. I will have no strength. I will be unable to digest whatever I eat. I will have a bitter taste in my mouth. My urine will be dark yellow. My entire body will dry out and it will appear blue, yellow, and greenish blue. Moreover, I will be unable to stand up. My belly will constantly make noises. However, if the bile-destroyer wind is not disturbed, none of those ailments will occur.’ In this way, examining the bile-destroyer wind, he develops a correct understanding of the body.


5. 167 “The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will also wonder about the function of other winds in his body when either disturbed or in balance. [F.153.b] With insight derived from hearing or by seeing with the divine eye, he will notice that the intestine- separator wind is present in his body. Wondering what function this wind may have when either disturbed or in balance, he will apply insight derived from hearing or see with the divine eye. He will then notice, ‘If the intestine- separator wind is disturbed, as I eat and the food goes past my tongue, my palatal 606 bones and my throat will be injured as the food passes into my body. As the food enters the intestines, my belly will swell and become very large. I will become almost unable to partake of any food, drink, nourishment, or sustenance. Lacking food, I will lose my strength. My arms and legs will swell. My private parts will itch, and this stinging will be ongoing. My entire body, including the mouth, will dry up. I will not have any happy dreams. The wind will not give my intestines even a moment’s rest. However, if the intestine-separator wind is not disturbed, none of those ailments will develop.’ In this way, examining the intestine-separator wind, he develops a correct understanding of the body.


5. 168 “The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will also wonder about the function of other winds in his body when either disturbed or in balance. [F.154.a] With insight derived from hearing or by seeing with the divine eye, he will notice that the phlegm- destroyer wind is present in his body. Wondering what function this wind may have when either disturbed or in balance, he will apply insight derived from hearing or see with the divine eye. He will then notice, ‘If the phlegm-destroyer wind is disturbed, I will talk be talkative, 607 nervous, inarticulate, and my training in concentration will be sleepy and drowsy. My tongue will feel heavy and I will develop diseases of the throat. Anything I put in my mouth will be unable to pass beyond the point on my throat where the beard grows, and will then be vomited out of my mouth accompanied by a foul smell and anguish. I will experience strong hunger and thirst, and I may even suffocate. However, if the phlegm-destroyer wind is not disturbed, none of those ailments will occur.’ In this way, examining the phlegm-destroyer wind, he develops a correct understanding of the body.


5. 169 “The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will also wonder about the function of other winds in his body when either disturbed or in balance. With insight derived from hearing or by seeing with the divine eye, he will then notice, ‘The marrow-destroyer wind is present in my body. When that wind is disturbed, I will tremble and even the slightest work will be exhausting. I will become chronically ill. My facial appearance will become unpleasant and my body will be broken. I will be unable to speak much, and my mind will be unstable. [F.154.b] Day and night, all the bones in my body will ache. The hair on my body will stand on end. All my faculties will become afflicted with disease. My head will also be in continuous agony. This wind will cause the worms that live in my head to enter inside the head and circulate within it. This will cause a feeling as if my head were being pierced by needles. However, if the marrow 608 -destroyer wind is not disturbed, none of those ailments will occur.’ In this way, examining the marrow-destroyer wind, he develops a correct understanding of the body.


5. 170 “The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will also wonder about the function of other winds in his body when either disturbed or in balance. With insight derived from hearing or by seeing with the divine eye, he will notice that the skin-destroyer wind is present in his body. Wondering what function this wind may have when either disturbed or in balance, he will apply insight derived from hearing or see with the divine eye. He will then notice, ‘If the skin-destroyer wind in my body is disturbed, my skin will lose its color. My whole body will become crude and rough, looking like the hide of an elephant, and numerous spots will appear all over it. All of my limbs will perspire incessantly and profusely. When asleep, my body will be agitated. I will be unable to stretch; if bent, I will not be able to stretch out. [F.155.a] In my dreams I will see pits, abysses, and horrific colors. Even if my food and sustenance is warm, it will seem cold when I swallow it. My tongue will form fissures and I will become unable to swallow food. However, if the skin-destroyer wind is not disturbed, none of those ailments will occur.’ In this way, examining the skin-destroyer wind, he develops a correct understanding of the body.


5. 171 “The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will also wonder about the function of other winds in his body when either disturbed or in balance. With insight derived from hearing or by seeing with the divine eye, he will then notice, ‘The blood-destroyer wind is present in my body. If that wind is disturbed, the blood that runs in my liver will become impure and separate into two currents, one moving upward and the other downward. The upward-moving current will reach my nostrils, eyes, and ears and destroy the bloodstreams there. As the blood is spoiled, it will cause all the internal elements to go out of balance and all my major and minor body parts will lack vigor. My ears will no longer function, and I will become unable to walk about. My nostrils will have an unpleasant smell. When I practice pure conduct, when I go to refresh myself I will feel weak and not socialize with others. [F.155.b] When the downward-moving blood splits off it will destroy my anus and penis, and blood will leak out of my penis during sex. My anus will be upset by contractions and my intestines will be weak. The vital fluids will create very painful hemorrhoids and the blood will also cause severe diarrhea.’ In this way, examining the blood-destroyer wind, he develops a correct understanding of the body.


5. 172 “The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will also wonder about the function of other winds in his body when either disturbed or in balance. With insight derived from hearing or by seeing with the divine eye, he will notice that the flesh-destroyer wind is present in his body. Wondering what function this wind may have when either disturbed or in balance, he will apply insight derived from hearing or see with the divine eye. He will then notice, ‘If the flesh-destroyer wind is disturbed, my flesh will be crude and lack moisture. My flesh will have an unpleasant and rough appearance and be prone to severe disease. My flesh will be smelly, and spots of dry skin will develop everywhere, all of them emitting a foul smell. I will produce an overabundance of urine. Although I will be able to tolerate cold foods, even the mere mention of warm things or hot water will seem unbearable. I will not be able to tolerate hot food and will only ingest cool, sweet, and light food. Everywhere on my body, the flesh will become putrid, smelly, and oozing with discharge.’ [F.156.a] In this way, examining the flesh-destroyer wind, he develops a correct understanding of the body.


5. 173 “The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will also wonder what other winds are present in his body. With insight derived from hearing or by seeing with the divine eye, he will notice that the fat-destroyer wind is present in his body. Wondering how this wind may behave when disturbed, he will apply insight derived from hearing or see with the divine eye, and he will then notice, ‘The fat-destroyer wind may cause a profusion of fat, such that various body parts are burdened, swollen, impaired, suppressed, hardened, pale, and become insensitive. However, if this wind is not disturbed, none of those ailments will occur.’ In this way, examining the fat-destroyer wind, he develops a correct understanding of the body.


5. 174 “The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will also wonder about the function of other winds in his body when either disturbed or in balance. With insight derived from hearing or by seeing with the divine eye, he will notice that the bone-destroyer wind is present in his body. Wondering what function this wind may have when either disturbed or in balance, he will then notice, ‘If disturbed, it will cause my bones to become deformed, my jaw will dislocate, and I will be unable to sleep, whether by day or night. [F.156.b] I will feel an intense pain in my bone marrow and my whole body will be contorted. My muscles will lack volume and hardness. I will become pale and constantly feel depressed, all of which causes constant physical exhaustion. I will not feel well for as long as the wink of an eye.’ In this way, examining the bone-destroyer wind, he develops a correct understanding of the body.


5. 175 “The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will also wonder about the function of other winds in his body when either disturbed or in balance. With insight derived from hearing or by seeing with the divine eye, he will notice that the semen-drier wind is present in his body. Wondering what function this wind may have when either disturbed or in balance, he will apply insight derived from hearing or see with the divine eye. He will then notice, ‘If the semen-drier wind is disturbed, I will become confused. When in bed at night, I will constantly dream about women. Ordinary people will grow lustful as they conceive of such images and they will then engage in amorous activities due to this error. Because of this wind, they will then ascribe reality to the perception of such ghostlike and unreal women who are intent on causing harm. This wind also prevents the digestion of food.’ In this way, examining the semen-drier wind, he develops a correct understanding of the body. [F.157.a]


5. 176 “The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will also wonder about the function of other winds in his body when either disturbed or in balance. With insight derived from hearing or by seeing with the divine eye, he will notice that the shriveling wind is present in his body. Wondering what function this wind may have when either disturbed or in balance, he will apply insight derived from hearing or see with the divine eye. He will then notice, ‘If the shriveling wind is disturbed, it will enter my feet, foot soles, kneecaps, tail bone, back, ribs, breasts, neck, shoulders, head, ears, and eyebrows. As it enters all my major and minor body parts, my entire body will shrivel up. It will become entirely wrinkled and thick. I will become depressed and confused. My feet will also crack open. Even if I rub my skin with fresh butter 609 or mustard oil, the place where I apply the grease will remain dry and derelict.’ In this way, examining the shriveling wind, he develops a correct understanding of the body.


5. 177 “The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will also wonder about the function of other winds in his body. With insight derived from hearing or by seeing with the divine eye, he will notice that the hair-whitening wind is present in his body. Wondering what function this wind may have when either disturbed or in balance, he will then notice, [F.157.b] ‘If the hair-whitening wind is disturbed, my hair will become white even if I am in the prime of youth. Even though I am young, I will become drained of strength as if I were old. In other childish, ordinary people this may also occur due to food. Although one is a child one may appear just like an old person. This may occur to those in the prime of youth. Even children may in this way come to appear like old people. The force of the hair-whitening wind causes even those in the prime of youth to become old —such is its power. This hair-whitening wind does not occur in the age of excellence. In the age of strife, however, when most people are unrighteous, the hair-whitening wind will grow and intensify, corresponding to the number of unrighteous people.’ In this way, examining the hair-whitening wind, he develops a correct understanding of the body.


5. 178 “The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will also wonder about the function of other winds in his body. With insight derived from hearing or by seeing with the divine eye, he will notice that the harmony-destroying wind, which destroys harmony, is present in his body. Wondering what function this wind may have when either disturbed or in balance, he will apply insight derived from hearing or see with the divine eye. He will then notice, ‘If this wind is disturbed, my digestion will be poor, and I will become angry at my loved ones and friends. I will fall asleep during the day and I will feel upset. [F.158.a] I will also become unable to eat sweet foods. Instead, I will want to eat pungent and sour foods. These irritants will make me prone to fierce anger. I will feel tired even if I have not performed any daily activities.’ In this way, examining the harmony-destroying wind, he develops a correct understanding of the body.


5. 179 “The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will also wonder about the presence of other winds in his body. With insight derived from hearing or by seeing with the divine eye, he will notice that the wind that destroys residual urine is present in his body. Wondering what function this wind may have when either disturbed or in balance, he will apply insight derived from hearing or see with the divine eye. He will then notice, ‘If the wind that destroys residual urine is disturbed, I will have constant pain in my penis, throughout day and night. I will feel like urinating, but I will be unable to do so. I will also lose all strength and my breath will be short. If this condition becomes aggravated, I will also become pale and emaciated.’ In this way, examining the wind that destroys residual urine, he develops a correct understanding of the body.復次,修行者內身循身觀。有何等風,作何等業?彼以聞慧或以天眼見有一風,名食相應,若調不調,為何所作?彼以聞慧或以天眼見:食相應風若不調順,所食四分、五分之中三分歐吐,令人心亂,失於食力,不能視眴。以風力故,意法不定。若風調順,則無如向所說諸病。觀食相應風已,如實知身。

5. 180 “The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will also wonder about the presence of other winds in his body. With insight derived from hearing or by seeing with the divine eye, he will notice that the food-consumption wind is present in his body. [F.158.b] Wondering what function this wind may have when either disturbed or inbalance, he will apply insight derived from hearing or see with the divine eye. He will then notice, ‘If the food-consumption wind is disturbed, I will eat four to five times as much as my normal intake. If the wind is severely disturbed, all my strength will be lost even though I eat. I will also become unable to open and close my eyes. When the wind gains strength, it will prevent me from retaining the teachings in my mind.’ In this way, examining the food-consumption wind, he develops a correct understanding of the body.


5. 181 “The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will also wonder about the function of other winds in his body when either disturbed or in balance. With insight derived from hearing or by seeing with the divine eye, he will notice that the upward-moving wind is present in his body. 610 Wondering what function this wind may have, he will apply insight derived from hearing or see with the divine eye. He will then notice, ‘If the tooth-extractor wind is disturbed my teeth will become crooked, degenerate, and fall out. My gums, mouth, and lips will become swollen and my palate will turn blue.’ In this way, examining the tooth- extractor wind, he develops a correct understanding of the body.


5. 182 “The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will also wonder about the presence of other winds in his body. With insight derived from hearing or by seeing with the divine eye, he will notice that the uvula-burner wind is present in his body. [F.159.a] Wondering what function this wind may have when either disturbed or in balance, he will then notice, ‘If the uvula-burner wind is disturbed, my throat will hurt, burn, swell, and make a wheezing noise.’ In this way, examining the uvula-burner wind, he develops a correct understanding of the body.


5. 183 “The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will also wonder about the function of other winds in his body when either disturbed or in balance. With insight derived from hearing or by seeing with the divine eye, he will notice that the downward-moving wind is present in his body. Wondering what function this wind may have when either disturbed or in balance, he will then notice, ‘If the downward-moving wind is disturbed, most of the food I consume will be decomposed and only very little food will remain pure. When the food remains pure, my skin, blood, flesh, fat, bones, vital fluids, and marrow will flourish. But in cases of contamination, wind, bile, and phlegm will become unbalanced. When the upward and downward-moving winds 611 are disturbed, most of my food and wind will be ruined. Only very little will become nutritious.’ In this way, examining the upward-and downward-moving winds, he develops a correct understanding of the body.


5. 184“The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will also wonder about the function of other winds in his body when either disturbed or in balance. [F.159.b] With insight derived from hearing or by seeing with the divine eye, he will notice that the upward- moving wind is present in his body. Wondering what function this wind may have when either disturbed or in balance, he will apply insight derived from hearing or see with the divine eye. He will then notice, ‘The upward- moving wind is based at the crown of my head where it may penetrate my skull and pass upward, just like smoke. When I suffer from fever, this wind may break open the crown of my head and pass through there. This can be observed at the top of my head where the wind may move uninterruptedly day and night. All common people can see when that occurs. If this wind is highly disturbed, it will break through the skull and, if it passes through the opening without interruption for three days, one is certain to die.’ In this way, examining the upward-moving wind, he develops a correct understanding of the body.


5. 185 “The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will also wonder about the function of other winds in his body when either disturbed or in balance. With insight derived from hearing or by seeing with the divine eye, he will notice, ‘If the lung-mover wind is disturbed, my breath will be agitated and all my veins and tendons will shake, becoming disarrayed and adhering to one another. Some will be shortened, and others drawn out. My nostrils will also become blocked and my breathing will become labored. 612 I will experience pain as if on the verge of death.’ In this way, examining the ribcage-mover wind, he develops a correct understanding of the body. [F.160.a]


5. 186 “The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will also wonder about the function of other winds in his body when either disturbed or in balance. With insight derived from hearing or by seeing with the divine eye, he will notice that the wind in the abdomen is present in his body. Wondering what function this wind may have when either disturbed or in balance, he will apply insight derived from hearing or see with the divine eye. He will then notice, ‘If the wind in the abdomen is disturbed this will cause the contraction of many tendons in my arms, legs, back, groin, and elsewhere throughout my body. They will all become intertwined. I will lose consciousness and pass out. That great aggregation of tendons is also called body.’ In this way, examining the wind in the abdomen, he develops a correct understanding of the body.


5. 187 “The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will also wonder about the presence of other winds in his body. He will notice that the hair-destroyer wind is present in his body. Wondering what function this wind may have when either disturbed or in balance, he will apply insight derived from hearing or see with the divine eye. He will then notice, ‘If the hair-destroyer wind is disturbed within my body, all the hair on my major and minor body parts will be ruined. [F.160.b] They will turn yellow and gray and my limbs will also take on an unpleasant coloration. I will notice that my body hair has deteriorated, but those that have fallen out may still grow back.’ In this way, examining the hair-destroyer wind, he develops a correct understanding of the body.


5. 188 “The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will also wonder about the function of other winds in his body when either disturbed or in balance. With insight derived from hearing or by seeing with the divine eye, he will notice the wind of supportive movement. Wondering what function this wind may have when either disturbed or in balance, he will apply insight derived from hearing or see with the divine eye. He will then notice, ‘The wind of supportive movement is a wind that provides timely strength to the body. It supports ordinary coming and going, bending and stretching. Yet if the movements of this wind in the entire body are stirred up, they will also disturb the movements of the mind and this may cause insanity due to wind. I will become unable to rest in equipoise.’ In this way, examining the supportive wind, he develops a correct understanding of the body.


5. 189 “The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will also wonder about the function of other winds in his body when either disturbed or in balance. With insight derived from hearing or by seeing with the divine eye, he will notice, ‘The sleep-distractor wind is present in my body. [F.161.a] If it stirs, I will fall asleep while listening to the words of the buddhas, yet I will be sleepless when listening to afflictive and unvirtuous matters. My mind will become distracted and at night I will also have improper contemplations. I will speak excessively. When I look around, I will also perceive floating hairs in my vision.’ In this way, examining the sleep-distractor wind, he develops a correct understanding of the body.


5. 190 “The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will also wonder about the presence and function of other winds in his body. With insight derived from hearing or by seeing with the divine eye, he will notice that the impatience wind is present in his body. Wondering what function this wind may have when either disturbed or in balance, he will apply insight derived from hearing or see with the divine eye. He will then notice, ‘If the impatience wind is disturbed even small matters will make me angry and I will also display my anger. I will also become angry at ordinary people. The hair on my body will stand on end and frustration 613 will grow in my heart. Forms nearby will seem to me as if they were far away. I will also misperceive the disks of the sun and moon. Due to the disturbances caused by this wind the moon will look like the sun.’ In this way, examining the impatience wind, he develops a correct understanding of the body. [F.161.b]


5. 191 “The spiritual practitioner who carefully considers and attends to the internal body will also wonder about the function of other winds in his body when either disturbed or in balance. With insight derived from hearing or by seeing with the divine eye, he will notice that the wind that brings vowels and consonants to the tongue is present in his body. Wondering what function this wind may have when either disturbed or in balance, he will apply insight derived from hearing or see with the divine eye. He will then notice, ‘When this wind is disturbed, I will become unable to pronounce the consonants and vowels. Accompanied by 614 wind, expressions and syllables are formed with the tongue based on the observations of the mind and mental states. Various expressions and syllables are produced as the wind follows the activities of the mind. In this way consonants and vowels are expressed in numerous ways based on the expressions of the tongue and the wind that creates such syllables. Yet if this wind is disturbed, my tongue will become weak. It may move too fast or I may become mute.’ In this way, examining the wind that brings vowels and consonants to the tongue, he develops a correct understanding of the body.