2021年8月16日 星期一


No. 186 佛說普曜經(一名方等本起),西晉月氏三藏竺法護譯

No. 187 方廣大莊嚴經(一名神通遊戲),大唐天竺三藏地婆訶羅奉詔譯

3. Lalitavistara, Based on the ed. by P.L. Vaidya, Darbhanga: The Mithila Institute, 1958

(Buddhist Sanskrit Texts, 1)


4. 藏—英譯 https://read.84000.co/translation/toh95.html


iti hi bhikṣavo daśa dārakasahasrāṇi bodhisattvena sārdhaṃ lipiṃ śiṣyante sma / tatra bodhisattvādhisthānena teṣāṃ dārakāṇāṃ mātṛkāṃ vācayatāṃ yadā akāraṃ parikīrtayanti sma, tadā anityaḥ sarvasaṃskāraśabdo niścarati sma / ākāre parikīrtyamāne ātmaparahitaśabdo niścarati sma / ikāre indriyavaikalyaśabdaḥ / īkāre ītibahulaṃ jagaditi / ukāre upadravabahulaṃ jagaditi / ūkāre ūnasattvaṃ jagaditi / ekāre eṣaṇāsamutthānadoṣaśabdaḥ / aikāre airyāpathaḥ śreyāniti / okāre oghottaraśabdaḥ / aukāre aupapādukaśabdaḥ /























Monks, then the schoolmaster taught writing to the Bodhisattva, along with ten thousand other children. However, through the power of the Bodhisattva, as the schoolmaster was saying the alphabet to the children, he did it in the following manner:

1)When he said the letter a, out came the statement: “Every composite phenomenon is impermanent (anityaḥ sarvasaṁskāraḥ).”

2)When he said the letter ā, out came the statement: “Beneficial to self and others (ātmaparahita).”

3)When he said the letter i, out came the statement: “The vast development of the senses (indriyavaipulya).”

4)When he said the letter ī, out came the statement: “The world is riddled with plague (ītibahulaṁ jagat).”

5)When he said the letter u, out came the statement: “The world is rife with misfortune (upadravabahulaṁ jagat).”

6)When he said the letter ū, out came the statement: “The world is of little substance (ūnasattvaṁ jagat).”

7)When he said the letter e, out came the statement: “Faults come from desire (eṣaṇāsamutthānadoṣa).”

8)When he said the letter ai, out came the statement: “The noble path is virtuous (airyāpathaḥ śreyāniti).”

9)When he said the letter o, out came the statement: “The stream has been forded (oghottara).” [F.67.b]

10)When he said the letter au, out came the statement: “Spontaneously generated (aupapāduka).”


aṃkāre amoghotpattiśabdaḥ / aḥkāre astaṃgamanaśabdo niścarati sma / kakāre karmavipākāvatāraśabdaḥ / khakāre khasamasarvadharmaśabdaḥ / gakāre gambhīradharmapratītyasamutpādāvatāraśabdaḥ / ghakāre ghanapaṭalāvidyāmohāndhakāravidhamanaśabdaḥ / ṅakāre 'ṅgaviśuddhiśabdaḥ / cakāre caturāryasatyaśabdaḥ / chakāre chandarāgaprahāṇaśabdaḥ / jakāre jarāmaraṇasamatikramaṇaśabdaḥ /





















11)When he said the letter aṁ, out came the statement: “The emergence of what is efficacious (amoghotpatti).”

12)When he said the letter aḥ, out came the statement: “Reaching an end (astaṁgamana).”

13)When he said the letter ka, out came the statement: “Immersion in the full ripening of actions (karmavipākāvatāra).”

14)When he said the letter kha, out came the statement: “All phenomena are like space (khasamasarvadharma).”

15)When he said the letter ga, out came the statement: “Immersion in the profound Dharma of dependent origination (gambhīradharmapratītyasamutpādāvatāra).”

16)When he said the letter gha, out came the statement: “Eradicating the darkness of delusion and the thick veils of ignorance (ghanapaṭalāvidyāmohāndhakāravidhamana).”

17)When he said the letter ṅ, out came the statement: “The complete purification of factors (aṅgaviśuddhi).”

18)When he said the letter ca, out came the statement: “The path of the four noble truths (caturāryasatyapatha).”

19)When he said the letter cha, out came the statement: “Abandoning the passion of lust (chandarāgaprahāṇa).”

20)When he said the letter ja, out came the statement: “Transcending old age and death (jarāmaraṇasamatikramaṇa).”


jhakāre jhaṣadhvajabalanigrahaṇaśabdaḥ / ñakāre jñāpanaśabdaḥ / ṭakāre paṭopacchedanaśabdaḥ / ṭhakāre ṭhapanīyapraśnaśabdaḥ / ḍakāre ḍamaramāranigrahaṇaśabdaḥ / ḍhakāre mīḍhaviṣayā iti / ṇakāre reṇukleśā iti / takāre tathatāsaṃbhedaśabdaḥ / thakāre thāmabalavegavaiśāradyaśabdaḥ / dakāre dānadamasaṃyamasaurabhyaśabdaḥ /





















21)When he said the letter jha, out came the statement: “Vanquishing the forces of the god of love (jhaṣadhvajabalanigrahaṇa).”

22)When he said the letter ña, out came the statement: “Making known (jñāpana).”

23)When he said the letter ṭa, out came the statement: “Severing the round of rebirths (vaṭṭopacchedana).”

24)When he said the letter ṭha, out came the statement: “A question rejected out of hand (ṭhapanīyapraśna).”

25)When he said the letter ḍa, out came the statement: “Vanquishing the evil one and those who cause discord (ḍamaramāranigrahaṇa).”

26)When he said the letter ḍha, out came the statement: “The impure regions (mīḍhaviṣayāḥ).”

27)When he said the letter ṇa, out came the statement: “Afflictions are subtle (reṇukleśāḥ).”

28)When he said the letter ta, out came the statement: “Suchness is undifferentiated (tathatāsaṁbheda).”

29)When he said the letter tha, out came the statement: “Strength, power, force, and self-confidence (thāmabalavegavaiśāradya).”

30)When he said the letter da, out came the statement: “Generosity, discipline, restraint, and gentleness (dānadamasaṁyamasaurabhya).”


dhakāre dhanamāryāṇāṃ saptavidhamiti / nakāre nāmarūpaparijñāśabdaḥ / pakāre paramārthaśabdaḥ / phakāre phalaprāptisākṣātkriyāśabdaḥ / bakāre bandhanamokṣaśabdaḥ / bhakāre bhavavibhavaśabdaḥ / makāre madamānopaśamanaśabdaḥ / yakāre yathāvaddharmaprativedhaśabdaḥ / rakāre ratyaratiparamārtharatiśabdaḥ / lakāre latāchedanaśabdaḥ /





















31)When he said the letter dha, out came the statement: “The wealth of the noble ones is sevenfold (dhanamāryāṇāṁ saptavidham).”

32)When he said the letter na, out came the statement: “Full knowledge of name and form (nāmarūpaparijñā).”

33)When he said the letter pa, out came the statement: “The absolute (paramārtha).”

34)When he said the letter pha, out came the statement: “The actualization of the attainment of the fruition (phalaprāptisākṣātkriyā).”

35)When he said the letter ba, out came the statement: “Liberation from bondage (bandhanamokṣa).”[128]

36)When he said the letter bha, out came the statement: “The destruction of existence (bhavavibhava).”

37)When he said the letter ma, out came the statement: “The cessation of arrogance and pride (madamānopaśamana).”

38)When he said the letter ya, [F.68.a] out came the statement: “Understanding phenomena exactly as they are (yathāvaddharmaprativedha).”

39)When he said the letter ra, out came the statement: “Dissatisfaction with pleasure is delighting in the absolute (ratyaratiparamārtharati).”

40)When he said the letter la, out came the phrase: “Severing the vine (latāchedana).”


vakāre varayānaśabdaḥ / śakāre śamathavipaśyanāśabdaḥ / ṣakāre ṣaḍāyatananigrahaṇābhijñajñānāvāptiśabdaḥ / sakāre sarvajñajñānābhisaṃbodhanaśabdaḥ / hakāre hatakleśavirāgaśabdaḥ / kṣakāre parikīrtyamāne kṣaṇaparyantābhilāpyasarvadharmaśabdo niścarati sma //








41)When he said the letter va, out came the statement: “The best vehicle (varayāna).”

42)When he said the letter śa, out came the statement: “Calm abiding and insight (śamathavipaśyanā).”

43)When he said the letter ṣa, out came the statement: “Destroying the six sense bases and obtaining the superknowledges and wisdoms (ṣaḍāyatananigrahaṇābhijñajñānāvāpti).”

44)When he said the letter sa, out came the statement: “Attaining the perfect awakening to omniscient wisdom (sarvajñajñānābhisaṁbodhana).”

45)When he said the letter ha, out came the statement: “Destroying the afflictions and parting from desire (hatakleśavirāga).”

46)When he said the letter kṣa, out came the statement: “Reaching the end of letters, all phenomena are ineffable (kṣaraparyantābhilāpya sarvadharma).”


2021年8月14日 星期六


No. 186 佛說普曜經(一名方等本起),西晉月氏三藏竺法護譯

No. 187 方廣大莊嚴經(一名神通遊戲),大唐天竺三藏地婆訶羅奉詔譯

3. Lalitavistara, Based on the ed. by P.L. Vaidya, Darbhanga: The Mithila Institute, 1958

(Buddhist Sanskrit Texts, 1)


4. 藏—英譯 https://read.84000.co/translation/toh95.html


yeṣāṃ keṣāṃcidānanda imānevaṃrūpān sūtrāntāñchrutvopapatsyate prītiprāmodyam, prasādalābhāstaiḥ sattvaiḥ sulabdhāḥ / amoghaṃ ca teṣāṃ jīvitam, amoghaṃ ca teṣāṃ mānuṣyam, sucaritacaraṇāśca te, ādattaṃ ca taiḥ sāram, muktāśca te tribhyo 'pāyebhyaḥ, bhaviṣyanti ca te putrāstathāgatasya, pariprāptaṃ ca taiḥ sarvakāryam, amoghaśca teṣāṃ śraddhāpratilambhaḥ, suvibhakta ca tai rāṣṭrapiṇḍam, prasannāśca te 'grasattvaiḥ, saṃchinnāstairmārapāśāḥ, nistīrṇaśca taiḥ saṃsārāṭavīkāntāraḥ, samuddhṛtaśca taiḥ śokaśalyaḥ, anuprāptaṃ ca taiḥ prāmodyavastu, sugṛhītāni ca taiḥ śaraṇagamanāni, dakṣiṇīyāśca te pūjārhāḥ, durlabhaprādurbhāvāśca te loke, dakṣiṇīyāśca te dhārayitavyāḥ / tatkasya hetoḥ? tathā hi te sarvaloke imamevaṃ sarvalokavipratyanīkaṃ tathāgatadharmaṃ śraddadhanti /



Ānanda, when some beings hear sūtras like this one, they become joyful, elated, and full of faith. Those beings obtain something wonderful. Their lives become meaningful and their humanity serves a purpose. Their conduct is excellent and they take hold of what is truly essential. They are freed from the three lower realms. [F.49.a] They become heirs of the thus-gone ones and obtain all that they need. Their trust is meaningful and they will receive their fair share of the provisions of the kingdom. They will trust deeply in noble beings and cut through Māra’s snares. They will cross over the wastelands of saṃsāra and remove the thorns of misery. They will reach a place of supreme joy and genuinely take refuge. As appropriate objects for others’ generosity, they are worthy recipients of offerings. These beings appear in the world only rarely, and when here they are to be held as proper objects of generosity. Why is that? It is because they have faith in the teachings of the thus-gone ones, which go against all worldly conventions.


na te ānanda sattvā avarakeṇa kuśalamūlena samanvāgatā bhavanti / te cānanda sattvā mamaikajātipratibaddhāni mitrāṇi bhaviṣyanti / tatkasmād dhetoḥ? kaścidānanda śravaṇādeva priyo bhavati manāpaśca na tu darśanena / kaścidānanda darśanenāpi priyo bhavati manāpaśca na tu khalu punaḥ śravaṇena / kaścidānanda darśanenāpi śravaṇenāpi priyo bhavati manāpaśca / teṣāṃ keṣāṃcidānanda ahaṃ darśanena vā śravaṇena vā priyo manāpo bhaveyaṃ niṣṭhāṃ tvaṃ tatra gacchethāḥ na tāni mamaikajātipratibaddhāni mitrāṇi / dṛṣṭāste tathāgatena, mocayitavyāste tathāgatena, te samaguṇapratyaṃśāḥ, te tathāgataguṇapratyaṃśāḥ, te tathāgatena kartavyā upāsakāḥ, te tathāgataṃ śaraṇaṃ gatāḥ, upāttāste tathāgatena / mamāntikāt khalvapyānanda pūrvaṃ bodhisattvacaryāmeva tāvaccarato ye kecidbhayārditāḥ sattvā āgatya abhayaṃ pratiyācante sma, tebhyo 'haṃ sattvebhyo 'bhayaṃ dattvān, kimaṅga punaretarhyanuttarāṃ samyaksaṃbodhim abhisaṃbuddhaḥ / śraddhāyāmānanda yogaḥ karaṇīyaḥ / idaṃ tathāgato vijñāpayati / yadānanda tathāgatena yuṣmākaṃ karaṇīyaṃ kṛtam, tattathāgatena śodhito mānaśalyaḥ /



Ānanda, those beings do not possess any inferior forms of roots of virtue. [90] Ānanda, those beings are not just companions who befriend me for a few lifetimes only. And why is that? Because, Ānanda, some beings are pleased and delighted to hear me, but not to see me. Some, Ānanda, are pleased and delighted to see me, but not to hear me. Still others, Ānanda, are pleased and delighted both to see me and to hear me. Ānanda, whatever the case, when beings are pleased and delighted to see me or hear me, you can be certain that they are friends who have accompanied me for multiple lifetimes. The Thus-Gone One sees them, and the Thus-Gone One will liberate them. They have the same qualities as the Thus-Gone One. They have gone for refuge in the Thus-Gone One. The Thus-Gone One has accepted them.

Ānanda, even during earlier times when I was practicing the conduct of a bodhisattva, [F.49.b] others came to see me, desperate and bound by fear, begging me to protect them from their fears, which I did. So now that I have awakened to perfect and complete buddhahood, I will certainly do the same. Ānanda, strive in faith; the Thus-Gone One urges you thus! Ānanda, the task before you has already been completed by the Thus-Gone One. The Thus-Gone One has pulled out the thorn of pride.


śravaṇenāpyānanda mitrasya nanu yojanaśatāntaramapi gacchanti, gatvā ca sukhitā bhavanti adṛṣṭapūrvaṃ mitraṃ dṛṣṭvā / kaḥ punarvādo ye māṃ niśritya kuśalamūlānyavaropayanti / jñāsyantyānanda tathāgatā arhantaḥ samyaksaṃbuddhāḥ pūrva mitrāṇyete sattvāstathāgatānām, asmākamapyete mitrāṇi bhavantīti / tatkasmāt khalu punarānanda mitraṃ mitrasya priyaṃ ca manāpaṃ ca bhavati? tasyāpi (tadapi) priyameva bhavati, mitrasya yatpriyaṃ mitram, tadapi priyameva bhavati manāpaṃ ca / tasmāttarhyānanda ārocayāmi ca prativedayāmi ca / śraddhāmātrakamutpādayatha / anuparindiṣyāmo (Vaidya 66) vayamanāgatānāṃ tathāgatānāmarhatāṃ samyaksaṃbuddhānāmantike, te 'smākamapi mitrāṇīti viditvā yathābhiprāyaṃ paripūrayiṣyanti / tadyathāpi nāma ānanda kasyacideva puruṣasyaikaputrako bhavet suvayāḥ pradakṣiṇagrāhī / sa ca puruṣo bahumitro bhavet / sa tasmin pitari kālagate na hi vihanyeta pitṛmitrasuparigṛhītaḥ / evabheva ānanda ye kecinmama śraddhāsyanti tānahamupādadāmi / mitrāṇīva mama tāni / (te) mama śaraṇaṃ gatāḥ / bahumitraśca tathāgataḥ / tāni ca tathāgatasya mitrāṇi bhūtavādīni na mṛṣāvādīni / anuparindāmyahaṃ bhūtavādīnām / yāni tathāgatasya mitrāṇyanāgatāstathāgatā arhantaḥ samyaksaṃbuddhā / śraddhāyāmānanda yogaḥ karaṇīyaḥ / atrāhaṃ yuṣmān vijñāpayāmīti //



Ānanda, if a person is willing to travel for hundreds of miles just to receive news of a friend and is delighted to hear that news, then how about if they actually meet their friend? Whoever relies on me and generates the roots of virtue will be recognized by the future thus-gone ones, the worthy ones, the completely perfect buddhas, who will think, ‘Those beings are the old friends of the thus-gone ones. They are also our friends.’

Why is that? Ānanda, it is because friends please and delight each other. Whoever is dear to one’s friend is also dear and delightful to oneself. Therefore, Ānanda, have trust and understand it to be so. Develop trust and think, ‘I also entrust myself to the thus-gone ones, the worthy ones, the completely perfect buddhas [91] of the future. They are also my friends.’ Think like this, and your wishes will be fulfilled.

Ānanda, think of this example: Consider a man who is strong and well-regarded but has only one son,. Now, if that father has many friends, then even if he should pass away, the friends of the father will still accept the son and not reject him. Ānanda, in the same way, whoever has faith in me, I will accept as my friend. They will take refuge in me. The Thus-Gone One has many friends. [F.50.a] And because those friends of the Thus-Gone One speak genuinely and tell no lies, I entrust those friends of the Thus-Gone One to those who speak the truth—the future thus-gone ones, the worthy ones, the completely perfect buddhas. Therefore, Ānanda, strive to have faith! That is what I ask of you!”

2021年8月9日 星期一


No. 186 佛說普曜經(一名方等本起),西晉月氏三藏竺法護譯

No. 187 方廣大莊嚴經卷第一(一名神通遊戲),大唐天竺三藏地婆訶羅奉詔譯

3. Lalitavistara, Based on the ed. by P.L. Vaidya, Darbhanga: The Mithila Institute, 1958

(Buddhist Sanskrit Texts, 1)


4. 藏—英譯 https://read.84000.co/translation/toh95.html


atha bodhisattvaḥ punarapi tāṃ mahatīṃ devaparṣadamāmantryaivamāha - tena hi mārṣāḥ śṛṇuta cyutyākāraṃ devatāsaṃharṣaṇaṃ dharmālokamukhaṃ yadete bodhisattvā ebhyo devaputrebhyo bhāṣante / aṣṭottaramidaṃ mārṣā dharmālokamukhaṃ śataṃ yadavaśyaṃ bodhisattvena cyavanakālasamaye devaparṣadi saṃprakāśayitavyam / katamattadaṣṭottaraśatam? yaduta śraddhā mārṣā dharmālokamukhamabhedyāśayatāyai saṃvartate / prasādo dharmālokamukhamāvilacittaprasādanatāyai saṃvartate / prāmodyaṃ dharmālokamukhaṃ prasiddhyai saṃvartate / prīti dharmālokamukhaṃ cittaviśuddhyai saṃvartate / kāyasaṃvaro dharmālokamukhaṃ trikāyapariśuddhyai saṃvartate / vāksaṃvaro dharmālokamukhaṃ caturvāgdoṣaparivarjanatāyai saṃvartate / manaḥsaṃvaro dharmālokamukhamabhidhyāvyāpādamithyādṛṣṭiprahāṇāya saṃvartate / buddhānusmṛtidharmālokamukhaṃ buddhadarśanaviśuddhyai saṃvartate / dharmānusmṛti dharmālokamukhaṃ dharmadeśanāviśuddhyai saṃvartate / saṃghānusmṛti dharmālokamukhaṃ nyāyākramaṇatāyai saṃvartate /



The Bodhisattva then addressed the great assembly of gods with the following words: “Friends, please listen to the gateways to the light of the Dharma that delight the gods with the form of their passing, which these bodhisattvas teach the divine sons. There are 108 gateways to the light of the Dharma, and they must be taught without fail to a gathering of gods by a bodhisattva at the time of his passing. What are these one hundred and eight gateways? They are as follows:

1)Faith, my friends, is a gateway to the light of Dharma, for with it one’s mind is unshakable.

2)Inspiration is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for with it the mind is divested of impurities.

3) Supreme joy is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for with it the body becomes extremely pliable.

4) Contentment is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for with it the mind becomes pure.

5) Physical restraint is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for with it the three physical faults are purified.

6) Verbal restraint is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for with it the four verbal faults are relinquished.

7) Mental restraint is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for with it covetousness, malice, and misguided views are abandoned. [F.20.a]

8) Recollection of the Buddha is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads to the pure perception of the Buddha.

9) Recollection of the Dharma is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads to the pure teaching of the Dharma.

10) Recollection of the Saṅgha is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it stops one from transgressing the rules.


tyāgānusmṛti dharmālokamukhaṃ sarvopadhipratiniḥsargāyai saṃvartate / śīlānusmṛti dharmālokamukhaṃ praṇidhānaparipūrtyai saṃvartate / devatānusmṛti dharmālokamukhamudāracittatāyai saṃvartate / maitrī dharmālokamukhaṃ sarvopadhikapuṇyakriyāvastvabhibhāvanatāyai saṃvartate / karuṇā dharmālokamukhavihiṃsāparamatāyai saṃvartate / muditā dharmālokamukhaṃ sarvāratyapakarṣaṇatāyai saṃvartate / upekṣā dharmālokamukhaṃ kāmajugupsanatāyai saṃvartate / anityapratyavekṣā dharmālokamukhaṃ kāmarūpyārūpyarāgasamatikramāya saṃvartate / duḥkhapratyavekṣā dharmālokamukhaṃ praṇidhānasamucchedāya saṃvartate / anātmapratyavekṣā dharmālokamukhamātmānabhiniveśanatāyai saṃvartate /



11) Recollection of giving is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads one to let go of all material things.

12) Recollection of discipline is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads to the fulfillment of aspirations.

13) Recollection of the divine is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads to a vast mindset. [32]

14) Love is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it surpasses all things created by merit based on material things.

15) Compassion is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads one to take up nonviolence.

16) Joy is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it clears away all displeasure.

17) Equanimity is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads to contempt for desire.

18) Investigating impermanence is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads to the transcendence of the attachment of the desire, form, and formless realms.

19) Investigating suffering is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads to the cessation of misguided goals.

20) Investigating the absence of self is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it eliminates overt fixation on the self.


śāntapratyavekṣā dharmālokamukhamanunayāsaṃghukṣaṇatāyai saṃvartate / hrī dharmālokamukhamadhyātmopaśamāya saṃvartate / apatrāpyaṃ dharmālokamukhaṃ bahirdhāpraśamāya saṃvartate / satyaṃ dharmālokamukhaṃ devamanuṣyāvisaṃvādanatāyai saṃvartate / bhūtaṃ dharmālokamukhamātmāvisaṃvādanatāyai saṃvartate / dharmacaraṇaṃ dharmālokamukhaṃ dharmapratiśaraṇatāyai saṃvartate / triśaraṇagamanaṃ dharmālokamukhaṃ tryapāyasamatikramāya saṃvartate / kṛtajñatā dharmālokamukhaṃ kṛtakuśalamūlāvipraṇāśāya saṃvartate / kṛtaveditā dharmālokamukhaṃ parābhimanyatāyai saṃvartate / ātmajñatā dharmālokamukhamātmānutkarṣaṇatāyai saṃvartate /



21) Investigating peace is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it dampens the flames of passion.

22) Having a good conscience is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it brings complete inner peace.

23) Modesty is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it brings complete peace in others.

24) Truth is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for with it gods and humans are not deceived.

25) The authentic is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for with it one is not deceived.

26) Dharma practice is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for with it one relies upon the Dharma.

27) Going to the Three Jewels for refuge is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it enables one to transcend the three lower realms.

28) Acknowledging the kindness of others is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it ensures that the basic virtues one has engaged in do not go to waste.

29) Gratitude is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, [F.20.b] for it leads one to not condemn others.

30) Knowing oneself is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads one to not praise oneself.


sattvajñatā dharmālokamukhaṃ parāpatsamānatāyai saṃvartate / dharmajñatā dharmālokamukhaṃ dharmānudharmapratipattyai saṃvartate / kālajñatā dharmālokamukhamamoghadarśanatāyai saṃvartate / nihatamānatā dharmālokamukhaṃ jñānatāparipūrtyai saṃvartate / apratihatacittatā dharmālokamukhamātmaparānurakṣaṇatāyai saṃvartate / anupanāho dharmālokamukhamakaukṛtyāya saṃvartate / adhimukti dharmālokamukhamavicikitsāparamatāyai saṃvartate / aśubhapratyavekṣā dharmālokamukhaṃ kāmavitarkaprahāṇāya saṃvartate / avyāpādo dharmālokamukhaṃ vyāpādavitarkaprahāṇāya saṃvartate / (Vaidya 24) amoho dharmālokamukhaṃ sarvājñānavidhamanatāyai saṃvartate /



31) Knowing sentient beings is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads one to not belittle others.

32) Knowing the Dharma is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads one to apply the Dharma assiduously and in the correct manner.

33) Knowing the right time is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it ensures that seeing will be meaningful.

34) Conquering pride is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads to the perfection of wisdom.

35) A mind free from vindictiveness is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it al-26 lows one to protect both oneself and others.

36) Not holding grudges is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it allows one to be free from regret.

37) Sincere interest is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it enables one to make great effort and be free from doubt.

38) Investigating repulsiveness is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it enables one to dispense with thoughts about what one desires.

39) Absence of malice is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it enables one to dispense with vengeful thoughts. [33]

40) Absence of stupidity is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it clears away ignorance.


dharmārthikatā dharmālokamukhamarthapratiśaraṇatāyai saṃvartate / dharmakāmatā dharmālokamukhaṃ lokapratilambhāya saṃvartate / śrutaparyeṣṭi dharmālokamukhaṃ yoniśodharmapratyavekṣaṇatāyai saṃvartate / samyakprayogo dharmālokamukhaṃ samyakpratipattyai saṃvartate / nāmarūpaparijñā dharmālokamukhaṃ sarvasaṅgasamatikramāya saṃvartate / hetudṛṣṭisamuddhāto dharmālokamukhaṃ vidyādhimuktipratilambhāya saṃvartate / anunayapratighaprahāṇaṃ dharmālokamukhamanunnāmāvanāmanatāyai saṃvartate / skandhakauśalyaṃ dharmālokamukhaṃ duḥkhaparijñānatāyai saṃvartate / dhātusamatā dharmālokamukhaṃ samudayaprahāṇāya saṃvartate / āyatanāpakarṣaṇaṃ dharmālokamukhaṃ mārgabhāvanatāyai saṃvartate /



41) Pursuit of the Dharma is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it enables one to rely upon the meaning.

42) Desiring the Dharma is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads one to connect to the light of the Dharma.

43) Seeking to listen is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it enables one to investigate the Dharma precisely and in the correct manner.

44) Correct application is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads to the right conduct.

45) Knowledge of names and forms is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it enables one to transcend all attachment.

46) Conquering views about causes is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads to the attainment of awareness and complete liberation.

47) The elimination of attachment and aversion is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it eliminates judgmental thoughts.

48) Expertise concerning the aggregates is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads to thorough understanding of suffering.

49) Equality of the elements is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads to the relinquishment of the source of suffering.

50) Withdrawal of the senses is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads one to meditate on the path. [F.21.a]


anutpādakṣānti dharmālokamukhaṃ nirodhasākṣātkriyāyai saṃvartate / kāyagatānusmṛti dharmālokamukhaṃ kāyavivekatāyai saṃvartate / vedanāgatānusmṛti dharmālokamukhaṃ sarvaveditapratipraśrabdhyai saṃvartate / cittagatānusmṛti dharmālokamukhaṃ māyopamacittapratyavekṣaṇatāyai saṃvartate / dharmagatānusmṛti dharmālokamukhaṃ vitimirajñānatāyai saṃvartate / catvāri samyakprahāṇāni dharmālokamukhaṃ sarvākuśaladharmaprahāṇāya sarvakuśaladharmaparipūrtyai saṃvartate / catvāra ṛddhipādā dharmālokamukhaṃ kāyacittalaghutvāya saṃvartate / śraddhendriyaṃ dharmālokamukhamaparapraṇeyatāyai saṃvartate / vīryendriyaṃ dharmālokamukhaṃ suvicintitajñānatāyai saṃvartate / smṛtīndriyaṃ dharmālokamukhaṃ sukṛtakarmatāyai saṃvartate / samādhīndriyaṃ dharmālokamukhaṃ cittavimuktyai saṃvartate /



51) Acceptance of nonarising is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads to the actualization of cessation.

52) Mindfulness of the body is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads to physical isolation.

53) Mindfulness of the sensations is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads to the cessation of all sensations.

54) Mindfulness of the mind is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads to a precise understanding of the mind’s illusory nature.

55) Mindfulness of the phenomena is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads to unimpaired wisdom.

56) The four thorough relinquishments are gateways to the light of the Dharma, for they enable one to relinquish all nonvirtuous qualities and to perfect all virtuous qualities.

57) The four bases of miraculous power are gateways to the light of the Dharma, for27 they lead to lightness of body and mind.

58) The faculty of faith is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads one to not depend on the guidance of others.

59) The faculty of diligence is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it endows one with the wisdom of realization. [34]

60) The faculty of mindfulness is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads one to engage in wholesome deeds.

61) The faculty of absorption is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads to the liberation of mind.


prajñendriyaṃ dharmālokamukhaṃ pratyavekṣaṇajñānatāyai saṃvartate / śraddhābalaṃ dharmālokamukhaṃ mārabalasamatikramāya saṃvartate / vīryabalaṃ dharmālokamukhamavaivartikatāyai saṃvartate / smṛtibalaṃ dharmālokamukhamasaṃhāryatāyai saṃvartate / samādhibalaṃ dharmālokamukhaṃ sarvavitarkaprahāṇāya saṃvartate / prajñābalaṃ dharmālokamukhamanavamūḍhyatāyai saṃvartate / smṛtisaṃbodhyaṅgaṃ dharmālokamukhaṃ yathāvaddharmaprajānatāyai saṃvartate / dharmapravicayasaṃbodhyaṅgaṃ dharmālokamukhaṃ sarvadharmaparipūrtyai saṃvartate / vīryasaṃbodhyaṅgaṃ dharmālokamukhaṃ suvicitrabuddhitāyai saṃvartate / prītisaṃbodhyaṅgaṃ dharmālokamukhaṃ samādhyāyikatāyai saṃvartate /



62) The faculty of knowledge is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads to the wisdom of direct perception.

63) The power of faith is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads to the thorough transcendence of the power of Māra.

64) The power of diligence is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for with it one will not turn back.

65) The power of mindfulness is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for with it one will not be led astray.

66) The power of absorption is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for with it one will relinquish all discursive thinking.

67) The power of knowledge is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for with it one will not be easily deceived.

68) The aspect of awakening of complete mindfulness is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it enables one to understand the Dharma as it is.

69) The aspect of awakening of the complete discernment of the Dharma is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it enables one to accomplish all Dharmas.

70) The aspect of awakening of complete diligence is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it endows one with the intelligence of perfect realization. [F.21.b]

71) The aspect of awakening of complete joy is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it enables one to accomplish absorption.


praśrabdhisaṃbodhyaṅgaṃ dharmālokamukhaṃ kṛtakaraṇīyatāyai saṃvartate / samādhisaṃbodhyaṅgaṃ dharmālokamukhaṃ samatānubodhāya saṃvartate / upekṣāsaṃbodhyaṅgaṃ dharmālokamukhaṃ sarvopapattijugupsanatāyai saṃvartate / samyagdṛṣṭi dharmālokamukhaṃ nyāyākramaṇatāyai saṃvartate / samyaksaṃkalpo dharmālokamukhaṃ sarvakalpavikalpaparikalpaprahāṇāya saṃvartate / samyagvāg dharmālokamukhaṃ sarvākṣararutaghoṣavākyapathapratiśrutkāsamatānubodhanatāyai saṃvartate / samyakkarmānto dharmālokamukhamakarmāvipākatāyai saṃvartate / samyagājīvo dharmālokamukhaṃ sarveṣaṇapratipraśrabdhyai saṃvartate / samyagvyāyāmo dharmālokamukhaṃ paratīragamanāya saṃvartate /



72) The aspect of awakening of complete agility is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it enables one to accomplish one’s endeavors.

73) The aspect of awakening of complete absorption is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it enables one to comprehend the equality of all phenomena.

74) The aspect of awakening of complete equanimity is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads to distaste for all births.

75) Right view is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it prevents one from transgressing the rules.

76) Right resolve is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads one to relinquish all thoughts, concepts, and ideas.

77) Right speech is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads one to realize that all words, sounds, language, and speech are like echoes.

78) Right action is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads to the absence of karma and the absence of ripening.

79) Right livelihood is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads one to cease all pursuits.

80) Right effort is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads one to reach the other shore.

81) Right mindfulness is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads to the absence of mindlessness and mental engagements.


samyaksmṛti dharmālokamukhamasmṛtyamanasikāratāyai saṃvartate / samyaksamādhi dharmālokamukhamakopyacetaḥsamādhipratilambhāya saṃvartate / bodhicittaṃ dharmālokamukhaṃ triratnavaṃśānupacchedāya saṃvartate / āśayo dharmālokamukhaṃ hīnayānāspṛhaṇatāyai saṃvartate / adhyāśayo dharmālokamukhamudārabuddhadharmādyālambanatāyai (Vaidya 25) saṃvartate / prayogo dharmālokamukhaṃ sarvakuśaladharmaparipūrtyai saṃvartate / dānapāramitā dharmālokamukhaṃ lakṣaṇānuvyañjanabuddhakṣatrapariśuddhyai matsarisattvaparipācanatāyai saṃvartate / śīlapāramitā dharmālokamukhaṃ sarvākṣaṇāpāyasamatikramāya duḥśīlasattvaparipācanatāyai saṃvartate / kṣāntipāramitā dharmālokamukhaṃ sarvavyāpādakhiladoṣamānamadadarpaprahāṇāya vyāpannacittasattvaparipācanatāyai saṃvartate / vīryapāramitā dharmālokamukhaṃ sarvakuśalamūladharmāraṅgottāraṇāya kuśīdasattvaparipācanatāyai saṃvartate / dhyānapāramitā dharmālokamukhaṃ sarvajñānābhijñotpādāya vikṣiptacittasattvaparipācanatāyai saṃvartate /



82) Right absorption is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads to the attainment of the absorption of an undisturbed mind.

83) The mind of awakening is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it ensures the continuity of the line of the Three Jewels.

84) Intention is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads to a lack of desire for the Lesser Vehicle.

85) Superior intention is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads to a distinct focus on the vast Buddhadharma.

86) Application is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads to the perfection of all virtuous qualities.

87) The perfection of generosity is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads to the sublime marks and signs, to the complete purity of the buddha realms, and to the thorough ripening of those sentient beings that are greedy.

88) The perfection of discipline is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, [F.22.a] for it enables one to transcend all the restricted and lower states of existence and to ripen [35] those sentient beings with lax discipline.

89) The perfection of patience is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it enables one to relinquish malice, aggression, anger, pride, arrogance, and conceit, and to ripen those sentient beings that harbor malice.

90) The perfection of diligence is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it enables one to practice all virtuous endeavors and to ripen those sentient beings that are lazy.

91) The perfection of concentration is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it enables one to give rise to all states of equipoise and superknowledge and to ripen those sentient beings that are distracted.


prajñāpāramitā dharmālokamukhamavidyāmohatamondhakāropalambhadṛṣṭiprahāṇāya duṣprajñasattvaparipācanatāyai saṃvartate / upāyakauśalaṃ dharmālokamukhaṃ yathādhimuktasattveryāpathasaṃdarśanāya sarvabuddhadharmāvidhamanatāyai saṃvartate / catvāri saṃgrahavastūni dharmālokamukhaṃ sattvasaṃgrahāya saṃbodhiprāptasya ca dharmasaṃpratyavekṣaṇatāyai saṃvartate / sattvaparipāko dharmālokamukhamātmasukhānadhyavasānāyāparikhedatāyai saṃvartate / saddharmaparigraho dharmālokamukhaṃ sarvasattvasaṃkleśaprahāṇāya saṃvartate / puṇyasaṃbhāro dharmālokamukhaṃ sarvasattvopajīvyatāyai saṃvartate / jñānasaṃbhāro dharmālokamukhaṃ daśabalapratipūrtyai saṃvartate / śamathasaṃbhāro dharmālokamukhaṃ tathāgatasamādhipratilambhāya saṃvartate / vidarśanāsaṃbhāro dharmālokamukhaṃ prajñācakṣuḥpratilambhāya saṃvartate / pratisaṃvidavatāro dharmālokamukhaṃ dharmacakṣuḥpratilambhāya saṃvartate /



92) The perfection of knowledge is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it enables one to relinquish the dark fog of ignorance and stupidity, to abandon incorrect views, and to ripen sentient beings with incorrect knowledge.

93) Skillful means are gateways to the light of the Dharma, for they enable one to teach modes of conduct that accord with the interests of sentient beings and to practice all the teachings of the Buddha.

94) The four ways of attracting students are gateways to the light of the Dharma, for they gather sentient beings and turn them into suitable recipients for the Dharma that comes from the discovery of awakening.

95) Ripening sentient beings is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it enables one to not be attached to one’s own happiness and to be free from discouragement.

96) Grasping the true Dharma is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it enables one to eliminate the afflictions of all sentient beings.

97) The accumulation of merit is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it enables one to nurture all sentient beings.

98) The accumulation of wisdom is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it perfects the ten powers.29

99) The accumulation of calm abiding is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads to the attainment of the absorption of the thus-gone ones.

100) The accumulation of insight is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads to the attainment of the eye of knowledge.

101) Accessing authentic discerning awareness is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads to the attainment of the eye of Dharma. [F.22.b]


pratiśaraṇāvatāro dharmālokamukhaṃ buddhacakṣuḥpariśuddhyai saṃvartate / dhāraṇīpratilambho dharmālokamukhaṃ sarvabuddhabhāṣitādhāraṇatāyai saṃvartate / pratibhānapratilambho dharmālokamukhaṃ sarvasattvasubhāṣitasaṃtoṣaṇāyai saṃvartate / ānulomikadharmakṣānti dharmālokamukhaṃ sarvabuddhadharmānulomanatāyai saṃvartate / anutpattikadharmakṣānti dharmālokamukhaṃ vyākaraṇapratilambhāya saṃvartate / avaivartikabhūmi dharmālokamukhaṃ sarvabuddhadharmapratipūrtyai saṃvartate / bhūmerbhūmisaṃkrāntijñānaṃ dharmālokamukhaṃ sarvajñajñānābhiṣekatāyai saṃvartate / abhiṣekabhūmi dharmālokamukhamavakramaṇajanmābhiniṣkramaṇaduṣkaracaryābodhimaṇḍopasaṃkramaṇamāra - dhvaṃsanabodhivibodhanadharmacakrapravartanamahāparinirvāṇasaṃdarśanatāyai saṃvartate / idaṃ tanmārṣā aṣṭottaraṃ dharmālokamukhaśataṃ yadavaśyaṃ bodhisattvena cyavanakālasamaye devaparṣadi saṃprakāśayitavyam //



102) Accessing the trustworthy is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads to the purity of the eye of the Buddha.

103) The attainment of dhāraṇī is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it enables one to retain everything said by the Buddha.

104) The attainment of confidence is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it enables one to satisfy all sentient beings by offering them clear explanations.

105) Acceptance of the concordant Dharma is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads to being in accord with the entirety of the Buddhadharma.

106) Acceptance of the Dharma of nonarising is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads to the attainment of prophecy.

107) The ground of nonreturning is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads to the complete perfection of the entirety of the Buddhadharma. [36]

108) The wisdom that evolves from ground to ground is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads to being empowered with the wisdom of omniscience.

109) The ground of empowerment is a gateway to the light of the Dharma, for it leads one to be conceived in the womb, to be born, to manifest in the world, to undergo austerities, to go to the seat of awakening, to tame Māra, to attain complete awakening, to turn the wheel of Dharma, and to manifest great parinirvāṇa. 


asmin khalu punarbhikṣavo dharmālokamukhaparivarte bodhisattvena nirdiśyamāne tasyāṃ devaparṣadi caturaśīterdevaputrasahasrāṇāmanuttarāyāṃ samyaksaṃbodhau cittānyutpadyante / dvātriṃśateśca devaputrasahasrāṇāṃ pūrvaparikarmakṛtānāmanutpattikeṣu dharmeṣu kṣāntipratilambho 'bhūt / ṣaṭtriṃśateśca devaputranayutānāṃ virajo vigatamalaṃ dharmeṣu dharmacakṣurviśuddham / sarvāvacca tuṣitavarabhavanaṃ jānumātraṃ divyaiḥ puṣpaiḥ saṃchāditamabhūt //

iti hi bhikṣavo bodhisattvastasyā devaparṣado bhūyasyā mātrayā saṃharṣaṇārthaṃ tasyāṃ velāyāmimāṃ gāthāmabhāṣata -(Vaidya 26)



These, friends, are known as the 108 gateways to the light of the Dharma, which a bodhisattva must teach to the assembly of gods at the time of his passing.” Monks, when the Bodhisattva taught this chapter, “The Gateways to the Light of the Dharma,” out of the assembly of gods, 84,000 divine sons gave rise to the mind of unexcelled, perfect and complete awakening. The 32,000 divine sons who had previously been trained gained acceptance that phenomena are nonarising. The 360 million divine sons gained the pure eye regarding phenomena, unblemished and untainted. The entire fine realm of the Heaven of Joy was covered in celestial flowers up to one’s knees. Monks, at that time the Bodhisattva uttered these verses in order to bring even more joy to the assembly of gods: [F.23.a]


tuṣitavarabhavananilayādyadā cyavati nāyakaḥ puruṣasiṃhaḥ /

āmantrayate devān pramādamakhilaṃ visarjayata // Lal_4.1 //

yā kāci rativiyūhā divyā mahasā vicintitā śrīmān /

sarvaśubhakarmahetoḥ phalamidaṃ śṛṇurasya karmasya // Lal_4.2 //

tasmādbhavata kṛtajñā apūrvaśubhasaṃcayaṃ kṣapitveha /

mā gacchata punarapāyānasādhvasukhavedanā yatra // Lal_4.3 //

dharmaśca yaḥ śruto 'yaṃ mamāntike gauravamupajanitvā /

tatra pratipadyathā prāpsyatha niyataṃ sukhamanantam // Lal_4.4 //

sarvamanitya kāmā adhruvaṃ na ca śāśvatā api na kalpāḥ /

māyāmarīcisadṛśā vidyutphenopamā capalāḥ // Lal_4.5 //

na ca kāmaguṇaratībhiḥ tṛptirlavaṇodakaṃ yathā pītvā /

te tṛpta yeṣa prajñā āryā lokottarā virajā // Lal_4.6 //

na taraṅgatulyakalpāḥ saṃgīti ca apsarobhi saṃvāsaḥ /

anyonyagamayuktā yathaiva sāmāyi kāmaṃ ca // Lal_4.7 //

na ca saṃskṛte sahāyā na mitra jñātījano ca parivārāḥ /

anyatra karma sukṛtādanubandhati pṛṣṭhato yāti // Lal_4.8 //

tasmātsahitasamagrā anyonyaṃ maitracitta hitacittāḥ /

dharmacaraṇaṃ carethāḥ sucaritacaraṇā na tapyante // Lal_4.9 //

buddhamanusmarethā dharmaṃ saṃghaṃ tathāpramādaṃ ca /

śrutaśīladānaniratā kṣāntyā saurabhyasaṃpannāḥ // Lal_4.10 //






















1)At the time that the Guide, the Lion of Men, passes away, And descends from the supreme realm of the Heaven of Joy, He proclaims these words to the gods: “Abandon all forms of mindlessness!

2)“The multitude of divine pleasures, All wonderful things conjured up by the mind, All of this is caused by virtuous actions. So listen now to learn about these actions.

3) “Acknowledge the kindness done to you. Do not fall back into the three lower realms After exhausting your previous stores of merit; There is only unhappiness and suffering there.

4) “Once you develop respect for me, Apply yourselves earnestly to practicing The teachings that you have heard, And you will inevitably attain boundless joy.

5) “All desirable things are impermanent and unstable; Nothing is eternal, not even the eons. [37] Everything is like a mirage or an illusion, And as fleeting as lightning or a water bubble.

6) “The pleasure brought about by the qualities Of desirable things is as unsatisfying as drinking saltwater, But those with noble pristine knowledge That transcends the world are satisfied.

7) “Goddesses, companions, and beautiful songs Are like the audience of a play. They are like a crowd of people who assemble And then go their own separate ways.

8) “In the realm of the conditioned, there are no allies, No friends, no relatives, and no retinue. And besides, the karma that results from good deeds Also binds one, and ever follows behind one’s back.

9) “Therefore be harmonious with one another; Act with a loving and benevolent mind. Engage in wholesome activities, For actions done well bring no torment.

10) “Please recall the Buddha, Dharma, and Saṅgha, And do not slip into heedlessness. Those who delight in study, discipline, and generosity Are endowed with patience and gentleness.


duḥkhamanityamanātmā nirīkṣathā yoniśo imā dharmā /

hetupratyayayuktā vartante 'svāmikā jaḍābuddhyā // Lal_4.11 //

yā kāci ṛddhi mahyaṃ paśyata pratibhāṃ ca jñānaguṇatāṃ ca /

sarvaśubhakarmahetoḥ śīlena śrutena cāpramādena // Lal_4.12 //

anuśiṣyadhvaṃ mahyaṃ śīlena śrutena cāpramādena /

dānadamasaṃyamenā sattvārtha hitārtha mitrārthaḥ // Lal_4.13 //

na ca vākyarutaraveṇā śakyāḥ saṃpādituṃ kuśaladharmān /

pratipattimārabhethā yathā ca vadathā tatha karothā // Lal_4.14 //

mā khalu parāvakāśaṃ svayaṃ yatadhvaṃ sadā prayatnena /

na ca kaści kṛtva dadate na cāpyakṛtvā bhavati siddhiḥ // Lal_4.15 //(Vaidya 27)

samanusmarathā pūrve yadduḥkhaṃ saṃsāre ciramanubhūtam /

na ca nirvṛtī virāgo samanugato mithya niyataiva // Lal_4.16 //

tasmātkṣaṇaṃ labhitvā mitraṃ pratirūpa deśavāsaṃ ca /

śreṣṭhaṃ ca dharmaśravaṇaṃ śametha rāgādikān kleśān // Lal_4.17 //

mānamadadarpavigatāḥ sadārjavāmandavāśca aśaṭhāśca /

nirvāṇagatiparāyaṇa yujyata mārgābhisamayāya // Lal_4.18 //

mohakaluṣāndhakāraṃ prajñāpradīpena vidhamathā sarvam /

sānuśayadoṣajālaṃ vidārayata jñānavajreṇa // Lal_4.19 //

kimapi subahu vadeyaṃ dharmaṃ yuṣmākamarthasaṃyuktam /

na ca tatravatiṣṭhethā na tatra dharmasya aparādhaḥ // Lal_4.20 //

bodhiryathā mi prāptā (syād) dharmaṃ ca pravarṣayedamṛtagāmim /

punarapi viśuddhacittā upetha varadharmaśravaṇāya // Lal_4.21 //

iti // iti śrīlalitavistare dharmālokamukhaparivarto nāma caturtho 'dhyāyaḥ //






















11) “Investigate suffering, impermanence, and lack of self; Examine these three phenomena thoroughly. They occur in connection to causes and conditions; They are void of life and have no owner. [F.23.b]

12)“Whatever miraculous powers you see in me, And whatever eloquence, wisdom, and qualities I may have, All of this is caused by virtuous deeds Arising from study, discipline, and conscientiousness.

13) “For the welfare, benefit, and love of sentient beings, You should emulate me with your discipline, study, Conscientiousness, generosity, Restrain, and self-control.

14) “For you will not be able to accomplish the auspicious teachings By the mere sound of your voice and speech. Please adopt the right conduct And practice what you teach.

15) “Do not simply follow what other people say; Exert yourself with continuous concentration. When acting, one takes the opportunity; Without acting, one does not accomplish anything.

16) “Recall all the suffering you have experienced Circling through cyclic existence until now. [38] If you fall prey to distortions, Nirvāṇa and freedom from attachment will not be achieved.

17) “Therefore, having now obtained freedom, A spiritual guide, and a conducive environment, And having met with the superior teaching of Dharma, You should pacify attachment and the other afflictions.

18) “Freed from pride, arrogance, and conceit, Always flexible, upright, and honest, Dedicate yourself to reaching the transcendence of suffering And apply yourself to realizing the path.

19) “Disperse all the darkness and turbidity of ignorance With the lamp of knowledge. Tear the net of error, with its latencies, Using the vajra of wisdom.

20) “What need is there to say many things? It is in your interest to follow this teaching. If you do not abide by this teaching, Then it is not the fault of the teaching.

21) “When I attain awakening And shower down the teaching that leads to immortality, You, who have pure minds, should come And listen to the true Dharma.” This concludes the fourth chapter on the gateways to the light of the Dharma.