2022年1月7日 星期五


1.No. 721正法念處經,元魏婆羅門瞿曇般若流支譯

2.藏譯英The Application of Mindfulness of the Sacred Dharma, Saddharma smṛtyupasthāna https://read.84000.co/translation/toh287.html.



2. 1184 “As the monk who has knowledge of the effects of the ripening of karmic actions continues to examine the regions that surround the great hell of Ultimate Torment, he will apply knowledge derived from hearing and thus perceive a neighboring realm known as Black Belly. Inquiring into what type of karmic action may cause one to be born there, he will apply knowledge derived from hearing and thus perceive how some people without permission take gifts offered to the Buddha. They partake of such offerings in an impure manner: without any conviction in the consequences of karmicactions, they partake of the gifts themselves and may also cause others to do so. When those who in this way treat the Buddha’s possessions and donations lightly separate from their bodies, they will fall into the lower realms and be born in the hell known as Black Stomach.


2. 1185 “The beings in that realm experience the combined tortures of the Reviving Hell and the other six hells, intensified a hundredfold. In particular, tormented by hunger and thirst they will consume their own flesh. They will then be revived, and this state will go on for many billions of years. [F.272.b] In this way, they will undergo a twofold suffering that is intensified one hundred times by their own doing. While tormented by starvation and thirst, they must also endure the pain that derives from the consumption of their own bodies.


2. 1186 “When these beings who consume their own bodies somehow manage to escape, they will encounter a giant gray snake with a black stomach. This snake will gradually ingest them completely, including their nails, bones, and so on. They will then be revived, only to be swallowed once again. Thus, those who mistreated the best among all, the Buddha, will suffer for a long time.


2. 1187 “If they manage once again to escape, they will sink into a pit of teak tree embers one league wide. They will then be stuck there, burning and broiling for many billions of years. If they manage to escape this, they will run off as best they can, yearning for safety, refuge, and protection. Yet they will encounter the henchmen of the Lord of Death who will seize them with burning tongs and stuff them into a burning iron pot. There they will broil, burn, and boil like peas and lentils, swirling around from the top to the bottom. It is not easy to find an example to illustrate the gravity of their terrifying and excruciating pain.


There is no causal relationship anywhere else within the three realms that can match even a hundredth or a thousandth of a fraction of the pain that these hell beings must endure. Thus, as they are tossed around in a swirling ocean of terrible pain, undergoing hundreds of thousands of tortures, the effect of their own actions becomes directly perceptible, and until their unwholesome actions have been overcome, relinquished, and exhausted, they will continue to boil.


2. 1188 “At some point in the future those beings will escape the hell of Black Belly. [F.273.a] However, in accordance with their causal actions, after that they will be born two hundred times as starving spirits subsisting on filth. When they become free of that condition, they will take birth seven hundred times as animals that subsist on vomit. If then, with the likelihood of a sea turtle poking its head through a yoke floating on the ocean, they should be born with the general lot in life of a human, they will become cow herders who feed on garbage.


2. 1189 “As the monk who has knowledge of the effects of the ripening of karmic actions continues to examine the regions that surround the great hell of Ultimate Torment, he will apply knowledge derived from hearing and thus perceive a neighboring realm known as Battered Bodies. Inquiring into what type of karmic action may cause one to be born there, he will apply knowledge derived from hearing and thus perceive how some people partake of offerings given to the Dharma. Thus, they may complete and accumulate such acts, including their relevant preparatory stages and conclusions, and they may also encourage others to indulge in such acts. When they later separate from their bodies, they will fall into the lower realms and be born in the hell known as Battered Bodies.


2. 1190 “The beings in that realm experience the combined tortures of the Reviving Hell, and so forth, intensified a hundredfold. Thus, even bringing to mind the mere names of their tortures is not easy. In particular, two burning iron trees grow there, and the fierce winds of karmic action make their branches strike each other. Stuck between these two trees the hell beings will be forcefully beaten and battered from the right and left, 164 and so their bodies will end up like the leaves of the palmyra palm. They will then be reborn, but only to be battered again. Caught between these two terribly torturous, giant trees, these hell beings will be thrown against each other and subjected to physical torment.


2. 1191 “When at some point the trees stop shaking, [F.273.b] the hell beings, bruised and battered, will fall to the ground. When they fall, iron birds with vajra beaks will swoop down upon them from the branches of the trees. Cracking open their skulls, the birds will proceed to devour their brains. As the hell beings wail and moan miserably, the birds will also consume their eyes. Splitting open their heads, they will swallow their brains. Then they will sever the hell beings’ hearts, hop into their bodies, and guzzle their blood. Bit by bit, they will proceed to consume their intestines, spleens, entrails, groins, thighs, knees, and toes, and so the hell beings will undergo intense suffering for innumerable years.


In fact, the mere names of these tortures could not easily be fathomed in a hundred years. What is presented here is just a slight introduction to some partial aspect of their suffering, like a cup of water drawn from the sea. Yet, the monk will understand how these beings experience the torturous consequences of their completed and accumulated acts until finally those acts have been overcome, relinquished, and exhausted.


2. 1192 “When they finally escape this hell, they will, as an effect that accords with their causal deeds, be born one thousand times as starving spirits, subsisting on spit. Barely keeping alive, they will suffer from extreme hunger and thirst. If they should die and then escape the world of starving spirits,they will next take birth as fish in the salty sea. Caught within the confines of the ocean, they will fall prey to crocodiles, sea monsters, and sea turtles. Thus, suffering from constant starvation and thirst, [F.274.a] they must partake of the ocean’s salty waters for one thousand lives.


2. 1193 “Once they are free from that state, if they should be born with the general lot in life of a human, they will take birth on the border between two warring countries. All their accumulated wealth will be taken in plunder and they will be subjected to royal punishment. They will be captured and imprisoned and thus suffer from starvation and thirst, barely keeping alive, and at the mercy of others.


2. 1194 “As the monk who has knowledge of the effects of the ripening of karmic actions continues to examine the regions that surround the great hell of Ultimate Torment, he will apply knowledge derived from hearing and thus perceive a neighboring realm known as Terrifying Nightmares. Inquiring into what type of karmic action may cause one to be born there, he will apply knowledge derived from hearing and thus perceive how during bad harvests some evil individuals may raid the storehouses of the saṅgha, partaking of and consuming the food and drink that had been reserved for monks.


As a result of the reduction in food supplies, the monks may suffer physically and become unable to direct their minds toward virtuous qualities. They may thus lose their appreciation of concentration and fail to train their minds. Without confession or regret, the perpetrators may even rejoice in their negative acts and instigate others to pursue them, including their preparatory stages and conclusions. When they later separate from their bodies, they will fall into the lower realms and be born in the hell known as Terrifying Nightmares. [F.274.b]


2. 1195 “The beings in that realm suffer the combined agonies of the Reviving Hell, and so forth. In particular, the effects are here intensified a hundredfold. Still, all the infinite sufferings of excruciating, torturous, and unbearable pain that sentient beings experience here only manifest as the effects of their own actions. Even the names for the torments that these beings must suffer are hard to fathom. The following account expresses just a mere fraction of them, like a cup of water drawn from the ocean.


2. 1196 “Resembling the way humans may encounter horrors in a dream, the henchmen of the Lord of Death will appear before the beings in this hell of Terrifying Nightmares, wielding various sorts of hammers. The henchmen will seize the beings and pin them to the iron ground. Having thus pinned down their bodies within this world of iron, the henchmen will proceed to mash them with clubs and crush their skeletons as if they were honeycombs. The hell beings will then be revived, but only to once again suffer violent pulverization. In this way, until their negative acts have been overcome, relinquished, and exhausted, they will continue to suffer these tormenting consequences.


2. 1197 “Should they manage to escape this realm of torture, their karmic actions will next drive them into a forest of weapons. As they enter that forest, a rain of weapons will shower down upon them, causing extensive harm as the weapons cleave, crush, and pulverize them. With their bodies being smashed to pieces they may still try to run, yearning for protection, refuge, and safety.


Yet great weapons will pour down upon them like a cleaving and crushing rain. Their veins and muscles will be ripped asunder until not even a piece of skin the size of a feather will remain on their bodies, but only bones.


As the weapons fall, their joints and vital points will be severed and cleaved, [F.275.a] causing them to howl, scream, and wail as they desperately try to escape.


2. 1198 “Thus, those deceived by their own negative acts of body and mind will be utterly boiled by their own actions. The experiences of the ripening of their actions will not stop, and there is therefore no escape from the experience of their unwholesome actions until all of it has been lived through.


Once they escape, they will, as an effect that accords with their causal actions, be born one thousand times as starving spirits subsisting on spit. When they also become free from that state, they will be born five hundred times as insects in a bamboo grove and there suffer the injury of having their bodies flattened, as when sugarcane is ground between two stones.


Once they are free from that state, should they be born with the general lot in life of a human, they will be poor and sickly, and they will be ordered around by others. Born in a sandy desert or a canyon, they will find no water, no grass, no forests, no ponds, and no pools, but only constant harm.


2. 1199 “As the monk who has knowledge of the effects of the ripening of karmic actions continues to examine the regions that surround the great hell of Ultimate Torment, he will apply knowledge derived from hearing and thus perceive a neighboring realm known as Terrible Dangling of Battered Bodies. Inquiring into what type of karmic action may cause one to be born there, he will apply knowledge derived from hearing and thus perceive how some donors or benefactors offer medicine to be used by the sick. They do so with respect, faith, sincerity, and pure motivation and they may even deliver that medicine to the homes of the ill. However, some evildoers, who conduct themselves like oxen, who are hollow inside, and who wear saffron-colored garments, [F.275.b] may seize the medicinal supplies that belong to the sick and consume them themselves. Such people may not confess their misdeeds, nor regret or purify them. Instead they may repeat such acts and inspire others to follow suit, establishing them in the practice and making them feel good about it, letting their minds relish such deeds again and again. When they later separate from their bodies, they will fall into the lower realms and be born in the hell of Terrible Dangling of Battered Bodies.


2. 1200 “The beings in that realm experience the combined tortures of the Reviving Hell, and so forth. In particular, this hell features iron trees, one league tall, that have giant, burning branches and flaming interiors.


The stones in this hell are as hard as vajra and they burn fiercely, just like the branches of the trees. The ferocity with which the fires of the trees consume things is increased several hundredfold.


Underneath the roots of these trees the beings of this hell are born. They are afflicted and attacked by the four hundred and four diseases, which they must endure, alone and unaccompanied. Their heads point downward and their feet upward, and the power of the fire in the trees is so strong that any other fire would seem like cool water in comparison.


Thus, the beings of this realm suffer at the roots of these trees without ever receiving the tiniest bit of relief. Afflicted by diseases, burned by the hundredfold fires, and caught under the trees, they will endure torture for innumerable years. While suffering so, they will also be found by the weapon-wielding henchmen of the Lord of Death. The henchmen will use their weapons to slice through all the hell beings’ vital points and skin them alive.


Thus, for innumerable years these beings must undergo the five tortures of disease, fire, weaponry, hunger, and thirst. [F.276.a] Subjected to millions of hair-raising horrors, 165 they will continue to experience excruciating, distressing, and intense pain until finally their negative acts have been overcome, relinquished, and exhausted.


2. 1201 “Once they escape this hell they will, as an effect that accords with their causal actions, be born as starving spirits, subsisting only on embers and smoke. Tormented by hunger and thirst, their bodies will look like scorched pine trees. Once they escape the world of starving spirits, they will be born five hundred times as animals that are burned and boiled in a rain of embers and sand.


When they become free from the animal realm, should they be born with the general lot in life of a human, they will live in crowded places where they resort to eating stones. 166 Living an extremely painful life, they will never know a full stomach. They may hear about good food, but they will never so much as touch it with the tips of their tongues. They will be enslaved by others and live in poverty, sickly and despised.


2. 1202 “As the monk who has knowledge of the effects of the ripening of karmic actions continues to examine the regions that surround the great hell of Ultimate Torment, he will apply knowledge derived from hearing and thus perceive a neighboring realm known as Falling Like Rain on High Mountains. Inquiring into what type of karmic action may cause one to be born there, he will apply knowledge derived from hearing and thus perceive how some people take the food of solitary buddhas. When they later separate from their bodies, they will fall into the lower realms and be born in the hell known as Falling Like Rain on High Mountains.


2. 1203 “The beings in that realm experience the combined tortures of the Reviving Hell, and so forth, intensified a hundredfold. In particular, they are trapped within clay pots, or valleys, where they suffer under a downpour of weapons such as hammers and spears that cascade downward like mountain torrents. [F.276.b] On top of that, mountains that are one league high will fall upon them and pulverize them so that they come to resemble a handful of sand that is thrown to the wind. When thus reduced to dust, they will be revived, only to be pulverized once again. Also, surrounded by eleven fires, their bodies will be consumed by flames that in the end leave no remainder. Their eyes will be plucked out, chopped up, cut to pieces, and scattered around.


Henchmen of the Lord of Death will cut off their tongues, which then will grow back. Their noses will be cut off and the holes filled with boiling lead. Their ears will be filled with boiling copper. Iron cauldrons filled with noxious boiling acid will be fetched and the acid will be sprayed on them while their bodies are chopped up with meat cleavers.


They will also constantly be afflicted by the four hundred and four diseases. All these painful miseries will swell into a single raging fire of torment. In this manner, these beings will experience viciously excruciating pain until finally their completed and accumulated misdeeds have been overcome, relinquished, and exhausted. Thus they will suffer for innumerable years.


2. 1204 “When they finally are free from this hell, they will, as an effect that accords with their causal deeds, be born five hundred times as starving spirits that are attacked by biting ants and that subsist only on spit. When they become free from that condition, for seven hundred lives they will take birth as forest deer with an inauspicious call.


In the event that they are freed from that condition and are born with the general lot in life of a human, they will live as porters who are employed by others. [F.277.a] Their bodies will be broken under numerous types of oppression and they will know no happiness during the night or day. Their hands and feet will be rough, and their faces will always have a savage look. Their complexions and bodily odor will be foul, and they will always roam around without clothes.


If they are born as humans in accordance with such karmic actions, their bodies will resemble those of starving spirits for more than five hundred lives. Throughout the night and day, they will find no comfort in body or mind.


2. 1205 “As the monk who has knowledge of the effects of the ripening of karmic actions continues to examine the regions that surround the great hell of Ultimate Torment, he will apply knowledge derived from hearing and thus perceive a neighboring realm known as Sound of the Jambu Bird. Inquiring into what type of karmic action may cause one to be born there, he will apply knowledge derived from hearing and thus perceive how, at isolated places with little water, cruel people out of anger cut off the water supplies that other beings need, depend upon, and receive their vital sustenance from. Thus, they may render that entire location unsuitable for living beings, such that all the animals there, from deer to birds, will die. Moreover, the mendicants and brahmins in the villages and towns will suffer harm and become tormented by thirst. When those people, who thus render a location unfit for life by redirecting the water, later separate from their bodies, they will fall into the lower realms and be born in the hell known as Sound of the Jambu Bird.


2. 1206 “The beings in that realm experience the combined tortures of the Reviving Hell, and so forth. In particular, they will hallucinate an exquisite place filled with streams, trees, groves, and pools that actually turns out to be a wilderness stretching for seven hundred leagues, featuring torturous, burning iron trees and boulders. Because they are exposed to the ferocious fire [F.277.b] of an incomparably excruciating hunger and thirst, these hell beings cry and wail, and when they perceive the pools, they race toward them, longing for something to drink.


Yet the pools turn out to be pits of boiling acid. At that point, one hundred henchmen of the Lord of Death, wielding hammers, will appear and capture the hell beings. They will proceed to subject them to their weapons, destroying 167 their bodies and breaking them apart. Thus, those beings will undergo a twofold misery, suffering under the weapons as well as from starvation and thirst. In this way, they will for a long time continue to suffer due to weapons and deprivation.


2. 1207 “Should they escape, they will, in the grip of thirst and starvation, take off as best they can. When they at some point perceive clear and cool water, they will hasten toward it, yet at the water lurk screaming jambu birds, the size of elephants. The birds will snatch them up with their sharp beaks and hurl them into the sky. Shocked, they will lose consciousness. When they fall back down, they will plummet like stones upon the burning, hard surface that is unbearable to touch. Their bodies will break into one hundred pieces, but will reassemble again so that the hell beings are restored. At that point, the birds catch them again and so they will suffer in the same way as before. They will also contract all manner of diseases, and in this way continue to suffer for many billions of years.


2. 1208 “Should they escape from this, they will next be caught by the henchmen of the Lord of Death, who will proceed to cast them into a river of boiling copper. At that point, their bodies will burst like bubbles, yet they will revive and thus continue to experience the consequences of their actions for innumerable years.


2. 1209 “If those who previously rendered land unfit for living should manage to escape from that river, they will rush away as best they can, starving and thirsting as they continue to experience the consequences of their actions. On their path will now appear pointed and extremely sharp spikes. [F.278.a] The spikes will break through the soles of their feet and penetrate all the way up to their knees. As their legs are pierced their bodies are tormented and they will suffer miserably. Pitifully howling, wailing, and crying, they will fall and sink into their own blood.


2. 1210 “When they once again extricate themselves from this torment of all their limbs, they will stagger onward in terror. This time burning dogs will appear and latch onto them. The dogs will devour all their major and minor body parts, wolfing down everything from their skin, blood, flesh, and fat, even down to their bone marrow. Thus, until those who destroyed the environment have relinquished and exhausted their completed and accumulated misdeeds, they will continue to suffer.


Later, they will, as an effect that accords with their causal actions, be born five hundred times as serpents that are killed by hail, other snakes, or storms. If, when free of such existences, they should be born with the general lot in life of a human, they will take birth in a family of denizens of a charnel ground and be despised by everyone.


2. 1211 “As the monk who has knowledge of the effects of the ripening of karmic actions continues to examine the regions that surround the great hell of Ultimate Torment, he will apply knowledge derived from hearing and thus perceive a neighboring realm known as Garland of Stars. Inquiring into what type of karmic action may cause one to be born there, he will apply knowledge derived from hearing and thus perceive how monks, who emerge from their practice of bringing all afflictions to exhaustion and ceasing desire, may become extremely hungry. At that time others may steal their food, and even appreciate, delight in, and relish this act. Thinking that such a misdeed is an excellent thing to do, they may even encourage others to do the same. Those who thus complete and accumulate such awful acts, [F.278.b] including their preparatory and concluding stages, will, when they later separate from their bodies, fall into the lower realms and be born in the hell known as Garland of Stars.


2. 1212 “The beings in that realm experience the combined tortures of the Reviving Hell, and so forth, intensified a hundredfold. In particular, this hell has two sectors that are surrounded by cauldrons. One sector contains burning cauldrons that are aligned like bright stars. Within the cauldrons the hell beings will boil and broil, swirling like fish for trillions of quadrillions of quintillions of sextillions of septillions of octillions of years. 168 Thus, every single day they will wail and cry as they suffer an unbearable intensification of excruciating torments. As their despicable misdeeds come from their own minds, they will continue to boil for a long time.


2. 1213 “If they manage to escape from that region, a razor-sharp wind known as riding on the mind and shoulders will descend upon them and rip through all their vital points. In this way they will be pushed into the second sector. Once driven there, their entire body will be minced and pulverized, leaving just sinew behind. Those remainders will then be picked up by henchmen of the Lord of Death. At this point, the wind will blow them into the cauldrons that are lined up like a garland of stars. As they fall into the cauldrons again and again, they will plunge with their feet pointing upward and heads pointing downward; they will fall head-first into the boiling copper.


First their eyes will sink into the liquid metal, and then their faces and necks. [F.279.a] The burning metal will fill their throats, and, as they are thus burned alive, they can neither scream nor escape. While they in this way suffer miserably, the henchmen of the Lord of Death will keep whacking the head of anyone who happens to resurface. Thus, with their brains damaged and their bodies racked with pain, their heads, bodies, and interior organs will keep swirling about like fish for long periods of time. In this way they will remain boiling within the second sector of the hell of Garland of Stars until their completed and accumulated acts have finally been overcome, relinquished, and exhausted.


2. 1214 “Once their completed and accumulated acts have been exhausted, they will escape. However, in accordance with their causal actions, they will next be born one thousand times as starving spirits, hankering for food —for seven hundred lives they will, under great duress, obtain food only once every hundred years. Thereafter ensue five hundred lives as mountain deer that live in confusion and dread, terrified of people even though their mountains are unpopulated. In this way, they will live in constant delusion, emaciated and with an unsightly appearance. Finally, due to the remainder of their karmic actions, huntsmen will appear in their habitat and slay them.


2. 1215 “If at that point their particular karmic experience determines that they are born with the general lot in life of a human, they will always become guides who escort merchants on their journeys. They will suffer constant hunger, thirst, exhaustion, and anxiety. Depending on others in numerous ways, they will barely manage to eke out a living. Living as pale reflections of humans, they will be haunted by perpetual misery.


2. 1216 “As the monk who has knowledge of the effects of the ripening of karmic actions continues to examine the regions that surround the great hell of Ultimate Torment, he will apply knowledge derived from hearing and thus perceive a neighboring realm known as Tormented by All Suffering. [F.279.b] Inquiring into what type of karmic action may cause one to be born there, he will apply knowledge derived from hearing and thus perceive how some people develop aggression and wrong view with respect to books that contain the statements of the Omniscient One. Thus, they may perversely develop the spiteful intention of thinking, ‘I will destroy all the bases of Dharma, so that those who listen to the Buddha will cease to have faith.’


Thus, due to their wrong view they will dispose of the Dharma scriptures and may even encourage others to complete, accumulate, and rejoice in such acts. Those who maliciously dispose of the scriptures containing the Dharma, initiating such acts and then completing them and rejoicing in them, will subsequently, as they separate from their bodies, fall into the lower realms and be born in the hell known as Tormented by All Suffering.


2. 1217 “The beings in that realm will experience the combined tortures of the Reviving Hell and the other six hells. In particular, their eyes will be sprayed with molten copper. Similarly, burning sand that is hard like vajra will be sprayed into their eyes and then rubbed in while their bodies are pinned down, causing excruciating pain. As the burning sand is rubbed into their eyes, they will melt and grow back again, only to receive more of the burning sand.


Similarly, their hands will be sawed off and grow out again. They will then be tossed into a burning cauldron and, while half of their body boils, the other half will be cleaved and cut up with weapons. Such is the ripening of having seen the sacred the sacred Dharma with one’s own eyes and then discarded it. Those who discarded the Dharma with their hands will, as their acts ripen, have their hands cut off. [F.280.a]


2. 1218 “While those who accumulated such misdeeds are kept in the boiling cauldrons, birds will swoop down on them and dig into the upper half of their bodies with their sharp and burning beaks, gobbling their flesh and guzzling their bodily juices. Next, the remainder of the flesh on the lower half of their bodies that floats within the cauldrons will be cleaved to pieces by the henchmen using axes. The henchmen will hack off the outer layer of skin and spray the underlying flesh with acid. They will then proceed to pierce the body with sharp, burning needles. Then a wheel will be set spinning on their heads and, when they are released, they will be forced to drink the continuous stream of substances that flows from their heads. These are the torturous experiences of those who committed and accumulated such vicious acts and, until their negative acts have been overcome, relinquished, and exhausted, they will continue to suffer in this manner.


2. 1219 “When at some point they become free from this hell, they will, as an effect that accords with their causal actions, be born five hundred times as starving spirits that subsist only on smoke. Thus, with their minds obscured by the experience of the lower realms, their bodies will experience torments. If they escape that condition, they will next be born seven hundred times as owls that only stir at night and keep a downward gaze.


If, when they become free from the animal realm, their karmic experience should make them take birth with the general lot in life of a human, they will spend seven hundred lives in the snowy mountains, subsisting on animal skins, 169 thus living in poverty among barbarians.


2. 1220 “As the monk who has knowledge of the effects of the ripening of karmic actions continues to examine the regions that surround the great hell of Ultimate Torment, he will apply knowledge derived from hearing and thus perceive a neighboring realm known as Blanket of Smell. Inquiring into what type of karmic action may cause one to be born there, he will apply knowledge derived from hearing and thus perceive how some people with wrong view purposely, willfully, happily, [F.280.b] knowingly, and compulsively seek to destroy monks by burning their possessions. Thus, they may burn the fields, sugarcane crops, vegetable gardens, parks, or other facilities meant to provide the livelihood of the saṅgha. When those who engaged in such acts, including their preparatory and concluding stages, later separate from their bodies, they will fall into the lower realms and be born in the hell known as Blanket of Smell.


2. 1221 “The beings in that realm suffer the combined tortures of the Reviving Hell and the other six hells, intensified a hundredfold. In particular, they are encircled by a flaming net with holes no larger than the eye of a needle. Henchmen of the Lord of Death will shoot sharp, flaming arrows to penetrate the lungs of the hell beings and, as these hell beings seek to escape, they will run into the net. Unable to break through the net, they will be immobilized; the sharp net will not let them through.


Instead, the sharp fabric will cut off their hands and lacerate the sides of their bodies. All their major and minor body parts will be severed until only the bones remain. While enmeshed in this net, they will be slaughtered hundreds and thousands of times by the henchmen’s sharp axes. In this way, those who are obscured by the web of karmic action will long suffer the torment of the arrows. Until their completed and accumulated unwholesome actions have been overcome, relinquished, and exhausted, these hell beings will continue to suffer a vicious and excruciating pain that is unlike anything else.


2. 1222 “When they finally escape this hell they will, as an effect that accords with their causal actions, be born seven hundred times as starving spirits that emit the awful sounds of an infant being delivered in the home. 170 When also free from that condition, [F.281.a] they will take birth five hundred times in the animal realm, living among the excrement of domestic poultry, peafowl,or oxen.


If, when free of such an existence as that, they should be born with the general lot in life of a human, they will, as an effect that accords with their causal actions, be born in the home of a family of savages. 171


2. 1223 “As the monk who has knowledge of the effects of the ripening of karmic actions continues to examine the regions that surround the great hell of Ultimate Torment, he will apply knowledge derived from hearing and thus perceive a neighboring realm known as Iron Plates. Inquiring into what type of karmic action may cause one to be born there, he will apply knowledge derived from hearing and thus perceive how an unstable, unreliable, and deceitful person may provide monks with medical remedies and food during the summer, when the monks otherwise have no food. In this manner, such a person may then invite monks and tell them to have few worries, not trouble themselves much, and have few concerns. He will make the monks believe in him to the extent that they will not look for any other benefactor for the times when food is scarce. In this way, such unwholesome persons will cause the monks to become careless.


Consequently, during a period without food some of them may die, others may become unable to develop virtuous qualities, some may suffer, and so they will leave for other places. Those who thus lie to monks will be born in the hell of Iron Plates.


2. 1224 “The beings in that realm experience the combined tortures of the Reviving Hell, and so forth. In particular, these hell beings live encircled by eleven fires and are tormented by hunger and thirst. Henchmen of the Lord of Death will keep boiling them in red copper, striking their deprived bodies with burning iron hammers [F.281.b] so that they appear like closed and open lotus flowers. Thus, the hell beings will be burned, boiled, desiccated, and slaughtered —only to be revived again.


As a special torture, in accordance with their actions, these deceivers will be encircled and surrounded by a fence of burning and blazing iron plates that measures five leagues across. With bodies ablaze they will wail miserably, lacking even as much happiness as could be contained within the eye of a needle.


The fire and the plates are constantly around them, causing terribly vicious, excruciating pain. Starving, thirsting, and suffering due to the plates and the fire, they will continue to undergo torment until finally their completed and accumulated negative acts have been overcome, relinquished, and exhausted.


2. 1225 “Once they escape this hell they will, as an effect that accords with their causal deeds, be born seven thousand times as starving spirits subsisting only on brain matter. After that, they will be born seven thousand times as starving animals or animals that feed on fire. If, when free from such existences, their karmic actions to be experienced should cause them to beborn with the general lot in life of a human, they will in that case always be imprisoned by the authorities, and for five hundred lives they will die from hunger and thirst.


2. 1226 “As the monk who has knowledge of the effects of the ripening of karmic actions continues to examine the regions that surround the great hell of Ultimate Torment, he will apply knowledge derived from hearing and thus perceive a neighboring realm known as Advancing Fire. Inquiring into what type of karmic action may cause one to be born there, he will apply knowledge derived from hearing and thus perceive how some people develop the intent to annihilate that which is noble, as well as noble persons. Thus, they may demolish the temples of the Buddha [F.282.a] or destroy texts that contain the words of the Buddha.


Likewise, with a bias toward negativity, unlearned people may listen to the teachings of the Buddha from people of learning, yet without entering the Dharma-Vinaya they will instead speak ill of it. Those who resort to, become habituated to, and increase such acts will, when separating from their bodies, fall into the lower realms and be born in the hell of Advancing Fire.


2. 1227 “The beings in that realm suffer the combined tortures of the Reviving Hell, and so forth, intensified a hundredfold, as well as thousands of other special ordeals. Once there, snakes will slither forth, forming a lattice into which the hell beings walk. 172 They will then be burned by hammer-wielding henchmen of the Lord of Death. They will also be burned by the snakes’ extremely powerful poison. Thus, burned by both poison and the fires of hell, they will wail and cry pitifully.


汝以愛毒醉,一切癡心力,於正法頑鈍,今者徒叫喚。cf. Dhs.16.125

As they cry, the henchmen will utter the following instructional verses:

2. 1228 “ ‘Fools who mistook the sacred Dharma, In your delusion you became intoxicated By the poison of craving. Why do you pointlessly lament?


2. 1229 “ ‘It seemed enjoyable when you acted in unwholesome ways, But when those come to an end, it no longer appears that way. The ‘pleasure’ of engaging in unwholesome actions Feels like fire when those actions stop.


2. 1230 “ ‘People who engage in negative acts Are despised by the whole world, Whereas those who practice virtue will always be praised. So, give up unwholesome actions.


2. 1231 “ ‘Anger is unwanted, unbeneficial, And its ripening is most painful. It is evil and the ripening of evil. Therefore, the wise should give it up.


2. 1232 “ ‘Evil always entails evil; Where no evil is done, evil is absent. Evil depends on action. It is an outflow of activity. 173 [F.282.b]


2. 1233 “ ‘Evil depends on the mind, Just as its ripening depends on the mind. Mind can be seen to arise from conditions; It emerges from causes and conditions.


2. 1234 “ ‘Sentient beings who were fooled by their minds End up here due to the power of evil. Encountering tremendously powerful tortures, They wander into excruciating hell.


2. 1235 “ ‘Those who master their minds will not make this journey, For those who master the Dharma do not travel here. Those who practice the Dharma will always be happy, And those who practice evil will not.

非法無善果,以不顛倒受,一切種種果,如因相似見。cf. Dhs.13.22-31

2. 1236 “ ‘Non-Dharma brings nothing good, And does not cause one to boil for no reason, For it is seen to accord with its causes. That is how these numerous effects have manifest.


2. 1237 “ ‘Cause and effect manifest in accord And are never mistaken. These conditioned phenomena Arise as causes and conditions.


2. 1238 “ ‘Without a cause, no effect will be observed — Thus, the realms of hell are discerned. Engaging with the causes, one engages the effects, And so there will be boiling in hell.


2. 1239 “ ‘Where ruthless actions were done and accumulated, The journey to the lower realms is certain. In consequence of one’s actions, One will boil within the realms of hell.


2. 1240 “ ‘By means of confession Karmic actions may be stopped. But if one is not interested in that, One will witness their effects as that path unfolds.


2. 1241 “ ‘Light depends on lamps, And effects depend on karmic actions. Each action will carry its own effect — Such is the way of all conditioned things.


2. 1242 “ ‘Each thing has its own cause, And carries its own result. That things arise in concordance Is seen by those who see reality.


2. 1243 “ ‘The mind stream is not without causes and effects. Neither is it based on an Almighty, or the like. The origination of all conditioned things Is relied upon by those who see reality.


2. 1244 “ ‘In cyclic existence without beginning or end, Things occur due to causes and conditions, And in accordance with specific karmic actions. Therefore, do not develop any wrong ideas!

若知愛作業,眾生業因生,彼人知業果,故名寂靜人。cf. Dhs.13.31

2. 1245 “ ‘Whatever you wish for is governed by karmic action, [F.283.a] And all living beings are born from causal karmic actions. Those who have knowledge of actions and their effects Should be acclaimed as pure beings.

自體作惡人,常為癡羂縛,已作惡業竟,云何心生悔? cf. Dhs.16.126

2. 1246 “ ‘Ruled by the shackles of ignorance, You constantly pursued unwholesome actions. Since you engaged in actions that are unwholesome, Why are you infantile people so upset?


2. 1247 “ ‘Evil remains evil, Just as Dharma remains Dharma. Those who teach otherwise Are shunned by the steadfast. 174

若迷道非道,則迷於佛法,彼不得寂靜,如日中無闇。cf. Dhs.13.32

2. 1248 “ ‘Those who are confused about the teaching of the buddhas, And about what is and what is not the path, Will have no peace, Just as in darkness there is no sunshine.

若人迷因緣,迷於法非法,法到惡地獄,極苦惱之處。cf. Dhs.16.127

2. 1249 “ ‘Those who are constantly in a quandary about Dharma and non-Dharma, And about causes and conditions, Achieve tremendous, extremely excruciating tortures Within terrifying hell.’


2. 1250 “Once they have thus received instruction, Sanctioned by well-reasoned arguments, The henchmen of the Lord of Death armed with spears and clubs, Will next subject them to their wrathful fury.

2. 1251 “Thus, those who experience the consequences of their actions will for many hundreds of thousand of years continue to be slain by the henchmen, who wield numerous weapons, until finally their completed and accumulated acts have been overcome, relinquished, and exhausted.


When at some point they escape this hell, they will be born seven hundred times as starving spirits that subsist on gutter fluids. Then, as an effect that accords with their causal actions, they will be born five hundred times as simisimi animals. 175 Once they are also free from that state, they will be born as crow-like, inferior humans, who subsist on eating spoiled food and drinking polluted fluids. [B18]


2. 1252 “As the monk who has knowledge of the effects of the ripening of karmic actions continues to examine the regions that surround the great hell of Ultimate Torment, [F.283.b] he will not find any adjacent or neighboring seventeenth realm, whether subtle or coarse, or to any side or below.


Thus, the monk who has seen the path will think as follows: ‘Amazing! I have now seen to their limit the eight hells and each of their sixteen neighboring hell realms. This is as far as the karmic action of misdeeds extends. These are the realms where infantile, ordinary beings meet with the tortures befitting their completed and accumulated acts. Once the actions they engaged in manifest, they are born in these eight great hells and, beyond, the extremely severe hell of Ultimate Torment.


I do not perceive any ninth location where living beings are burned. And, indeed, it would not be easy for me to explain, convey, or illustrate even a thousandth fraction of just one single feature of those places.


The suffering that beings must undergo in these hell realms is uniquely hard to endure and cannot be illustrated. Were I to convey the nature, extent, and reality of this torture, people would vomit blood and die. The tortures of these hell realms vastly exceed all other pains. They are so repulsive, revolting, and hideous.’


2. 1253 “As the monk sees these hell realms, he becomes disenchanted by the suffering of cyclic existence, because he sees that all conditioned phenomena are impermanent, painful, empty, and devoid of self. As he continues to examine this truth of noble beings, he will become utterly free of desire for cyclic existence. Deeply distressed and disenchanted, he will despise cyclic existence.


Seeing these excruciating and terrifying features of cyclic existence he thinks, [F.284.a] ‘Alas, these sentient beings lack divine vision. It is as if they had no eyes at all. Again and again they take birth in utterly excruciating hells —they are born into extremely torturous and horrifying modes of existence, and yet they feel no sadness. Within beginningless cyclic existence, these infantile, ordinary beings remain chained by the shackles of craving.’


[The Thirteenth Ground]

2. 1254 “Thus, the monk, who is a spiritual practitioner, who carefully observes inner phenomena, and who applies continuous effort, will enter the thirteenth ground. He does so by means of observing all the ripenings of karmic action that create these utterly terrible hells, from the Reviving Hell down to Ultimate Torment. Without any interest in the objects of the māras, he does not fall under their sway. He cuts through their shackles and eludes their sphere of influence. Thus, with constant diligence he severs all latent bonds and enters the city of the transcendence of suffering.


2. 1255 “The terrestrial yakṣas who witness his efforts will inform the celestial yakṣas, saying, ‘A noble son of such and such a family, who is of such and such a village, town, and area, has shaved off his hair and beard, donned the saffron-colored robes, and with faith gone forth from the household to become a homeless mendicant. With effort and endeavor he has actualized the genuine path that is unlike any other, and accomplished the extraordinary view that is beyond the world. With knowledge of the ripening of karmic actions he has entered the thirteenth ground and is now aware of the way beings in hell suffer, from beginning to end.’


2. 1256 “When the celestial yakṣas receive this news from the terrestrial yakṣas, they will, as before, inform the Four Great Kings, and from them the message will gradually pass to the gods in the Heaven of the Thirty-Three, the Heaven Free from Strife, the Heaven of Joy, [F.284.b] the Heaven of Delighting in Emanations, and the Heaven of Making Use of Others’ Emanations. From the former gods the following message will, in the same way as before, gradually travel to the gods in Limited Light: ‘O you gods, listen with your minds in utter composure. In Jambudvīpa a noble son of such and such a family, who is from such and such an area and land, has shaved off his hair and beard, donned the saffron-colored robes, and with faith gone forth from the household to become a homeless mendicant. With rigorous effort and endeavor, his contemplation has not waned, and so he has no interest in any of the things of the māras and has become disillusioned with the craving that accompanies desirous excitement. He has no desire for utterly tiresome and repulsive forms, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures, and thus he has entered the thirteenth ground. This monk has knowledge of the ripening of karmic action within all the eight hells, and he recognizes all the sufferings within the darkness of cyclic existence. Thus, he has become disenchanted, and correctly so. He has tied down all the brigades of the māras! He has roused all the forces of the sacred Dharma!’


2. 1257 “When they hear this message the gods in Limited Light will be overjoyed and think, ‘The brigades of the māras have been bound, and the forces of the sacred Dharma have been roused!’


2. 1258 “In this way, the gods listen to the Dharma filled with joy. Thus, it goes without saying that the minds of holy beings, who are filled with faith and see reality, are joyous when the sacred Dharma is growing and expanding in accordance with such causal karmic actions.