2024年5月21日 星期二

中觀四百論-第十五 破有為相品

 第十五 破有為相品
1. 若本無而生,先無何不起,本有而生者,後有復應生。

2. 果若能違因,先無不應理,果立因無用,先有亦不成。

3. 此時非有生,彼時亦無生,此彼時無生,何時當有生。

4. 如生於自性,生義既為無,於他性亦然,生義何成有。

5. 初中後三位,生前定不成,二二既為無,一一如何有。

6. 非離於他性,唯從自性生,非從他及俱,故生定非有。

7. 前後及同時,二俱不可說,故生與瓶等,唯假有非真。

8. 舊若在新前,前生不應理,舊若居新後,後生理不成。

9. 現非因現起,亦非因去來,未來亦不因,去來今世起。

10. 若具即無來,既滅應非往,法體相如是,幻等喻非虛。

11. 生住滅三相,同時有不成,前後亦為無,如何執為有。

12. 若生等諸相,復有別生等,應住滅如生,或生住如滅。

13. 所相異能相,何為體非常,不異四應同,或復全非有。

14. 有不生有法,有不生無法,無不生有法,無不生無法。

15. 有不成有法,有不成無法,無不成有法,無不成無法。

16. 半生半未生,非一生時體,或以未生位,應亦是生時。

17. 生時若是果,體即非生時,生時若自然,應失生時性。

18. 已生異未生,別有中間位,生時異二位,應別有中間。

19. 若謂生時捨,方得已生時,是則應有餘,得時而可見。

20. 若至已生位,理必無生時,已生有生時,云何從彼起。

21. 未至已生位,若立為生時,何不謂無瓶,未生無別故。

22. 非生時有用,能簡未生時,亦非體未圓,別於已生位。

23. 前位生時無,後位方言有,兼成已生位,故此位非無。

24. 有時名已生,無時名未起,除茲有無位,誰復謂生時。

25. 諸有執離因,無別所成果,轉生及轉滅,理皆不可成。

351. If what does not exist at the last is produced
How can the non-existent be produced?
If what exists from the outset is produced
How can that which exists be produced?
352. Since the effect destroys the cause,
That which does not exist will not be produced.
Nor will that which exists be produced
Since what is established needs no establisher.
353. There is no production at that time,
Nor is there production at another.
If not produced at that time nor another,
When will there ever be production?
354. Just as there is no production
Of that as the thing it is,
Neither is it produced
As something else.
355. The first, intermediate and last
Are not possible prior to production.
How can each begin
Without the other two?
356. The thing itself does not occur
Without other things.
Thus there is no coming into existence
Either from self or from other.
357. It cannot be said to exist
Before, after or simultaneously;
Therefore production does not occur
Simultaneously with the pot.
358. That which was previously produced
Was not old when first produced.
Also that which afterwards has been
Constantly produced is not old.
359. A present thing does not
Come into existence from itself,
Nor come into existence from the future,
And also not from the past.

360. There is no coming of the produced,
Likewise no going of that which has ceased.
Since it is thus, why should existence
Not be like a magician's illusions?
361. Production, duration and disintegration
Do not occur simultaneously.
If they are not consecutive either,
When can they ever occur?
362. If for production and all the others,
All of these occurred again,
Disintegration would seem like production
And duration like disintegration.
363. If that which is characterized is said to be
Different from its characteristics,
How can the characterized be impermanent?
Alternatively, existence of all four is unclear.
364. A thing is not produced from a thing
Nor is a thing produced from a non-thing.
A non-thing is not produced from a non-thing
Nor is a thing produced from a non-thing.
365. A thing does not become a thing,
Nor does a non-thing become a thing.
A non-thing does not become a non-thing,
Nor does a thing become a non-thing.
366. A thing in the process of production
Since half-produced, is not being produced.
Alternatively it follows that everything
Is in the process of being produced.
367. That which has the nature of presently being produced
Is not in the process of production,
Nor is that in the process of production
Which lacks the nature of presently being produced.
368. For anyone to whom the two are
Impossible without an intermediate,
There is nothing in the process of production,
For it too would have an intermediate.
369. Since the process of production is the arising
Of the produced through cessation,
That which is presently being produced
Appears to be a different entity.

370. When a thing is produced there cannot be
Anything in the process of production.
If the produced is in the process
Of production, why is it being produced?
371. A thing in the process of production is said
To be the entirely unproduced arising.
Since there is no difference, why should the pot
Not be considered as non-existent?
372. That which is presently being produced,
Though incomplete, is other than unproduced.
Yet also since other than produced,
The unproduced is being produced.
373. That which is presently being produced,
Though not yet existent, is later said to exist.
The unproduced is thus being produced --
But the non-existent does not arise.
374. The completed is called existent.
The uncompleted is called non-existent.
When there is nothing in the process of production
What is being referred to as such?
375. Since without a cause
There is no effect,
Both starting and stopping
Are not feasible.