2024年5月15日 星期三

中觀四百論-第十四 破邊執品

 第十四 破邊執品
1. 諸法若實有,應不依他成,既必依他成,定知非實有。

2. 非即色有瓶,非離色有瓶,非依瓶有色,非有瓶依色。

3. 若見二相異,謂離瓶有同,二相既有殊,應離瓶有異。

4. 若一不名瓶,瓶應不名一,瓶一曾無合,瓶應無一名。

5. 若色遍於實,色實得大名,敵論若非他,應申自宗義。

6. 有數等能相,顯所相不成,除此更無因,故諸法非有。

7. 離別相無瓶,故瓶體非一,一一非瓶故,瓶體亦非多。

8. 非無有觸體,與有觸體合,故色等諸法,不可合為瓶。

9. 色是瓶一分,故色體非瓶,有分既為無,一分如何有。

10. 一切色等性,色等相無差,唯一類是瓶,餘非有何理。
 11. 若色異味等,不異於瓶等,瓶等即味等,色何即瓶等。

12. 瓶等既無因,體應不成果,故若異色等,瓶等定為無。

13. 瓶等因若有,可為瓶等因,瓶等因既無,如何生瓶等。

14. 色等和合時,終不成香等,故和合一體,應如瓶等無。

15. 如離於色等,瓶體實為無,色體亦應然,離風等非有。

16. 暖即是火性,非暖如何燒,故薪體為無,離此火非有。

17. 餘煖雜故成,如何不成火,若餘不成煖,由火法應無。

18. 若火微無薪,應離薪有火,火微有薪者,應無火極微。

19. 審觀諸法時,無一體實有,無體既非有,多體亦應無。

20. 若法更無餘,汝謂為一體,諸法皆三性,故一體為無。

21. 有非有俱非,一非一雙泯,隨次應配屬,智者達非真。

22. 於相續假法,惡見謂真常,積集假法中,邪執言實有。

23. 諸法眾緣成,性羸無自在,虛假依他立,故我法皆無。

24. 果眾緣合成,離緣無別果,如是合與果,諸聖達皆無。

25. 識為諸有種,境是識所行,見境無我時,諸有種皆滅。

326. If a thing did not depend
On anything else at all
It would be self-established,
But such a thing exists nowhere.
327. "The form is a pot" -- they are not one.
The pot that has form is not separate.
The pot does not have form,
Nor does the form have a pot.
328. Since the two are seen to have dissimilar
Characteristics, if the pot is separate
From existence, why would existence
Not also be separate from the pot?
329. If one is not accepted as the pot
The pot also is not one.
Moreover possession is not reciprocal,
Therefore also it is not one.
330. If the form is the size of the substance,
Why is the form not large?
If the opponent were not different
Scriptural sources could be cited.
331. By virtue of its characteristic
The characterized does not exist.
Such a thing has no existence
As something different from number and so forth.
332. Because the pot is not separate
From its characteristics, it is not one.
If there is not a pot for each,
Plurality is not feasible.
333. The tangible and the intangible
Cannot be said to coalesce.
Thus it is in no way feasible
For these forms to coalesce.
334. Form is a component of the pot
And thus, for a start, is not the pot.
Since the compound does not exist,
Neither do the components.335. If the definition of form
Applies without incongruity
To all forms, for what reason
Is one a pot and not all others?
336. If you assert form is distinct from
Taste and so forth but not from the pot,
How can that which does not exist
Without these not be distinct from form?
337. The pot has no causes
And is itself not an effect.
Thus there is no pot at all
Apart from form and so forth.
338. If the pot exists by virtue of its causes
And those causes by virtue of others,
How can that which does not exist
By virtue of itself produce something disparate?
339. Though they meet and come together
Form cannot be smell.
Therefore like the pot
The composite cannot be one.
340. Just as the pot does not exist
Apart from form and so forth,
Likewise form does not exist
Apart from air and so forth.
341. That which is hot is fire but how
Can that burn which is not hot?
Thus so-called fuel does not exist
And without it fire too does not.
342. Even if it is hot only when
Overpowered, why is it not fire?
Yet if not hot, to say fire contains
Something else is not plausible.
343. If the particle has no fuel
Fire without fuel exists.
If even it has fuel, a single-natured
Particle does not exist.

344. When different things are examined
None of them have singleness.
Because there is no singleness
There is no plurality either.
345. Though they assert that where there are none
Of those things there is singleness,
Singleness does not exist
Since everything is threefold.
346. The approach of existence, non-existence,
Both existence and non-existence, and neither,
Should always be applied by those
With mastery to oneness and so forth.
347. When the continuum is misapprehended,
Things are said to be permanent.
Similarly when composites are
Misapprehended, things are said to exist.
348. Anything that has dependent arising
Is not independent.
All these are not independent,
Therefore there is no self.
349. Things do not assemble
Unless there is an effect.
Aggregation for an effect
Is not included for the Exalted.
350. The awareness that is the seed of existence
Has objects as its sphere of activity.
When selflessness is seen in objects,
The seed of existence is destroyed.