2024年5月30日 星期四

中觀四百論-第十六 教誡弟子品

 第十六 教誡弟子品
1. 由少因緣故,疑空謂不空,依前諸品中,理教應重遣。

2. 能所說若有,空理則為無,諸法假緣成,故三事非有。

3. 若唯說空過,不空義即成,不空過已明,空義應先立。

4. 諸欲壞他宗,必應成己義,何樂談他失,而無立己宗。

5. 為破一等執,假立遣為宗,他三執既除,自宗隨不立。

6. 許執為現見,空因非有能,餘宗現見因,此宗非所許。

7. 若無不空理,空理如何成,汝既不立空,不空應不立。

8. 若許有無宗,有宗方可立,無宗若非有,有宗應不成。

9. 若諸法皆空,如何火名煖,此如前具遣,火煖俗非真。

10. 若謂法實有,遮彼說為空,應四論皆真,見何過而捨。

11. 若諸法都無,生死應非有,諸佛何曾許,執法定為無。

12. 若真離有無,何緣言俗有,汝本宗亦爾,致難復何為。

13. 諸法若都無,差別應非有,執諸法皆有,差別亦應無。

14. 若謂法非有,無能破有因,破有因已明,汝宗何不立。

15. 說破因易得,是世俗虛言,汝何緣不能,遮破真空義。

16. 有名詮法有,謂法實非無,無名表法無,法實應非有。

17. 由名解法有,遂謂法非無,因名知法無,應信法非有。

18. 諸世間可說,皆是假非真,離世俗名言,乃是真非假。

19. 謗諸法為無,可墮於無見,唯蠲諸妄執,如何說墮無。

20. 有非真有故,無亦非真無,既無有真無,何有於真有。

21. 有因證法空,法空應不立,宗因無異故,因體實為無。

22. 謂空喻別有,例諸法非空,唯有喻應成,內我同烏黑。

23. 若法本性空,見空有何德,虛妄分別縛,證空見能除。

24. 法成一成無,違真亦違俗,故與有一異,二俱不可言。

25. 有非有俱非,諸宗皆寂滅,於中欲興難,畢竟不能申。


376. For various reasons, that which is empty
Appears nonetheless as if not empty.
These are refuted individually
By all the chapters.
377. When the author and subject also exist
It is incorrect to call them empty.
Also with regard to these three, whatever
Arises in dependence does not exist.
378. If through flaws concerning emptiness
[Things] were established as not empty,
Why would emptiness not be established
Through flaws concerning lack of emptiness?
379. In refuting the thesis of others
And in proving your own thesis,
If on the one hand you like to disprove,
Why do you not like to prove?
380. When thoroughly investigated,
The non-existent is not a thesis.
Then all three, such as oneness,
Are also not theses.
381. Where a pot is directly perceptible,
The argument of emptiness is meaningless.
Here reasons appearing in textual systems
Are not [acceptable]; elsewhere they are.
382. When there is nothing that is not empty,
How can emptiness be so?
When the one does not exist,
Why should the antidote exist?
383. If there were a thesis, absence of the thesis
Would in entity be a thesis,
But where there is no thesis
What can be the counter-thesis?
384. How can fire be hot,
When things do not exist?
This was refuted above: it was said
That even hot fire does not exist.

385. If through seeing things one could refute
The statement that things do not exist,
Who then sees the elimination
Of fallacies regarding all four theses.
386. When there is nowhere, even in particles,
A truly existent entity, how can it occur?
Even for Buddhas it does not exist.
Thus it is irrelevant.
387. If they are not twofold, how can
Anything have an existent entity?
If that is reasonable to you also,
Why raise further arguments?
388. Regarding the non-functional [aspect] of all things,
Differentiations are inappropriate.
That which is seen in all substantial entities
Is not differentiable.
389. If owing to non-existence you claim
No reply is made the other's thesis,
Why should you not also prove
Your own thesis which is refuted by reasons?
390. Though the world says it is easy
To find reasons with which to refute,
Why can the errors regarding
The others' thesis not be stated?
391. If just by saying “They exist”
Things really did exist,
Why should they not also be non-existent
Just by saying “They do not exist”?
392. If a thing is not non-existent
Because the term “existent” is ascribed,
Neither is it existent
Because the term “existent” is applied.
393. If everything is a convention
Because expressed by ordinary people,
How can anything which exists
As [its own] suchness be a convention?

394. If things are non-existent because
Things all do not exist,
In that case it is incorrect that all theses
Concern the non-existence of things.
395. Since a thing does not exist
A non-thing cannot exist.
Without a thing's existence,
How can a non-thing be established?
396. If things are not empty because
They are empty by virtue of reasons,
The thesis would not be distinct from the reasons,
And thus the reasons would not exist.
397. If things are not empty because
There are analogies for emptiness,
Can one say,”Just like the crow,
So too the self is black”?
398. If things exist inherently
What good is it to perceive emptiness?
Perception by way of conceptions binds.
This is refuted here.
399. To say one exists and the other does not
Is neither reality nor the conventional.
Therefore it cannot be said
That this exists and that does not.
400. Against one who holds no thesis that [things]
Exist, do not, or do and do not exist,
Counter-arguments cannot be raised
No matter how long [one tries].