2024年5月30日 星期四

中觀四百論-第十六 教誡弟子品

 第十六 教誡弟子品
1. 由少因緣故,疑空謂不空,依前諸品中,理教應重遣。

2. 能所說若有,空理則為無,諸法假緣成,故三事非有。

3. 若唯說空過,不空義即成,不空過已明,空義應先立。

4. 諸欲壞他宗,必應成己義,何樂談他失,而無立己宗。

5. 為破一等執,假立遣為宗,他三執既除,自宗隨不立。

6. 許執為現見,空因非有能,餘宗現見因,此宗非所許。

7. 若無不空理,空理如何成,汝既不立空,不空應不立。

8. 若許有無宗,有宗方可立,無宗若非有,有宗應不成。

9. 若諸法皆空,如何火名煖,此如前具遣,火煖俗非真。

10. 若謂法實有,遮彼說為空,應四論皆真,見何過而捨。

11. 若諸法都無,生死應非有,諸佛何曾許,執法定為無。

12. 若真離有無,何緣言俗有,汝本宗亦爾,致難復何為。

13. 諸法若都無,差別應非有,執諸法皆有,差別亦應無。

14. 若謂法非有,無能破有因,破有因已明,汝宗何不立。

15. 說破因易得,是世俗虛言,汝何緣不能,遮破真空義。

16. 有名詮法有,謂法實非無,無名表法無,法實應非有。

17. 由名解法有,遂謂法非無,因名知法無,應信法非有。

18. 諸世間可說,皆是假非真,離世俗名言,乃是真非假。

19. 謗諸法為無,可墮於無見,唯蠲諸妄執,如何說墮無。

20. 有非真有故,無亦非真無,既無有真無,何有於真有。

21. 有因證法空,法空應不立,宗因無異故,因體實為無。

22. 謂空喻別有,例諸法非空,唯有喻應成,內我同烏黑。

23. 若法本性空,見空有何德,虛妄分別縛,證空見能除。

24. 法成一成無,違真亦違俗,故與有一異,二俱不可言。

25. 有非有俱非,諸宗皆寂滅,於中欲興難,畢竟不能申。


376. For various reasons, that which is empty
Appears nonetheless as if not empty.
These are refuted individually
By all the chapters.
377. When the author and subject also exist
It is incorrect to call them empty.
Also with regard to these three, whatever
Arises in dependence does not exist.
378. If through flaws concerning emptiness
[Things] were established as not empty,
Why would emptiness not be established
Through flaws concerning lack of emptiness?
379. In refuting the thesis of others
And in proving your own thesis,
If on the one hand you like to disprove,
Why do you not like to prove?
380. When thoroughly investigated,
The non-existent is not a thesis.
Then all three, such as oneness,
Are also not theses.
381. Where a pot is directly perceptible,
The argument of emptiness is meaningless.
Here reasons appearing in textual systems
Are not [acceptable]; elsewhere they are.
382. When there is nothing that is not empty,
How can emptiness be so?
When the one does not exist,
Why should the antidote exist?
383. If there were a thesis, absence of the thesis
Would in entity be a thesis,
But where there is no thesis
What can be the counter-thesis?
384. How can fire be hot,
When things do not exist?
This was refuted above: it was said
That even hot fire does not exist.

385. If through seeing things one could refute
The statement that things do not exist,
Who then sees the elimination
Of fallacies regarding all four theses.
386. When there is nowhere, even in particles,
A truly existent entity, how can it occur?
Even for Buddhas it does not exist.
Thus it is irrelevant.
387. If they are not twofold, how can
Anything have an existent entity?
If that is reasonable to you also,
Why raise further arguments?
388. Regarding the non-functional [aspect] of all things,
Differentiations are inappropriate.
That which is seen in all substantial entities
Is not differentiable.
389. If owing to non-existence you claim
No reply is made the other's thesis,
Why should you not also prove
Your own thesis which is refuted by reasons?
390. Though the world says it is easy
To find reasons with which to refute,
Why can the errors regarding
The others' thesis not be stated?
391. If just by saying “They exist”
Things really did exist,
Why should they not also be non-existent
Just by saying “They do not exist”?
392. If a thing is not non-existent
Because the term “existent” is ascribed,
Neither is it existent
Because the term “existent” is applied.
393. If everything is a convention
Because expressed by ordinary people,
How can anything which exists
As [its own] suchness be a convention?

394. If things are non-existent because
Things all do not exist,
In that case it is incorrect that all theses
Concern the non-existence of things.
395. Since a thing does not exist
A non-thing cannot exist.
Without a thing's existence,
How can a non-thing be established?
396. If things are not empty because
They are empty by virtue of reasons,
The thesis would not be distinct from the reasons,
And thus the reasons would not exist.
397. If things are not empty because
There are analogies for emptiness,
Can one say,”Just like the crow,
So too the self is black”?
398. If things exist inherently
What good is it to perceive emptiness?
Perception by way of conceptions binds.
This is refuted here.
399. To say one exists and the other does not
Is neither reality nor the conventional.
Therefore it cannot be said
That this exists and that does not.
400. Against one who holds no thesis that [things]
Exist, do not, or do and do not exist,
Counter-arguments cannot be raised
No matter how long [one tries].

2024年5月21日 星期二

中觀四百論-第十五 破有為相品

 第十五 破有為相品
1. 若本無而生,先無何不起,本有而生者,後有復應生。

2. 果若能違因,先無不應理,果立因無用,先有亦不成。

3. 此時非有生,彼時亦無生,此彼時無生,何時當有生。

4. 如生於自性,生義既為無,於他性亦然,生義何成有。

5. 初中後三位,生前定不成,二二既為無,一一如何有。

6. 非離於他性,唯從自性生,非從他及俱,故生定非有。

7. 前後及同時,二俱不可說,故生與瓶等,唯假有非真。

8. 舊若在新前,前生不應理,舊若居新後,後生理不成。

9. 現非因現起,亦非因去來,未來亦不因,去來今世起。

10. 若具即無來,既滅應非往,法體相如是,幻等喻非虛。

11. 生住滅三相,同時有不成,前後亦為無,如何執為有。

12. 若生等諸相,復有別生等,應住滅如生,或生住如滅。

13. 所相異能相,何為體非常,不異四應同,或復全非有。

14. 有不生有法,有不生無法,無不生有法,無不生無法。

15. 有不成有法,有不成無法,無不成有法,無不成無法。

16. 半生半未生,非一生時體,或以未生位,應亦是生時。

17. 生時若是果,體即非生時,生時若自然,應失生時性。

18. 已生異未生,別有中間位,生時異二位,應別有中間。

19. 若謂生時捨,方得已生時,是則應有餘,得時而可見。

20. 若至已生位,理必無生時,已生有生時,云何從彼起。

21. 未至已生位,若立為生時,何不謂無瓶,未生無別故。

22. 非生時有用,能簡未生時,亦非體未圓,別於已生位。

23. 前位生時無,後位方言有,兼成已生位,故此位非無。

24. 有時名已生,無時名未起,除茲有無位,誰復謂生時。

25. 諸有執離因,無別所成果,轉生及轉滅,理皆不可成。

351. If what does not exist at the last is produced
How can the non-existent be produced?
If what exists from the outset is produced
How can that which exists be produced?
352. Since the effect destroys the cause,
That which does not exist will not be produced.
Nor will that which exists be produced
Since what is established needs no establisher.
353. There is no production at that time,
Nor is there production at another.
If not produced at that time nor another,
When will there ever be production?
354. Just as there is no production
Of that as the thing it is,
Neither is it produced
As something else.
355. The first, intermediate and last
Are not possible prior to production.
How can each begin
Without the other two?
356. The thing itself does not occur
Without other things.
Thus there is no coming into existence
Either from self or from other.
357. It cannot be said to exist
Before, after or simultaneously;
Therefore production does not occur
Simultaneously with the pot.
358. That which was previously produced
Was not old when first produced.
Also that which afterwards has been
Constantly produced is not old.
359. A present thing does not
Come into existence from itself,
Nor come into existence from the future,
And also not from the past.

360. There is no coming of the produced,
Likewise no going of that which has ceased.
Since it is thus, why should existence
Not be like a magician's illusions?
361. Production, duration and disintegration
Do not occur simultaneously.
If they are not consecutive either,
When can they ever occur?
362. If for production and all the others,
All of these occurred again,
Disintegration would seem like production
And duration like disintegration.
363. If that which is characterized is said to be
Different from its characteristics,
How can the characterized be impermanent?
Alternatively, existence of all four is unclear.
364. A thing is not produced from a thing
Nor is a thing produced from a non-thing.
A non-thing is not produced from a non-thing
Nor is a thing produced from a non-thing.
365. A thing does not become a thing,
Nor does a non-thing become a thing.
A non-thing does not become a non-thing,
Nor does a thing become a non-thing.
366. A thing in the process of production
Since half-produced, is not being produced.
Alternatively it follows that everything
Is in the process of being produced.
367. That which has the nature of presently being produced
Is not in the process of production,
Nor is that in the process of production
Which lacks the nature of presently being produced.
368. For anyone to whom the two are
Impossible without an intermediate,
There is nothing in the process of production,
For it too would have an intermediate.
369. Since the process of production is the arising
Of the produced through cessation,
That which is presently being produced
Appears to be a different entity.

370. When a thing is produced there cannot be
Anything in the process of production.
If the produced is in the process
Of production, why is it being produced?
371. A thing in the process of production is said
To be the entirely unproduced arising.
Since there is no difference, why should the pot
Not be considered as non-existent?
372. That which is presently being produced,
Though incomplete, is other than unproduced.
Yet also since other than produced,
The unproduced is being produced.
373. That which is presently being produced,
Though not yet existent, is later said to exist.
The unproduced is thus being produced --
But the non-existent does not arise.
374. The completed is called existent.
The uncompleted is called non-existent.
When there is nothing in the process of production
What is being referred to as such?
375. Since without a cause
There is no effect,
Both starting and stopping
Are not feasible.

2024年5月15日 星期三

中觀四百論-第十四 破邊執品

 第十四 破邊執品
1. 諸法若實有,應不依他成,既必依他成,定知非實有。

2. 非即色有瓶,非離色有瓶,非依瓶有色,非有瓶依色。

3. 若見二相異,謂離瓶有同,二相既有殊,應離瓶有異。

4. 若一不名瓶,瓶應不名一,瓶一曾無合,瓶應無一名。

5. 若色遍於實,色實得大名,敵論若非他,應申自宗義。

6. 有數等能相,顯所相不成,除此更無因,故諸法非有。

7. 離別相無瓶,故瓶體非一,一一非瓶故,瓶體亦非多。

8. 非無有觸體,與有觸體合,故色等諸法,不可合為瓶。

9. 色是瓶一分,故色體非瓶,有分既為無,一分如何有。

10. 一切色等性,色等相無差,唯一類是瓶,餘非有何理。
 11. 若色異味等,不異於瓶等,瓶等即味等,色何即瓶等。

12. 瓶等既無因,體應不成果,故若異色等,瓶等定為無。

13. 瓶等因若有,可為瓶等因,瓶等因既無,如何生瓶等。

14. 色等和合時,終不成香等,故和合一體,應如瓶等無。

15. 如離於色等,瓶體實為無,色體亦應然,離風等非有。

16. 暖即是火性,非暖如何燒,故薪體為無,離此火非有。

17. 餘煖雜故成,如何不成火,若餘不成煖,由火法應無。

18. 若火微無薪,應離薪有火,火微有薪者,應無火極微。

19. 審觀諸法時,無一體實有,無體既非有,多體亦應無。

20. 若法更無餘,汝謂為一體,諸法皆三性,故一體為無。

21. 有非有俱非,一非一雙泯,隨次應配屬,智者達非真。

22. 於相續假法,惡見謂真常,積集假法中,邪執言實有。

23. 諸法眾緣成,性羸無自在,虛假依他立,故我法皆無。

24. 果眾緣合成,離緣無別果,如是合與果,諸聖達皆無。

25. 識為諸有種,境是識所行,見境無我時,諸有種皆滅。

326. If a thing did not depend
On anything else at all
It would be self-established,
But such a thing exists nowhere.
327. "The form is a pot" -- they are not one.
The pot that has form is not separate.
The pot does not have form,
Nor does the form have a pot.
328. Since the two are seen to have dissimilar
Characteristics, if the pot is separate
From existence, why would existence
Not also be separate from the pot?
329. If one is not accepted as the pot
The pot also is not one.
Moreover possession is not reciprocal,
Therefore also it is not one.
330. If the form is the size of the substance,
Why is the form not large?
If the opponent were not different
Scriptural sources could be cited.
331. By virtue of its characteristic
The characterized does not exist.
Such a thing has no existence
As something different from number and so forth.
332. Because the pot is not separate
From its characteristics, it is not one.
If there is not a pot for each,
Plurality is not feasible.
333. The tangible and the intangible
Cannot be said to coalesce.
Thus it is in no way feasible
For these forms to coalesce.
334. Form is a component of the pot
And thus, for a start, is not the pot.
Since the compound does not exist,
Neither do the components.335. If the definition of form
Applies without incongruity
To all forms, for what reason
Is one a pot and not all others?
336. If you assert form is distinct from
Taste and so forth but not from the pot,
How can that which does not exist
Without these not be distinct from form?
337. The pot has no causes
And is itself not an effect.
Thus there is no pot at all
Apart from form and so forth.
338. If the pot exists by virtue of its causes
And those causes by virtue of others,
How can that which does not exist
By virtue of itself produce something disparate?
339. Though they meet and come together
Form cannot be smell.
Therefore like the pot
The composite cannot be one.
340. Just as the pot does not exist
Apart from form and so forth,
Likewise form does not exist
Apart from air and so forth.
341. That which is hot is fire but how
Can that burn which is not hot?
Thus so-called fuel does not exist
And without it fire too does not.
342. Even if it is hot only when
Overpowered, why is it not fire?
Yet if not hot, to say fire contains
Something else is not plausible.
343. If the particle has no fuel
Fire without fuel exists.
If even it has fuel, a single-natured
Particle does not exist.

344. When different things are examined
None of them have singleness.
Because there is no singleness
There is no plurality either.
345. Though they assert that where there are none
Of those things there is singleness,
Singleness does not exist
Since everything is threefold.
346. The approach of existence, non-existence,
Both existence and non-existence, and neither,
Should always be applied by those
With mastery to oneness and so forth.
347. When the continuum is misapprehended,
Things are said to be permanent.
Similarly when composites are
Misapprehended, things are said to exist.
348. Anything that has dependent arising
Is not independent.
All these are not independent,
Therefore there is no self.
349. Things do not assemble
Unless there is an effect.
Aggregation for an effect
Is not included for the Exalted.
350. The awareness that is the seed of existence
Has objects as its sphere of activity.
When selflessness is seen in objects,
The seed of existence is destroyed.

2024年5月7日 星期二


第十三 破根境品
1. 於瓶諸分中,可見唯是色,言瓶全可見,如何能悟真。

2. 諸有勝慧人,隨前所說義,於香味及觸,一切類應遮。

3. 若唯見瓶色,即言見瓶者,既不見香等,應名不見瓶。

4. 有障礙諸色,體非全可見,彼分及中間,由此分所隔。

5. 極微分有無,應審諦思察,引不成為證,義終不可成。

6. 一切有礙法,皆眾分所成,言說字亦然,故非根所取。

7. 離顯色有形,云何取形色,即顯取顯色,何故不由身。

8. 離色有色因,應非眼所見,二法體既異,如何不別觀。

9. 身覺於堅等,共立地等名,故唯於觸中,說地等差別。

10. 瓶所見生時,不見有異德,體生如所見,故實性都無。

11. 眼等皆大造,何眼見非餘,故業果難思,牟尼真實說。

12. 智緣未有故,智非在見先,居後智唐捐,同時見無用。

13. 眼若行至境,色遠見應遲,何不亦分明,照極遠近色。

14. 若見已方行,行即為無用,若不見而往,定欲見應無。

15. 若不往而觀,應見一切色,眼既無行動,無遠亦無障。

16. 諸法體相用,前後定應同,如何此眼根,不見於眼性。

17. 眼中無色識,識中無色眼,色內二俱無,何能合見色。

18. 所聞若能表,何不成非音,聲若非能詮,何故緣生解。

19. 聲若至耳聞,如何了聲本,聲無頓說理,如何全可知。

20. 乃至非所聞,應非是聲性,先無而後有,理定不相應。

21. 心若離諸根,去亦應無用,設如是命者,應常無有心。

22. 令心妄取塵,依先見如焰,妄立諸法義,是想蘊應知。

23. 眼色等為緣,如幻生諸識,若執為實有,幻喻不應成。

24. 世間諸所有,無不皆難測,根境理同然,智者何驚異。

25. 諸法如火輪,變化夢幻事;水月彗星響,陽焰及浮雲。

301. When seeing its form the whole pot
Is not in fact seen. Who that knows
Reality would claim that the pot
Is directly perceptible also?
302. By means of this very analysis
Those with superior intelligence
Should refute individually
All that is fragrant, sweet and soft.
303. If because the form is seen
Everything is seen,
Why because of what is not seen
Would the form not be unseen?
304. There is no direct perception
Of just the form alone,
Because it has a close and distant
As well as a central part.
305. This also applies when one examines
Whether particles have parts or not.
Thus to prove a thesis by that
Which must be proved is not feasible.
306. Everything too is a component
As well as being a composite;
Thus even a spoken syllable
Does not have existence here.
307. If shape is distinct from colour
How is shape apprehended?
If not distinct, why would the body
Not also apprehend colour?
308. Only the form is visible
But the form's causes are not seen.
If indeed it is thus, why are both
Not also perceived by just the eyes.
309. Earth is seen as firm and stable
And is apprehended by the body.
Only that which is tangible
Is referred to as earth.

310. Since it was produced as something visible,
It is of no use at all to the pot.
As with the production of visibility,
It lacks even the entity of existence.
311. The eye, like the ear, is an outcome of
The elements. The eye sees while the others do not.
Certainly therefore the Subduer said
The fruition of actions is inconceivable.
312. Because the conditions are incomplete
There is no awareness before looking,
While afterwards awareness is of no use;
The instrument is of no use in the third case.
313. If the eye travels, that which is
Distant would take long to see.
Why are extremely close
And very distant forms not clear?
314. If the eye travels when the form is seen
Its movement is of no benefit.
Alternatively it is false to say
What it intends to view is ascertained.
315. If the eye perceives without travelling
It would see all these phenomena.
For that which does not travel there is
Neither distance nor obscuration.
316. If the nature of all things
First appears in themselves,
Why would the eye not
Be perceived by the eye itself?
317. The eye does not have consciousness
And consciousness lacks that which looks.
If form has neither of these,
How can they see form?
318. If sound makes a noise as it travels
Why should it not be a speaker?
Yet if it travels noiselessly, how could
Awareness arise in relation to it?
319. If sound is apprehended through contact,
What apprehends the beginning of sound?
If sound does not come alone,
How can it be apprehended in isolation?

320. While sound is not heard, it is not sound.
It is impossible
For that which is not sound
Finally to turn into sound.
321. Without the sense organs what will mind
Do after it has gone?
If it were so, why would that which lives
Not always be without mind?
322. An object already seen
Is perceived by mind like a mirage.
That which posits all phenomena
Is called the aggregate of recognition.
323. In dependence upon the eye and form
Mind arises like an illusion.
It is not reasonable to call
Illusory that which has existence.
324. When there is nothing on earth
That does not amaze the wise,
Why think cognition by the senses
And suchlike are amazing.
325. The firebrand's ring and magical creations,
Dreams, illusions, and the moon in water,
Mists, echoes, mirages, clouds
And worldly existence are alike.