No. 1164 佛說大乘聖吉祥持世陀羅尼經,法天譯
(Vdh-J_37)śrī vasudhārādhāraṇī |
om namaḥ | śrī jinaśāsanāya |
saṃsāradvayadainyasya pratihantṛ dināvahe |
vasudhāre sudhādhāre namastubhyaṃ kṛpāmahe || 1 ||
1.如是我聞evaṃ mayā śrutam。一時ekasmin samaye 。世尊在憍睒彌國大棘林中bhagavān kośāmbyāṃ mahānagaryāṃ kaṇṭakasaṃjñake mahāvanavare ghositārāme。與大比丘眾四百五十人俱mahābhikṣu-saṃghena sārdhaṃ pañcamātrair bhikṣuśatais 。皆是眾所知識大阿羅漢saṃvarabahulaiś ca tapodhanair。并諸菩薩摩訶薩bodhisattvair mahāsattvaiḥ。諸佛法眾悉來集會sarva-śuddha-dharma-guṇa-samanugataiḥ。恭敬圍遶聽佛說法parivṛtaḥ puraskṛto dharmaṃ deśayati sma |。
Thus I have heard: At one time the Blessed One was dwelling near Kauśāmbī in the great forest called Kaṇṭaka, together with a great assembly of about five hundred monks and a vast assembly of bodhisattva mahāsattvas who had all the qualities of the buddhas.
2.是時會中有一長者名曰妙月。於憍睒彌大城中住tena punaḥ khalu samayena kauśāmbyāṃ mahānagaryāṃ sucandro nāma gṛhapatiḥ prativasati sma |。如是長者有大智慧方便善巧。男女眾多奴婢僕從眷屬圓滿。皆具善根發大善心。是時妙月長者。往覲世尊到佛所已upaśāntendriya upaśāntamānaso bahupoṣyo bahuputro bahuduhitṛko bahubhṛtyaparijanasampannaḥ śrāddho mahāśrāddhaḥ kalyāṇāśayaḥ [yena] bhagavāṃstenopasaṃkrāntaḥ | 。恭敬合掌頂禮佛足。而復旋遶經百千匝,退坐一面upasaṃkramya bhagavataḥ pādau śirasābhivandya bhagavantaṃ anekaśata-sahasra-pradakṣaṇī-kṛtyaikānte nyaṣīdat | 。安詳坐已。妙月長者而白佛言ekānte niṣaṇṇaś ca sucandro gṛhapatir labdhāvasaro bhagavantam etad avocat | 。世尊我於今日。欲問如來應正等覺。我今心中而有疑事。唯願世尊大慈無量為我。說法開我疑結。pṛccheyam ahaṃ bhagavantaṃ tathāgataṃ arhantaṃ samyaksaṃbuddhaṃ kiñcit pradeśaṃ sacet me bhagavānavakāśaṃ kuryāt pṛṣṭapraśnavyākaraṇāya |
At that time there lived in the great city of Kauśāmbī a householder by the name of Sucandra whose senses were composed and whose mind was at ease. He had many faithful and devoted sons and daughters as well as dependents.
Sucandra approached the Blessed One, paid his respect by touching his head to the feet of the Blessed One, and circumambulated the Blessed One many hundred thousands of times.
Finally, he sat down to one side. While seated there, Sucandra the householder said the following to the Blessed One:
“I would like to ask the Blessed One, the Tathāgata, the Arhat, the complete and perfect Buddha a question, in case the Blessed One could afford the time to answer it.”
3.爾時釋迦牟尼世尊。告妙月長者言evam ukte bhagavān sucandraṃ gṛhapatim etad avocat | 。我今恣汝所問,心所疑事pṛccha tvaṃ gṛhapate yadyadevākāṃkṣasi, 。如汝所疑不應懷蘊於自心中ahaṃ te yathāpraśnavyākaraṇāya cittamārādhayiṣye | 。
The Blessed One then replied to Sucandra the householder as follows:
“Householder, please ask whatever you wish. I shall answer your question and so put your concerns to rest.”
4.妙月長者聞佛所說evam ukte sucandro gṛhapatiḥ sādhu bhagavann iti kṛtvā |。復白佛言世尊bhagavataḥ pratiśrutya bhagavantam etad avocat 。若善男子善女人。多受貧窮。云何而得不受貧苦kathaṃ bhagavan kulaputro vā kuladuhitā vā daridro bhūtvā adaridro bhavati 。多疾病人。云何而得不受病惱。vyādhitaś ca bhūtvā avyādhito bhavati |
To these words of the Blessed One Sucandra the householder responded, “Very well, Blessed One,” and asked the Blessed One the following:
“Blessed One, how can a son or daughter of noble family who suffers from poverty free themselves from their poverty? Likewise, if they suffer from disease, how can they free themselves from their disease?”
5.爾時世尊具一切智者 。告妙月長者言atha khalu bhagavān jānann eva sucandraṃ gṛhapatim etad avocat |。汝今何故唯為貧窮。心懷疑惑而作是問kim iti tvaṃ [gṛhapate daridratāyāḥ paripraśnaṃ pṛcchasi 。妙月長者白世尊言evamukte] gṛhapatir bhagavantaṃ etadavocat | 。我今貧窮世尊,我今貧窮善逝daridro 'haṃ bhagavan daridro 'haṃ sugata 。為多眷屬男女婢僕居家充滿bahupoṣyo bahuputro bahuduhitṛko bahubhṛtyaparijanasaṃpannaśca | 。今為我說。世尊依我所問而為說法。貧窮眾生以何方便令離貧苦taddarśayatu bhagavāṃs tādṛśaṃ dharmaparyāyaṃ yena daridrāḥ sattvāḥ adaridrāḥ bhaveyuḥ。多病眾生以何方便令無病惱vyādhitāśca sattvā avyādhitā bhaveyuḥ 。資生財寶粟麥等物。云何而得倉庫充滿bahudhanadhānyakośakoṣṭāgārasampannāś ca bhaveyuḥ。云何而得見所愛樂。金銀摩尼真珠瑠璃。螺貝璧玉珊瑚硨磲。金剛寶等庫藏盈溢。令我施之無有窮盡priyā manāpāś ca manojñāḥ saṃdarśanīyāś ca bhaveyuḥ dānapatayo mahādānapatayaś ca akṣīṇa-hiraṇya-suvarṇa-dhana-dhānya-ratnakośakoṣṭāgārāś ca bhaveyuḥ |maṇimuktāvaiḍūryavajraśaṅkhaśilāpravālajātarūparajatasamṛddhāś ca bhaveyuḥ |。云何而得居家眷屬。男女大小尊貴自在supratiṣṭhitasusamṛddhagṛhaputradāra-kuṭumbāś ca bhaveyuḥ |。妙月長者作如是言白世尊已。
The Blessed One then understood, and he said to Sucandra the householder:
“Householder, why do you ask me about poverty?”
Sucandra the householder replied to the Blessed One:
“Blessed One, although I am very poor, I have to take care of many sons, daughters and dependents. Therefore, I would like to request the Blessed One for a Dharma teaching that makes the poor wealthy and restores the ill to good health, that grants us wealth and grain and treasures and vaults of treasure, that makes us pleasant, charming, beautiful and lordly, that attracts patrons without needing to ask, and that grants jewels, gold, riches, stores of grain, and vaults of treasure, as well as gems, pearls, diamonds, lapis lazuli, conch shells, crystals, coral, gold and silver without needing to search or beg, and that renders one’s partner and dependents stable and secure.”
6.是時佛復告妙月長者言evamukte bhagavān sucandragṛhapatim etadavocat |。往昔過去無數劫中asti gṛhapate teṣvapi asaṃkhyeyeṣu kalpeṣvatīteṣu pramāṇeṣu 。於彼世時有佛出世yadāsīt tena kālena tena samayena bhagavān 。名持金剛海大音聲vajradharasāgaranirghoṣo nāma ,如來應供正遍知明行足善逝世間解無上士調御丈夫天人師佛世尊。 tathāgato 'rhan samyaksaṃbuddho loka utpāta(di) vidyācaraṇasampanno lokavidanuttaraḥ puruṣadamyasārathiḥ śāstā devamanuṣyāṇāṃ ca buddho bhagavān |
This being said, the Blessed One replied then to the householder Sucandra:
“Householder, once upon a time, incalculable eons ago, the Blessed One, the Tathāgata, the Arhat, the complete and perfect Buddha, dwelled in the world with perfect knowledge and with virtuous conduct. This sugata, the knower of worlds, the leader for those to be tamed, the unsurpassed teacher of gods and men, the Blessed Buddha, was named Vajradhara-sāgaranirghoṣa.
7.我當於彼世尊之處。聞陀羅尼名吉祥持世tasya tathāgatasyāntikānmayā gṛhapate ayaṃ vasudhārā nāma dhāriṇī śrutā 。
聞是法已我常受持、讀誦、至誠供養śrutvā copagṛhītā dhāritā vācitā paryavāptā pravarttitā prakīrttitā anumoditā 。
而復為他廣說是陀羅尼parebhyaś ca vistareṇa saṃprakāśitā。
善男子我今為汝說此陀羅尼擁護於汝。aham apy etarhi gṛhapate tāṃ dhāriṇīṃ bhāṣiṣye yathā asyā dhāriṇyāḥ prabhāvena kulaputraṃ
O noble son, it is from this tathāgata that I heard and retained the Vasudhārā Dhāraṇī. I kept it, recited it, comprehended it, rejoiced in it, and taught it extensively to others.
O noble son, I shall now share it with you.
1)人不能為害、2)非人亦不能為害。3)藥叉不能為害4)囉剎娑不能為害。5)畢隷(二合)多不能為害6)步多不能為害。7)比舍遮不能為害。8)矩伴拏不能為害。9)鄔娑多(二合)囉迦(去)不能為害10)布單曩(引)不能為害。11)揭吒布單曩(引)不能為害。12)食大便者不能為害。13)食小便者不能為害。14)食種種淨不淨物者亦不能為害。mānuṣā na viheṭhayanti amānuṣāḥ ... yakṣāḥ ... rākṣasāḥ ... pretāḥ ... piśācā ... bhūtā ... kumbhāṇḍā ... (Vdh-J_39) skandā ... apasmārā ... ustā ... pūtanā ... kaṭapūtanā ... yātudhānā na viheṭhayanti | 。mūtrāhārā rūdhirāhārā viṣṭāhārā vasāhārā māṃsāhārā śleṣmāhārā pūāhārā siṃhāṇakāhārā khelāhārā medhāhārā madyāhārā jātāhārā jīvitāhārā balyāhārā mālyāhārā yāvad ucchiṣṭāhārā na viheṭhayanti |
O noble son, through the power of this dhāraṇī no human will ever harm you. No yakṣa will ever harm you. No rākṣasa will ever harm you. No preta will ever harm you. No piśāca will ever harm you. No bhūta will ever harm you. No kumbhāṇḍa will ever harm you. No apasmāra will ever harm you. No ostāraka will ever harm you. No kaṭapūtana will ever harm you. No deva will ever harm you. No asura will ever harm you. No demons, whether they feed on feces, urine, blood, flesh, pus, grease, marrow, snot, effluent, or breath, nor spirits who are able to possess you, will ever harm you!
妙月長者此吉祥持世陀羅尼。若有善男子善女人。得此陀羅尼經在於自己舍宅之中。yasya ceyaṃ gṛhapate dhāriṇī śrāddhasya kulaputrasya vā kuladuhitur vā
或在手中恭敬供養。或心思惟是經法者。或得聽聞是經法者。hṛdayagatā hastagatā śrutimātragatā
便乃受持讀誦供養。或廣為他解說義趣。paryavāptā pravarttitā prakīrtitā viciṃtitā dhāritā vācitā likhitā anumoditā parebhyaśca saṃprakāśitā ca bhaviṣyati
此善男子善女人。晝夜常得衛護安隱快樂。飲食豐足獲大福德。tasya kulaputrasya kuladuhiturvā dīrgharātraṃ arthāya sukhāya hitāya kṣemāya subhikṣāya yogasaṃbhārāya bhaviṣyati |
此吉祥持世陀羅尼經。若能至心供養之者。則是供養過去現在未來之世一切如來應正等覺。yaś caimāṃ vasudhārādhāriṇīṃ tathāgatebhyo 'rhadbhyaḥ samyaksaṃbuddhebhyo mahatīṃ udārāṃ pūjāṃ kṛtvā namaskṛtvā
若能依法常於中夜。課念此陀羅尼四遍。arcayet ardharātreś caturvārān
此人便得諸天而來衛護歡喜愛樂。 tasya devatā āttamanaskāḥ pramuditāḥ prītāḥ saumanasyajātāstvayam
復為此人親自來下降。雨上妙甘美飲食。evāgatya dhanadhānyahiraṇyasuvarṇaratnavṛṣṭiṃ pātayiṣyanti
諸天眾等於諸如來心懷歡喜。於諸佛法心懷歡喜。tāḥ prītās tathāgataśāsane
於佛無相智心懷歡喜。prītā buddhaprajñaptyā
於和合眾心懷歡喜。prītā saṃghaprajñaptyā
於說法師心懷歡喜。prītā mama dharmabhāṇakasyāśayena ca |
O noble son, the son or daughter of noble family who takes the Vasudhārā Dhāraṇī and places it in their home, takes it to heart, holds it in their hands, renders it in text, listens to it, comprehends it, reads it, memorizes it, rejoices in it, and extensively teaches it to others, will enjoy lasting benefits, welfare, goodness, advantages, pleasures, and good harvests.
Whoever worships the tathāgatas and then at midnight recites the Vasudhārā Dhāraṇī two, three or four times will cause the deities to rejoice. They will bring delight through the teachings of the Tathāgata, and through contributing to the promulgation of the Dharma and development of the Saṅgha, and bring delight to those who teach the Dharma. Noble thoughts will come to them and a rain of grains will shower down upon them.
1-namo ratnatrayāya | om namo bhagavate vajradharasāgaranirghoṣāya tathāgatasyārhate samyaksaṃbuddhāya
2-tadyathā om śrī surūpe suvadane bhadre subhadre bhadravati maṃgale sumaṃgale maṃgalavati argale argalavati candre candravati ale acale acapale
3-udghātini udbhedini ucchedini udyotini śasyavati dhanavati dhānyavati udyotavati śrīmati prabhavati
4-amale vimale nirmale rurume surūpe surupavimale arcanaste atanaste vitanaste anunaste (?) avanatahaste
5-viśvakeśi viśvaniśi viśvanaṃśi viśvarūpiṇi viśvanakhi
6-viśvaśire viśuddhaśīle vigūhanīye viśuddhanīye
7-uttare anuttare aṃkure naṃkure prabhaṃkure
8-rarame ririme rurume
9-khakhame khikhime khukhume
10-dhadhame dhidhime dhudhume
11-tatare tatare ture ture tara tara tāraya tāraya
12-māṃsarvasattvāṃś ca vajre vajre vajragarbhe vajropame vajriṇi vajravati
13-ukke bukke nukke dhukke kakke hakke ḍhakke ṭakke varakke
14-āvarttini nivarttini nivarṣaṇi pravarṣaṇi vardhani pravardhani niṣpādani
15-vajradharasāgaranirghoṣaṃ tathāgataṃ anusmara anusmara
16-sarvatathāgatasatyam anusmara
17-saṃghasatyam anusmara
18-anihāri anihāri tapa tapa kuṭa kuṭa pūra pūra pūraya pūraya
19-bhagavati vasudhāre mama saparivārasya sarveṣāṃ sattvānāṃ ca
20-bhara bhara bharaṇi
21-śāntamati jayamati mahāmati sumaṃgalamati piṃgalamati subhadramati śubhamati candramati
22-āgacchāgaccha samayam anusmara svāhā |
23-svabhāvām anusmara svāhā | dhṛtiṃ .... | sarvatathāgatānāṃ vinayaṃ ... hṛdayaṃ ... upahṛdayaṃ ... jayaṃ ... vijayaṃ ... sarvasatvavijayam anusmara svāhā |
om śrīṃ vasumukhīṃ svāhā |
om śrīṃ vasuśrī svāhā |
om śrīṃ vasuśriye svāhā |
om vasumati svāhā |
om vasumatiśriye svāhā |
om vasve svāhā |
om vasude svāhā |
om vasuṃdhari svāhā |
om dhariṇi dhāriṇi svāhā |
om samayasaumye samayaṃkari mahāsamaye svāhā |
om śriye svāhā |
om śrīkari svāhā |
om dhanakari svāhā |
om dhānyakari svāhā |
mūlamantra |
om śriye śrīkari svāhā |
om dhanakari dhānyakari ratnavarṣaṇi svāhā |
sādhyamantra |
om vasudhāre svāhā | hṛdayam | lakṣmyai svāhā |
om upahṛdayam |
om lakṣmī bhūtalanivāsine svāhā |
saṃyathā daṃ
om yānapātrāvahe svāhā | mā dūragāminī anutpannānāṃ dravyāṇāmutpādini utpannānāṃ dravyāṇāṃ vṛddhiṃkari truṭe liṭe liṭe li ita ita āgacchāgaccha bhagavati mā vilambaṃ manorathaṃ me paripūraya | daśabhyo digbhyo yathodakadhārā paripūrayanti mahīṃ yathā tamāṃsi bhāskaro raśminā vidhyāpayati ciraṃtanāni yathā śaśī śītāṃśunā niṣpādayatyauṣadhīḥ |
indro vaivasvataś caiva varuṇo dhanado yathā |
manonugāminī siddhiṃ cintayanti sadā nṛṇām ||
tathemāni yathākāmaṃ cintitaṃ satataṃ mama |
prayatnaṃtu prasiddhyantu sarvamantrapadāni ca ||
tadyathā |
1-suṭa suṭa khaṭa khaṭa khiṭi khiṭi khuṭu khuṭu maru maru muṃca muṃca maruñca maruñca tarppiṇi tarppiṇi tarjani tarjani dehi dehi dāpaya dāpaya uttiṣṭa uttiṣṭa hiraṇyasuvarṇaṃ pradāpaya svāhā | annapānāya svāhā | vasunipātāya svāhā | gauḥ svāhā surabhe svāhā | vasu svāhā | vasupataye svāhā | indrāya svāhā | yamāya svāhā | varuṇāya svāhā | vaiśravaṇāya svāhā | digbhyo vidigbhyaḥ svāhā | utpādayantu me kāṃkṣāvirahaṃ anumodayantu imaṃ me mantrapadāḥ |
2-om hraṃ hrīṃ ehyehi bhagavati dada dāpaya svāhā | etadbhagavatyā āryavasudhārāyā hṛdayaṃ mahāpāpakariṇo 'pi siddhyati puruṣapramāṇān svabhogān dadāti īpsitaṃ manorathaṃ paripūrayati kāmaduhān yān kāmān kāmayati tāṃstānīpsitān paripūrayati |
mūlavidyā |
1-namo ratnatrayāya | namo devi dhanadaduhite vasudhāre dhanadhārāṃ pātaya kuru 2 dhaneśvarī dhanade ratnade he hemadhanaratnasāgaramahānidhāne nidhānakoṭiśatasahasraparivṛte ehyehi bhagavati praviśya matpuraṃ madbhavane mahādhanadhānyadhārāṃ pātaya kuru 2
2-om hraṃ traṭa kailāsavāsinīye svāhā | mahāvidyā |
3-om vasudhāre mahāvṛṣṭinipātini vasu svāhā |
mūlahṛdayaṃ |
1-om vasudhāre sarvārthasādhinī sādhaya 2 uddhara 2 rakṣa 2 | sarvārthanidhayantraṃ vava ṭata vava ṭaṇṭa ḍaṇḍa svāhā | paramahṛdayaṃ |
2-om namo bhagavatyai āryalevaḍike yathā jīvasaṃrakṣaṇi phalahaste divyarūpe dhanade varade śuddhe viśuddhe śivakari śāntikari bhayanāśini bhayadūṣaṇi sarvaduṣṭān bhañjaya 2 mohaya 2 jambhaya 2 stambhaya 2 mama śāntiṃ puṣṭiṃ vaśyaṃ rakṣāṃ ca kuru 2 svāhā | levaḍikā dhāriṇīyaṃ |
namo vajradhara-sāgara-nirghoṣāya tathāgatāya |
tadyathā | oṃ surūpe bhadre bhadravati aṅgale maṅgale maṅgalavati ale acale acala-bale udghātini udbhedini śasyavati dhanavati dhānyavati śrīmati prabhavati amale vimale nirmale rurume surūpe surūpavimale vimale cale arcanaste atanaste vitanaste viśvakeśi viśvaniśi aṅkure maṅkure prabhaṅkure virame vidhame ririme dhidhime dhudhume khakhame tatare tara tara tāra tāra vajre vajre vajropame ṭake ṭake ṭhake ṭhake ukke bukke ṭhake ṭharake āvartani varṣaṇi (ni)ṣ(p)ādani vajradhāra-sāgara-nirghoṣaṃ tathāgataṃ anusmara smara smara sarva-tathāgata-satyam-anusmara dharma-satyam-anusmara saṅgha-satyam-anusmara data data pūra pūra pūraya pūraya pūraṇi bhara bharaṇi amale sumaṅgale śāntamati śubhamati maṅgalabhaṇi mahāmati bhadravati prabhavati sucandramati āgacchāgaccha samayam-anusmara svāhā | avaraṇim-anusmara svāhā | prabhavam-anusmara svāhā | dīdim-anusmara svāhā | tejom-anusmara svāhā | vijayam-anusmara svāhā | hṛdayam-anusmara svāhā | sarva-sattva-vijayam-anusmara svāhā |
oṃ vasudhāre svāhā | oṃ vasuśriye svāhā | oṃ śrīvasu svāhā | oṃ vasu svāhā ||
若復有人於自舍宅或他人舍隨所在處。供養持金剛海大音聲如來應正等覺。至心持念此吉祥持世陀羅尼。滿於六月種種供養。如是隨其所願增益之事皆得成就。iyaṃ sā gṛhapate imāni vasudhārādhāriṇīmantra-padāni sarvatathāgatānāṃ arhatāṃ samyaksaṃbuddhānāṃ pūjāṃ kṛtvā ṣaṇmāsānnāvartayet tataḥ siddhā bhavati yasmiṃśca sthāne iyaṃ mahāvidyā vācyate sā dik pūjyamānā bhavati
若復有人依法揀擇清淨之處,或倉庫中,以白檀香建立四方曼拏攞畢。請召供養持金剛海大音聲如來及一切佛。觀自在菩薩、諸菩薩等聖眾。pauṣṭikakāryaṃ svagṛhe paragṛhe vā bhagavatas tathāgatasya āryāvalokiteśvarasya ca mantradevatāyāś cāgrataḥ sarvabuddhabodhisattvebhyo namaskṛtvā śubhe sthāne kośe koṣṭāgāre vā candanena caturasramaṇḍalaṃ kṛtvā
常於夜分志心念是吉祥持世陀羅尼。令無間斷乃至成就。此善男子善女人。即獲有大威德之人為降福祐。隨其所願令得滿足。一切財物粟麥金銀珍寶。一切恐怖妨亂之事皆得消除。trīn vārān āvartayan tato gṛhapate kulaputrasya vā kuladuhitur vā mahāpuruṣamātrayā vasudhārayā gṛhaṃ paripūrayati sarvadhana-dhānyahiraṇya-suvarṇa-ratnaiḥ sarvopakaraṇaiś ca sarvopadravāṃś ca nāśayati |
Noble son, this is the Vasudhārā Dhāraṇī. Famine, diseases, and untimely death will be averted through the power of this dhāraṇī-mantra.
Noble son, whoever worships the tathāgatas, the arhats, the complete and perfect buddhas, and recites the words of this secret mantra, the Vasudhārā Dhāraṇī, while facing the west will reach accomplishment.
To explain this in more detail: Arrange a maṇḍala in a suitable place—such as your own house, another person’s house, a clean place, or a storehouse—using sandalwood for the Tathāgata, Lord Avalokiteśvara, and all the buddhas and bodhisattvas and secret mantra deities, and recite the dhāraṇī while facing the west. Noble son, the person’s house will soon be completely filled with a stream of jewels, grain, gold, silver, and all necessities, and all danger and harm will be brought to an end.
10.妙月長者汝等若能精進受持。念此吉祥持世陀羅尼。而能廣為他人解說。能令汝得長夜人間天上利益安樂。tena hi tvaṃ gṛhapate udgṛgṛhīṣvemāṃ vasudhārā nāma dhāriṇīṃ dhāraya vācaya deśaya udgrāhaya paryavāpnuhi pravartaya anumodaya parebhyaśca vistareṇa saṃprakāśaya tad bhaviṣyati dīrgharātraṃ arthāya hitāya subhikṣāya kṣemāya yogasambhārāya ceti |
妙月長者讚言善哉世尊善說。妙月長者於世尊所。聽聞得是吉祥持世陀羅尼已。心生愛樂歡喜踊躍。面色怡然頂禮佛足。而白佛言世尊。sādhu bhagavanniti sucandro gṛhapatiḥ bhagavato 'ntikādimāṃ vasudhārāṃ nāma dhāriṇīṃ śrutvā hṛṣṭaḥ tuṣṭa udagra āttamanāḥ pramuditaḥ prītisaumanasyajāto bhagavataścaraṇayornipatya kṛtakarapuṭo bhūtvā bhagavantam etad avocat |
此吉祥持世陀羅尼。我從今後永無忘失。憶念受持讀誦。解說其義供養恭敬。兼為他人廣說是法。udgṛhītā me bhagavan iyaṃ vasudhārā nāma dhāriṇī prakīrtitā dhāritā vācitā paryavāptā anumoditā manasānupariciṃtitā ca parebhyaśca vistareṇa idānīṃ samprakāśayiṣyāmīti |
Noble son, therefore, hold the Vasudhārā Dhāraṇī dear. Retain it! Memorize it! Recite it! Teach it! Explain it to others as well! This will lead to your lasting benefit, welfare and happiness.”
“Very well, Blessed One!” said the householder Sucandra upon receiving the Vasudhārā Dhāraṇī from the Blessed One.
Pleased, glad, joyful, delighted, happy, satisfied and joyous was Sucandra as he paid homage by touching the feet of the Blessed One to his head. He then said to the Blessed One:
“Blessed One, now that I have received the ritual for Vasudhārā, I will keep this dhāraṇī in mind; I will memorize it; I will recite it; I will master it; I will delight in it; and I will explain it in detail to others as well!”
11.妙月長者所居家中。當於是時彈指之頃。忽然而有種種金銀珍寶。穀麥財物倉庫充滿。atha tatkṣaṇamātreṇa sucandro nāma gṛhapati[ḥ] paripūrṇakośakoṣṭāgāro babhūva |
是時妙月長者瞻仰世尊目未曾捨。而復旋遶經百千匝。頂禮佛足禮竟而退。atha khalu sucandro gṛhapatiḥ bhagavantaṃ anekaśatasahasrakṛtvaḥ pradakṣiṇīkṛtya bhagavataḥ pādau śirasābhivandya bhagavantaṃ anekaśaḥ punaḥ punar avalokya bhagavato 'ntikāt prakrāntaḥ |
At that very moment, Sucandra the householder’s storehouses became completely full.
Sucandra the householder circumambulated the Blessed One many hundreds of thousands of times, and after touching his head to the feet of Blessed One, he left his presence.
12.爾時世尊告阿難陀言。汝於今日往彼妙月長者所居家中。看其所有一切財物粟麥金銀珍寶。種種廣大倉稟庫藏充滿其中。atha khalu bhagavānāyuṣmantaṃ ānandaṃ āmantrayate sma | gaccha tvaṃ ānaṃda sucandrasya gṛhapateragāraṃ gatvā ca paripūrṇaṃ paśya sarvadhanadhānyahiraṇyaratnasuvarṇaiḥ sarvopakaraṇair mahākośakoṣṭāgārāṇi ca paripūrṇāni |
是時阿難陀聞佛教已。速疾往詣憍睒彌大城妙月長者所居家宅。atha khalvāyuṣmān ānaṃdo bhagavataḥ pratiśrutya yena kośāmbīmahānagarī yena sucandrasya gṛhapateragāraṃ tenopasaṃkrāntaḥ |
到已入裏見其所有一切財物。粟麥斛碩金銀珍寶。種種廣大倉庫之中悉皆充滿。upasaṃkramyābhyantaraṃ praviśyādrākṣīt tat paripūrṇaṃ sarvadhanadhānyahiraṇyasuvarṇaiḥ sarvopakaraṇaiśca mahākośakoṣṭāgārāṇi ca paripūrṇāni |
dṛṣṭvā ca vismito hṛṣṭaḥ santuṣṭaḥ udagra āttamanā pramuditaḥ prītisaumanasyajāto yena bhagavāṃs tena upasaṃkrāntaḥ |
The Blessed One then spoke to venerable Ānanda:
“Ānanda, go to Sucandra the householder, the one whose home is abundantly filled with all kinds of riches and grains and whose massive treasury and storehouses are replete with all one could require.”
At these words of the Blessed One, venerable Ānanda went to the great city of Kauśāmbī where Sucandra’s house was located. Upon reaching the house he entered, and he saw that it was filled with an abundance of riches and grains. Precious gems were abundant, and there was a massive storehouse of all kinds of goods. The treasuries likewise were completely full! Pleased, glad, joyful, delighted, happy, satisfied and joyous upon seeing this, he returned to the Blessed One.
到已頭面。禮世尊足而白佛言。妙月長者以何因緣。而得如是廣大福德廣大富貴。廣大倉庫種種財物。粟麥金銀珍寶積集充滿。善哉世尊唯願為我宣說是事。upasaṃkramya bhagavataḥ pādau śirasābhivaṃdya bhagavantametadavocat | ko bhagavan hetuḥ kaḥ pratyayo 'sya yena sucandro gṛhapatirmahādhano mahābhogo mahākośakoṣṭāgāraḥ sarvadhanadhānyasamṛddhaḥ saṃvṛttaḥ |
Venerable Ānanda approached the Blessed One, and, in his amazement, happiness and joy, he said this to the Blessed One:
“Blessed One, why does Sucandra the householder have so much wealth? What is the cause and what are the circumstances for his treasury and storehouses to be replete with riches and grains?”
13.佛告阿難陀言。此妙月長者有大智慧。為能發心憶持永無忘失。受持讀誦供養恭敬。思惟妙理發大慈悲。為他眾生解說是法。bhagavān āha | śrāddhānaṃda sucandragṛhapatiḥ paramaśrāddhaḥ kalyāṇāśayaḥ | udgṛhītā ca teneyaṃ vasudhārā nāma dhāriṇī dhāritā vācitā deśitā grāhitā paryavāptā prakīrtitā anumoditā idānīṃ parebhyaś ca saṃprakāśayiṣyati |
能令汝得不可思議殊勝功德。於無量世常為諸天及世間人演說是法。tena cānaṃda tvam apy udgṛhīṣvemāṃ vasudhārā nāma dhāriṇīṃ dhāraya vācaya deśaya grāhaya paryavāpnuhi pravarttaya prakīrtaya anumodaya parebhyaś ca vistareṇa saṃprakāśaya | yasyeyaṃ kulaputrasya vā kuladuhitur vā hastagatā gṛhagatā pustakagatā bhaviṣyati na tasya rogadurbhikṣamarakakāṃtārādayo bhaviṣyanti krameṇa vibhavās tasya pravardhiṣyanti tad bhaviṣyati bahujanahitāya bahujanasukhāya lokānukampāyai mahato janakāyasyārthāya sukhāya devānāṃ ca manuṣyāṇāṃ ca |
阿難陀此陀羅尼實未曾有。一切天魔大梵天王。沙門婆羅門眾天人阿素囉等。於此吉祥持世陀羅尼。常應發心尊重恭敬。不應起於輕慢破壞之心。nāhaṃ ānaṃda taṃ dharme samanupaśyāmi sadevake loke samārake sabrahmake saśramaṇabrāhmaṇikāyāṃ prajāyāṃ sadevamānuṣāsurāyāṃ ca imāṃ vasudhārā nāma dhāriṇīṃ mahāvidyāṃ anyathā kariṣyati atikramiṣyati vā naitatsthānaṃ vidyate |
阿難陀此吉祥持世陀羅尼。諸呪不能破滅。若無善根眾生薄福眾生。耳不能得暫時聽聞。何況能知此陀羅尼。於是經中豈能得在。心所憶念口所宣說受持讀誦。tat kasya hetoḥ | abhedyā hyete ānaṃda vasudhārādhāriṇīmantrā na vaite kṣīṇakuśalamūlānāṃ sattvānāṃ śrutipatha[mapyā]gamiṣyanti kaḥ punar vādo pustakagatām api kṛtvā gṛhe dhārayiṣyanti |
tat kasya hetoḥ | sarvatathāgatānāṃ hyetad vākyaṃ sarvatathāgataireṣā dhāriṇī bhāṣitā adhiṣṭhitā svamudrikayā mudritā prabhāvitā prakāśitā prakīrtitā anumoditā praśastā saṃvartitā vivṛtottānīkṛtā ārocitā svākhyātā sunirdiṣṭā ca
sarvasattvānāṃ daridrāṇāṃ nānāvyādhiparipīḍitānāṃ sarvaduṣṭabhayopadravāṇāṃ cārthāyeti |
The Blessed One replied:
“Ānanda, it is because the noble son Sucandra the householder has received and chanted the Vasudhārā Dhāraṇī with devotion, great faith, and pure motivation. He kept it, recited it, mastered it, delighted in it, and expounded it in detail to others as well.
Ānanda, therefore, you too should receive the Vasudhārā Dhāraṇī, keep it in mind, recite it, teach it, memorize it, master it, and explain it to others in detail. This will benefit many individuals. It will bring them happiness. It will bring love and compassion to the world, and it will bring benefit and happiness to hosts of beings, gods and humans alike.
Ānanda, I do not see anyone in worlds of gods, māras, brahmas, humans, or asuras, who would say otherwise about this vidyā-mantra. It is impossible not to receive the mantra’s benefits having recited it two or three times.
Ānanda, the secret mantra words of this dhāraṇī are indestructible.
Ānanda, it is clear that these words, when heard, will benefit2 even those whose roots of virtue have been exhausted. Thus, there is no need to mention the benefits of writing them down in a book or memorizing them.
Why is this the case? It is because this dhāraṇī has been taught by all the tathāgatas. This dhāraṇī-mantra has been spoken, explained, honored, revealed, praised, unraveled, clarified, expounded, blessed, validated by the dharma seal, commended, sung, declared, and told by all the tathāgatas for the welfare of all sentient beings who live in poverty, suffer from diseases, live in fear, or are harmed by the wicked.
14.是時阿難陀。聞佛說此吉祥持世陀羅尼已。發憶念心受持讀誦。思惟解了尊重供養。ānanda āha | udgṛhītā me bhagavann iyaṃ vasudhārā nāma dhāriṇī dhāritā vācitā grāhitā deśitā pravarttitā prakīrtitā anumoditā manasā supariciṃtitā |
atha khalvāyuṣmān ānaṃda utthāyāsanādekāṃsamuttarāsaṃgaṃ kṛtvā dakṣiṇajānumaṇḍalaṃ pṛthivyāṃ pratiṣṭhāpya yena bhagavāṃstenāṃjaliṃ praṇamya tasyāṃ velāyāṃ kṛtakarapuṭo bhūtvā idam udānayati sma |
不可思議佛世尊 佛所說法不思議 不思議發歡喜心 順現受報不思議
aciṃtiyo bhagavān buddho buddhadharmo 'pyaciṃtaya |
aciṃtayo hi 'tra sattānāṃ vipākaścāpyaciṃtaya ||
天人師智一切智 到彼岸故離生死 證無上果成法王 我今稱讚佛無畏
śāstrāya nehi sarvajña jarāmaraṇapāraga |
dharmarāja phalaprāptā buddhavīraṃ namo 'stu te ||
Venerable Ānanda then rose from his seat and with his hands folded, he uttered this praise in verse:
“Inconceivable is the Blessed Buddha.
Inconceivable too is the Buddha’s Dharma.
For those with faith in the inconceivable,
Inconceivable too will be their results.
Tranquil knower of everything and all,
Dharma King free of aging and death,
The one who’s arrived at wisdom’s far shore,
Buddha the Hero, to you I pay homage!”
15.是時阿難陀說是讚已。歡喜踊躍而白佛言。世尊經名云何。令我云何受持。atha khalvāyuṣmān ānaṃdo hṛṣṭa tuṣṭa āttamanā pramuditā prītisaumanasyajāto bhagavantametadavocat | ko nāma bhagavan dharmaparyāyaḥ kaścemāṃ dhārayāmi |
世尊告阿難陀言。如汝前問。妙月長者所。得一切財寶庫藏受持之法經。名依一切如來所說。名吉祥持世陀羅尼經。汝等應當如是受持。 bhagavān āha | tena hi tvamānaṃda sucandragṛhapatiparipṛcchetyapi dhāraya sarvadhanadhānyamityapi dhāraya sarvatathāgatapraśarato vasudhārādhāriṇīkalpaṃ ity api dhāraya |
Venerable Ānanda was satisfied and joyful, gladden and overjoyed. In his joy and happiness, he said to the Blessed One:
“Blessed One, what is the name of this form of Dharma? How shall I remember it?”
The Blessed One replied:
“Ānanda, remember this teaching as ‘The Question of Sucandra the Householder.’ Remember it as ‘The Treasury of Wealth and Grain and All That is Precious.’ Remember it as ‘The Vasudhārā Dhāraṇī Praised by All the Tathāgatas.’”
16.佛說是經已。阿難陀及諸比丘菩薩摩訶薩。一切世間天人阿素囉彥達嚩等。皆大歡喜信受奉行作禮而退。idam avocad bhagavann āttamanā āyuṣmān ānaṃdas te ca bhikṣavas te ca bodhisatvā sā sarvāvatī parṣad sadevamānuṣāsuragandharvāśca loko bhagavato bhāṣitam abhyanaṃdann iti |
ity āryavasudhārādhāriṇī samāptā || cha || cha || cha || saṃvat 1695 varṣe aśvana vadi 7 bhṛguvāsare || cha || cha || cha || sāhaśrī pamanīyāsuta sāhaśrī indrajī suṃdara paṭhanārthe paropakārārtham || śubhaṃ bhavatu lekhakapāṭakayoḥ || || śrī ||
When the Blessed One had said this, Venerable Ānanda, the monks and bodhisattva mahāsattvas, together with the whole assembly and the world of gods, human beings, asuras and gandharvas rejoiced and praised the speech of the Blessed One.
This concludes the Noble Vasudhārā Dhāraṇī.
- 00雜阿含總圖 (49)
- 01法句經總圖 (7)
- 02俱舍論總圖 (9)
- 03禪經總圖 (6)
- 04心理學 (12)
- 上課概論 (57)
- 大毘婆沙論 (2)
- 大乘經 (34)
- 大乘論 (29)
- 大般若經 (29)
- 大般涅槃經 (1)
- 大寶積經 (16)
- 中阿含 (36)
- 古德 (2)
- 正法念處經 (72)
- 阿毘達磨 (21)
- 現觀莊嚴論 (40)
- 無說而說 (12)
- 集論 (46)
- 楞伽經 (6)
- 瑜珈論 (9)
- 解深密經 (3)
- 對比 (1)
- 維摩詰所說經 (20)
- 雜阿含 (207)
- 雜阿含圖 (67)
- akṣayamatinirdeśasūtra (34)
- dia (2)
- ubuntu (2)