2024年4月12日 星期五

中觀四百論-第十 破我品

 第十 破我品
1. 內我實非男、非女非非二,但由無智故,謂我為丈夫。

2. 若諸大種中,無男女非二,云何諸大種,有男等相生。

3. 汝我餘非我,故我無定相,豈不於無常,妄分別為我。

4. 我即同於身,生生有變易,故離身有我,常住理不然。

5. 若法無觸對,則無有動搖,是故身作業,非命者能造。

6. 我常非所害,豈煩修護因,誰恐食金剛,執仗防眾蠹。

7. 若有宿生念,便謂我為常,即見昔時痕,身亦應常住。

8. 若我與思合,轉成思念者,思亦應非思,故我非常住。

9. 我與樂等合,種種如樂等,我如樂等故,非一亦非常。

10. 若謂我思常,緣助成邪執,如言火常住,則不緣薪等。

11. 如至滅動物,作用彼無有,故有我無思,其理不成就。

12. 餘方起思界,別處見於思,如鐵鏈熔銷,我體一變壞。

13. 思如意量小,我似虛空大,唯應觀自相,則不見於思。

14. 我德若周遍,何為他不受,能障既言通,不應唯障一。

15. 若德並非思,何能造一切,彼應與狂亂,俱癡無所成。

16. 若德能善解,造舍等諸物,而下知受用,非理寧過此。

17. 有動作無常,虛通無動作,無用同無性,何不欣無我。

18. 或觀我周遍,或見量同身,或執如極徽,智者達非有。

19. 常法非可惱,何捨惱解脫,是故計我常,證解脫非理。

20. 我若實有性,不應讚離我,定知真實者,趣解脫應虛。

21. 解脫中若無,前亦應非有,無雜時所見,彼真性應知。

22. 若無常皆斷,草等何不然,此理設為真,無明亦非有。

23. 現見色等行,從緣生住滅,故知汝執我,雖有而無有。

24. 如緣成芽等,緣成種等生,故無常諸法,皆無常所起。

25. 以法從緣生,故體而無斷;以法從緣滅,故體亦非常。

226. When the inner self is not
Female, male or neuter,
It is only out of ignorance
That you think your own self male.
227. When all the elements are not
Male, female or neuter,
How is that which depends on them
Male, female or neuter?
228. Your self is not my self; thus there is
No such self, since it is not ascertained.
Does the conception not arise
In relation to impermanent things?
229. From one rebirth to another
The person changes like the body.
It is illogical for yours to be
Separate from the body and permanent.
230. Intangible things do not
Produce so-called motivity.
Thus the life force is not
Agent of the body's movements.
231. Why [teach] non-violence and wonder about
Conditions for a permanent self?
A diamond never has to be
Protected against woodworm.
232. If your self is permanent
Because of remembering other lives,
How can your body be impermanent
When you see a scar previously formed?
233. If the self when possessing that
Which has mind is a knower,
By that [same argument] that which has mind would be
Mindless and the person permanent.
234. A life force which has pleasure and so forth
Appears as varied as pleasure and so forth.
Thus like pleasure it is not
Suitable as something permanent.

235. If consciousness is permanent
An agent is superfluous.
If fire is permanent
Fuel is unnecessary.
236. A substantial entity, unlike an action,
Does not alter until it disintegrates.
Thus it is improper to claim
The person exists but consciousness does not.
237. At times one sees potential consciousness,
At others consciousness itself.
Because of being like molten iron
The person undergoes change.
238. Merely [a small part with] mind is conscious
But the person is as vast as space.
Therefore it would seem as though
Its nature is not to be conscious.
239. If the self is in everyone then why
Does another not think of this one as "I"?
It is unacceptable to say that
It is obscured by itself.
240. There is no difference between
The insane and those for whom
The attributes are the creator
But are never conscious.
241. What is more illogical
Than that the attributes should always
Know how to construct homes and so forth
But not know how to experience them.
242. The active is not permanent.
The ubiquitous is actionless.
The actionless is like the non-existent.
Why do you not prefer selflessness?
243. Some see it as ubiquitous and for some
The person is the mere [size of the] body.
Some see it as a mere particle.
The wise see it as non-existent.

244. How can what is permanent be harmed,
Or the unharmed be liberated?
Liberation is irrelevant
For one whose self is permanent.
245. If the self exists it is inappropriate
To think there is no self
And false to claim one attains nirvana
Through certain knowledge of reality.
246. If it exists at liberation
It should not be non-existent before.
It is explained that what is seen
Without anything is its nature.
247. If the impermanent discontinues
How could there be grass at present?
If, indeed, this were true,
No one would have ignorance either.
248. Even if the self exists
Form is seen to arise from other [causes],
To continue by virtue of others
And to disintegrate through others.
249. Just as the sprout which is a product
Is produced from a product, the seed,
Similarly all that is impermanent
Comes from the impermanent.
250. Since functional things arise
There is no discontinuation
And because they cease
There is no permanence.