2024年4月2日 星期二

中觀四百論-第八 淨治弟子品

 第八 淨治弟子品
1. 如對不順人,愛念不久住,如是知眾過,愛念不久存。

2. 有者於彼貪,有者對彼瞋,有者於彼愚,故無可貪義。

3. 若無有分別,則無有貪等,智者誰執著,真義謂分別。

4. 任誰與他人,都無同繫縛,若與他同繫,分離則非理。

5. 薄福於此法,都不生疑惑,若誰略生疑,亦能壞三有。
6. 能仁說何法,增長至解脫,若誰不重彼,顯然非智者。

7. 非不空觀空,謂我得涅槃,如來說邪見,不能得涅槃。

8. 何經說世間,彼即說流轉;何經說勝義,彼即說還滅。

9. 若汝生怖畏,皆非有何為,若實有所作,此法非能滅。

10. 若汝貪自品,不喜他品者,不能趣涅槃,二行不寂滅。

11. 無作得涅槃,有作招後有,涅槃無礙念,易得餘非易。

12. 誰不厭三有,彼豈敬寂滅,如於自家室,難出此三有。

13. 有為苦所逼,現見求自死,時彼愚癡故,不能趣勝道。

14. 為下根說施,為中根說戒,為上說寂滅,常應修上者。


15. 先遮遣非福,中應遣除我,後遮一切見,知此為智者。

16. 說一法見者,即一切見者,以一法空性,即一切空性。

17. 為樂天趣者,如來說愛法,為求解脫者,呵彼況餘事。

18. 求福者隨時,非皆說空性,良藥不對症,豈非反成毒。

19. 如對蔑戾車,餘言不能攝,世間未通達,不能攝世間。

20. 有無及二俱,亦說二俱非,由病增上故,寧非皆成藥。

21. 真見得勝位,略見生善趣,智者常發心,思惟內體性。

22. 今生知真性,設未得涅槃,後生無功用,定得如是業。

23. 如想所作事,成者極希少,此非無涅槃,諸行解脫得。

24. 聞說身無德,貪愛不久住,此道豈不能,永盡一切惑。

25. 如見種有終,然彼非有始,如是因不具,故生亦不起。

176. Just as friendship between people
Who disagree does not last long,
Desire does not last long
When all things' faults are recognized.
177. Some are attracted to it,
Some have aversion to it,
Some feel confused by it:
Thus desire has no object.
178. Apart from conceptuality,
Desire and so forth have no existence.
Who with intelligence would hold [there are]
Real things [imputed by] conceptuality?
179. None is, as it were,
Bound to another.
It is unfeasible to separate
That which is bound together.
180. Those with little merit
Do not even doubt this doctrine.
Entertaining just a doubt
Tears to tatters worldly existence.
181. The Subduer said of this doctrine
There will be increase until liberation.
Anyone who lacks interest in it
Clearly has no sense.
182. What is not empty is not regarded
As empty, thinking one will attain nirvana.
Tathagatas say that nirvana
Will not be attained through wrong views.
183. Whatever contains teaching
About the world speaks of engagement.
Whatever contains elucidation
Of the ultimate speaks of disengagement.
184. Thinking, "Nothing exists, what is the use?"
You may be afraid,
But if actions did exist,
This doctrine would not be a prevention.185. While attached to your own position
And disliking others' positions
You will not approach nirvana;
Both [kinds of] conduct will not bring peace.
186. Not acting brings about nirvana;
Acting again brings worldly existence.
Thus, without complication, nirvana
Is easy to attain, but not the latter.
187. How can anyone who has no aversion
To this take an interest in pacification?
Like [leaving] home, it is also hard
To leave worldly existence behind.
188. One sees that some who are overwhelmed
By suffering long for death,
Yet entirely due to their confusion
They will not reach the excellent state.
189. Giving is taught to the lowest
And ethics to the middling.
Pacification is taught to the best;
Therefore, always do the best!
190. First prevent the demeritorious,
Next prevent [ideas of a coarse] self;
Later prevent views of all kinds.
Whoever knows of this is wise.
191. Whoever sees one thing
Is said to see all.
That which is the emptiness of one
Is the emptiness of all.
192. Tathagatas speak of attachment to practices
To those who want a high rebirth.
That is disparaged for those who want freedom --
What need to mention other [attachments]?
193. Those who want merit should not
Always speak of emptiness.
Doesn't a medicinal compound
Turn to poison in the wrong case?

194. Just as a barbarian cannot be
Guided in a foreign language,
Ordinary people cannot be guided
Except by way of the ordinary.
195. Teaching existence, non-existence,
Both existence and non-existence, and neither
Surely are medicines for all
That are influenced by the sickness.
196. Correct perception [leads to] the supreme state,
Some perception to good transmigrations.
The wise thus always expand their intelligence
To think about the inner nature.
197. Through knowing reality, even if now
One does not attain nirvana,
One will certainly gain it effortlessly
In a later life, as it is with actions.
198. Accomplishment of all intended
Actions is extremely uncommon.
It is not that nirvana is absent here
But conjunction and the released are rare.
199. On hearing the body lacks good qualities,
Attachment does not last long.
Will not all disturbing attitudes
End by means of this very path?
200. Just as the end of a seed is seen
Though it has no beginning,
When the causes are incomplete
Birth, too, will not occur.