2024年4月27日 星期六


 第十二 破見品
1. 稟和希勝慧,是法器應知,異此有師資,無因獲勝利。

2. 說有及有因,淨與淨方便,世間自不了,過豈在牟尼。

3. 捨諸有涅槃,邪宗所共許,真空破一切,如何彼不欣。

4. (不知捨證因,無由能捨證,是故牟尼說,清涼餘定無。)

5. 若於佛所說,深事以生疑,可依無相空,而生決定信。

6. 觀現尚有妄,知後定為虛,諸依彼法行,被誑終無已。

7. 智者自涅槃,是能作難作,愚夫逢善導,而無隨趣心。

8. 不知無怖畏,遍知亦復然,定由少分知,而生於怖畏。

9. 生死順流法,愚夫常習行,未曾修逆流,是故生怖畏。

10. 諸有愚癡人,障他真實見,無由生善趣,如何證涅槃。

11. 寧毀犯尸羅,不損壞正見,尸羅生善趣,正見得涅槃。

12. 寧彼起我執,非空無我見,後兼向惡趣,初唯背涅槃。

13. 空無我妙理,諸佛真境界,能怖眾惡見,涅槃不二門。

14. 愚聞空法名,皆生大怖畏,如見大力者,怯劣悉奔逃。

15. 諸佛雖無心,說摧他論法,而他論自壞,如野火焚薪。

16. 諸有悟正法,定不樂邪宗,為餘出偽門,故顯真空義。

17. 若知佛所說,真空無我理,隨順不生欣,乖違無厭怖。

18. 見諸外道眾,為多無義因;樂正法有情,誰不深悲憫。

19. 婆羅門離繫,如來三所宗,耳眼意能知,故佛法深細。

20. 婆羅門所宗,多令行誑詐;離繫外道法,多分順愚癡。

21. 恭敬婆羅門,為誦諸明故;憫念離繫者,由自苦其身。

22. 如苦業所感,非真解脫因,勝身業所生,亦非證解脫。

23. 略言佛所說,具二別餘宗,不害生人天,觀空證解脫。

24. 世人耽自宗,如愛本生地,正法能摧滅,邪黨不生欣。

25. 有智求勝德,應信受真宗,正法如日輪,有目因能見。

276. An unprejudiced, intelligent and interested
Listener is called a vessel.
Neither the teacher's nor the student's
Good qualities will be taken as faults.
277. He explained existence and its causes,
The means to peace and peace itself.
What people do not understand
Is seen as the Subduer's [fault].
278. These strange people all agree that by
Giving up everything one attains nirvana.
For what reason do they dislike
That which puts an end to all?
279. How will one who does not know
The means to give it up, do so?
Certainly, therefore, the Subduer has said
There is no peace in any other [teaching].
280. Whoever doubts what the Buddha said
About that which is hidden
Should rely on emptiness
And gain conviction in him alone.
281. Those who find it hard to see
This world are ignorant of others.
Those who follow them will be
Misled for a very long time.
282. The unwise take no delight in letting
Their mind follow a guide
Who has done that which is
Most difficult - attaining nirvana.
283. When it is not seen, fear does not begin.
When seen, it stops completely.
Thus one can say with certainty:
Those who know a little are afraid.
284. Childish beings are certainly only
Familiar with that which involves them.
Because of unfamiliarity
They fear that which extricates them.

285. If someone who is shrouded in
Complete ignorance and impedes suchness
Will not even attain good fortune,
What need to mention liberation?
286. Lapsing from ethics is preferable
To lapsing from the view.
Through ethics one gains a high rebirth;
The supreme state is reached by means of the view.
287. For the unreceptive, conceptions of a self are best;
To teach them selflessness is not.
They would go to bad rebirths,
While the extraordinary attain peace.
288. There is no other door to peace,
And it destroys wrong views.
That which is the object of
All Buddhas is called selflessness.
289. The unreceptive are terrified
Just by its very name.
What so-called strong man is seen
Who does not frighten the weak?
290. This principle is not taught
By Tathagatas for the sake of debate,
Yet it burns up others' contentions
As fire does its fuel.
291. Whoever knows this teaching
Will not relish others.
Thus to me this teaching seems
Like the door to destruction.
292. For those who think there is
In reality no self and abide in this thought,
How will existence cause pleasure
Or non-existence cause fear?
293. Seeing the many Forders
Who are seeds of futility,
Who would not feel pity
For people who long for a teaching?

294. The teaching of the Shakyas,
Nigranthas and Brahmins are perceived
By the mind, the eye and the ears.
Thus the Subduer's teaching is subtle.
295. Brahmin practices are said
Mainly to be an outward show.
The practices of Nigranthas
Are said to be mainly stultifying.
296. Brahmins are revered
Because they adopt the orthodox.
Nigranthas are pitied
Because they adopt the deluded.
297. Suffering is a maturation
And thus is not virtuous.
Similarly, birth too is not virtuous,
Being a maturation of actions.
298. In brief Tathagatas explain
Virtue as non-violence
And emptiness as nirvana -
Here there are only these two.
299. To ordinary people their own position,
Like their birthplace, is attractive.
Why would you find attractive
That which precludes it?
300. The intelligent who seek what is good
Adopt what is worthwhile even from others.
Does the sun not belong to all
On earth who have sight?