2024年3月18日 星期一

中觀四百論-第五品 明菩薩行品

 第五 明菩薩行品
1. 諸佛所動作,都非無因緣,乃至出入息,亦為利有情。

2. 猶如死主聲,世間皆生畏,如是遍智聲,死主亦生畏。

3. 佛知作不作,應說不應說,以是何因說,遍智非遍智。

4. 除心則行等,不見有福等,是故諸業中,唯意為主要。

5. 菩薩由意樂,若善若不善,一切成妙善,以意自在故。

6. 菩薩初發心,勝過大地上,一切眾生類,轉輪王福德。

7. 若有建寶塔,高與世間等,調伏使發心,說福勝於彼。

8. 師長欲利他,應承事弟子,因彼不知利,故名為弟子。

9. 如鬼執雖瞋,醫者不生惱,能仁觀煩惱,非惑繫眾生。

10. 隨彼何所喜,先應觀彼法,倘若已失壞,都非正法器。

11. 如母於病兒,特別覺痛愛,如是諸菩薩,特意憫惡者。

12. 或作彼弟子,或作彼師長,以種種方便,令有情通達。

13. 如善巧良醫,少有不治症;獲巧力菩薩,非所化甚少。

14. 若菩薩境中,有由未策勵,墮落於惡趣,是智者所呵。

15. 若於他苦迫,不欲讚悲憫,如何於無怙,能哀憫行施。

16. 若有為利他,久住於世間,間住尚有損,況真心起瞋。

17. 若一切生中,常具足五通,於劣現劣身,此乃最難行。

18. 方便諸時中,久遠所集福,如來說彼量,尚非遍智境。

19. 施聲能顯示,死法及餘有,是故於菩薩,施聲恆優美。

20. 若謂今行施,當感大果報,有所取所捨,如商賈應呵。

21. 若昔所作惡,有亦成非有,彼具善業者,無有不能辦。

22. 大勢心意者,此間亦無損,故彼視三有,涅槃無差別。

23. 若誰一切時,從心自在生,何因彼不成,一切世間主。

24. 世間亦現見,從勝出最勝,故不思議力,應知亦定有。

25. 如是甚深法,愚夫生恐懼,如是劣根者,怖最希有法。

101. Not a single movement of Buddhas
Is without reason; even their breathing
Is exclusively for
The benefit of sentient beings.
102. Just as ordinary people are
Terrified by the words "Lord of Death",
So the words "Omniscient One"
Terrify the Lord of Death.
103. A Subduer has [perception of] that
Which should or should not be done or said.
What reason is there to say
That the Omniscient One is not all-knowing?
104. Without intention, actions like going
Are not seen to have merit and so forth.
In all actions, therefore, the mind
Should be understood as paramount.
105. In Bodhisattvas, through their intention,
All actions, virtuous and non-virtuous,
Become perfect virtue because
They are in control of their minds.
106. The merit of Bodhisattvas with
The first intention far exceeds
That which would make all beings on earth
Become universal monarchs.
107. Someone may build a precious
Reliquary, as high as the world;
It is said training others to generate
The altruistic intention is more excellent.
108. A spiritual guide who wishes to help
Must be attentive towards students.
They are called students because
Of not knowing what will benefit.
109. Just as a physician is not upset with
Someone who rages while possessed by a demon, Subduers see
disturbing attitudes as
The enemy, not the person who has them.

110. That for which someone has
Liking should first be assessed.
Those who are disinclined will not
Be vessels for the excellent doctrine.
111. Just as a mother is especially
Anxious about a sick child,
Bodhisattvas are especially
Compassionate towards the unwise.
112. They become students of some
And become teachers of others,
Making beings who do not understand,
Understand through skillful means and knowledge.
113. Just as for an experienced physician
A sickness that cannot be cured is rare,
Once Bodhisattvas have found their strength, Those they
cannot train are extremely few.
114. If some within a Bodhisattva's sphere,
Lacking encouragement go
To bad rebirths, that one will be
Criticized by others with intelligence.
115. How can one unwilling to say
That compassion for the oppressed is good,
Later out of compassion
Give to the protectorless?
116. When those indifferent towards one
Who stays in the world while it lasts
To help transmigrators, suffer loss,
What doubt about those who are hostile?
117. One who in all lives has the five
Super-knowledges [appears] as inferior
With a nature like the inferior --
This is extremely hard to do.
118. The Tathagata said that the merit
Gathered constantly through skilful means
For a very long time is immeasurable
Even for the omniscient.
119. The word "giving" indicates
Death, practice and other existences.
That is why the word "giving" always
Is of interest to Bodhisattvas.

120. When one thinks that by giving gifts now
There will be a great result,
Receiving and giving are like trade
For profit, which will be criticized.
121. For one who before even did
Ill deeds, they will have no [effect].
There is nothing one with virtue
Considers should not be accomplished.
122. Even here nothing harms
One with a powerful mind, and thus
For such a one, worldly existence
And nirvana are no different.
123. Why should anyone who takes birth
Through constant control of the mind
Not become a ruler
Of the entire world?
124. Even in this world among excellent things Some are seen to be
most excellent.
Thus realize that certainly also
Inconceivable power exists.
125. Just as the ignorant feel afraid
Of the extremely profound doctrine,
So the weak feel afraid
Of the marvellous doctrine.