2019年7月25日 星期四



6)思惟地界無相,思 惟水、火、風、空、識界無相;
9)思惟地界遠離,思惟水、火、 風、空、識界遠離;
12)思惟地界如箭,思惟水、火、風、空、識界 如箭;
19)思惟地界速滅,思惟 水、火、風、空、識界速滅;
22)思惟地界有災,思惟水、火、風、 空、識界有災;
28)思惟地界無生無滅,思惟水、火、風、 空、識界無生無滅;

2)思 惟無明苦,思惟行乃至老死愁歎苦憂惱苦;思惟無明無我,思惟行乃至老死愁歎苦憂惱無我;
4)思惟無明空,思惟行 乃至老死愁歎苦憂惱空;
6)思惟無明無願,思惟行乃至老死愁歎苦憂惱無願;思惟無明寂靜,思惟行乃至老死愁歎苦 憂惱寂靜;
13)思惟無明逼切, 思惟行乃至老死愁歎苦憂惱逼切;
16)思惟無明變動,思惟行乃至老 死愁歎苦憂惱變動;
19)思惟無明可厭,思惟行乃至老死愁歎苦憂惱 可厭;
28)思惟無明無作無為,思惟行乃至老死愁歎苦憂惱 無作無為。


 欲境如夢事,  亦猶尋香城, 猛熾若焰然,  諸天由是墮。
 若於欲生愛,  後則為所損, 曲戾無正思,  諸天由是墮。
 極下惡可厭,  流注若河源, 譬之深險坑,  諸天由是墮。
 欲性本動搖,  猶風浪水月, 如蛇舌不停,  諸天由是墮。
 欲如飛電轉,  亦如於陽焰, 如聚沫不堅,  諸天由是墮。
 欲如迅河流,  如象耳常動, 如芭蕉不實,  諸天由是墮。
 欲如彼幻事,  如金播歌果, 如魚吞其鉤,  諸天由是墮。
 當以真實智,  斷除於欲境, 解脫不善果,  及諸不饒益。
 起妄想思惟,  於欲生欣樂, 則為欲羂拘,  壽命豈能久?
 眾生心輕動,  咸為欲所牽, 愚癡無覺知,  彼為自欺誑。
 若為欲境動,  則是諸苦本, 如乾闥婆城,  當知不久住。
 若於欲生貪,  彼瞋則隨轉, 如是諸眾生,  速趣於惡道。
 是故彼正士,  捨欲除瞋恚, 離癡等過失,  顯發於明慧。
 若人厭欲境,  悟彼如深冤, 以智為良朋,  速證真常果。
 於欲不生著,  得離諸垢染, 斯為具智人,  諸天咸敬奉。
 善超欲淤泥,  能與眾生樂, 心離縛寂靜,  降伏諸魔軍。

5.visuddhimagga 20. Maggāmaggañāṇadassanavisuddhiniddeso
697. So tasseva pañcasu khandhesu aniccadukkhānattasammasanassa thirabhāvatthāya, yaṃ taṃ bhagavatā ‘‘katamehi cattārīsāya ākārehi anulomikaṃ khantiṃ paṭilabhati, katamehi cattārīsāya ākārehi sammattaniyāmaṃ okkamatī’’ti etassa vibhaṅge –
(2)( 以四十行相思惟五蘊 )
為了鞏固彼(瑜伽者)於五蘊的無常、苦及無我的思惟,而世尊說: 「 以怎樣的四十行相而獲得隨順忍?以怎樣的四十行相入於正決定?」
Translated from the Pali by Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli
18. Now, when the Blessed One was expounding conformity knowledge, he [asked the question]: “By means of what forty aspects does he acquire liking that is in conformity? By means of what forty aspects does he enter into the certainty of rightness?” (P‘8).

‘‘Pañcakkhandhe aniccato, dukkhato, rogato, gaṇḍato, sallato, aghato, ābādhato, parato, palokato, ītito, upaddavato, bhayato, upasaggato, calato, pabhaṅguto, addhuvato, atāṇato, aleṇato, asaraṇato, rittato, tucchato, suññato, anattato, ādīnavato, vipariṇāmadhammato, asārakato, aghamūlato, vadhakato, vibhavato, sāsavato, saṅkhatato, mārāmisato, jātidhammato, jarādhammato, byādhidhammato, maraṇadhammato , sokadhammato, paridevadhammato, upāyāsadhammato, saṃkilesikadhammato’’ti (paṭi. ma. 3.37) –
其分別的方法是這樣的: 「 他觀五蘊是無常、苦、病、癰、箭、惡、疾、敵、毀、難、禍、怖畏、災患,動、壞、不恒、非保護所、非避難所、非歸依處、無、虛、空、無我、患、變易法、不實、惡之根、殺戮者、不利、有漏、有為、魔食、生法、老法、病法、死法、愁法、悲法、惱法、雜染法」
In the answer to it comprehension of impermanence, etc., is set forth by him analytically in the way beginning: “[Seeing] the five aggregates as impermanent, as painful, as a disease, a boil, a dart, a calamity, an affliction, as alien, as disintegrating, as a plague, a disaster, a terror, a menace, as fickle, perishable, unenduring, as no protection, no shelter, no refuge, as empty, vain, void, not-self, as a danger, as subject to change, as having no core, as the root of calamity, as murderous, as due to be annihilated, as subject to cankers, as formed, as Mára’s bait, as subject to birth, subject to ageing, subject to illness, subject to death, subject to sorrow, subject to lamentation, subject to despair, subject to defilement.

Cattārīsāya ākārehi,
‘‘Pañcakkhandhe aniccato passanto anulomikaṃ khantiṃ paṭilabhati. Pañcannaṃ khandhānaṃ nirodho niccaṃ nibbānanti passanto sammattaniyāmaṃ okkamatī’’tiādinā (paṭi. ma. 3.38) nayena, Anulomañāṇaṃ vibhajantena pabhedato aniccādisammasanaṃ vuttaṃ. Tassāpi vasena ime pañcakkhandhe sammasati.
Seeing the five aggregates as impermanent, he acquires liking that is in conformity. And seeing that the cessation of the five aggregates is the permanent Nibbána, he enters into the certainty of rightness” (Paþis II 238). So in order to strengthen that same comprehension of impermanence, pain, and not-self in the five aggregates, this [meditator] also comprehends these five aggregates by means of that [kind of comprehension].

698. Kathaṃ ? So hi ekekaṃ khandhaṃ anaccantikatāya, ādiantavantatāya ca aniccato. Uppādavayapaṭipīḷanatāya, dukkhavatthutāya ca dukkhato. Paccayayāpanīyatāya, rogamūlatāya ca rogato. Dukkhatāsūlayogitāya, kilesāsucipaggharaṇatāya, uppādajarābhaṅgehi uddhumātaparipakkapabhinnatāya ca gaṇḍato. Pīḷājanakatāya, antotudanatāya, dunnīharaṇīyatāya ca sallato.
19. How does he do it? He does it by means of comprehension as impermanent, etc., stated specifically as follows:
He comprehends each aggregate as impermanent because of non-endlessness, and because of possession of a beginning and an end; as painful because of oppression by rise and fall, and because of being the basis for pain; as a disease because of having to be maintained by conditions, and because of being the root of disease; as a boil because of being consequent upon impalement by suffering, because of oozing with the filth of defilements, and because of being swollen by arising, ripened by ageing, and burst by dissolution; as a dart because of producing oppression, because of penetrating inside, and because of being hard to extract;

Vigarahaṇīyatāya, avaḍḍhiāvahanatāya, aghavatthutāya ca aghato. Aseribhāvajanakatāya, ābādhapadaṭṭhānatāya ca ābādhato. Avasatāya, avidheyyatāya ca parato. Byādhijarāmaraṇehi palujjanatāya palokato. Anekabyasanāvahanatāya ītito.
as a calamity because of having to be condemned,because of bringing loss, and because of being the basis for calamity; as an affliction because of restricting freedom, and because of being the foundation for affliction; as alien because of inability to have mastery exercised over them, and because of intractability; as disintegrating because of crumbling through sickness, ageing and death; as a plague because of bringing various kinds of ruin;

Aviditānaṃyeva vipulānaṃ anatthānaṃ āvahanato, sabbupaddavavatthutāya ca upaddavato. Sabbabhayānaṃ ākaratāya, dukkhavūpasamasaṅkhātassa paramassāsassa paṭipakkhabhūtatāya ca bhayato. Anekehi anatthehi anubaddhatāya, dosūpasaṭṭhatāya, upasaggo viya anadhivāsanārahatāya ca upasaggato. Byādhijarāmaraṇehi ceva lābhālābhādīhi ca lokadhammehi pacalitatāya calato. Upakkamena ceva sarasena ca pabhaṅgupagamanasīlatāya pabhaṅguto.
 as a disaster because of bringing unforeseen and plentiful adversity, and because of being the basis for all kinds of terror, and because of being the opposite of the supreme comfort called the stilling of all suffering; as a menace because of being bound up with many kinds of adversity, because of being menaced by ills, and because of unfitness, as a menace, to be entertained; as fickle because of fickle insecurity due to sickness, ageing and death, and to the worldly states of gain, etc.;  as perishable because of having the nature of perishing both by violence and naturally;

Sabbāvatthanipātitāya, thirabhāvassa ca abhāvatāya addhuvato. Atāyanatāya ceva, alabbhaneyyakhematāya ca atāṇato. Allīyituṃ anarahatāya, allīnānampi ca leṇakiccākāritāya aleṇato. Nissitānaṃ bhayasārakattābhāvena asaraṇato. Yathāparikappitehi dhuvasubhasukhattabhāvehi rittatāya rittato.
as unenduring because of collapsing on every occasion and because of lack of solidity; as no protection because of not protecting, and because of affording no safety; as no shelter because of unfitness to give shelter, and because of not performing the function of a shelter for the unsheltered; as no refuge because of failure to disperse fear in those who depend on them; as empty because of their emptiness of the lastingness, beauty, pleasure and self that are conceived about them;

Rittatāyeva tucchato appakattā vā, appakampi hi loke tucchanti vuccati. Sāmi-nivāsi-kāraka-vedakādhiṭṭhāyakavirahitatāya suññato. Sayañca assāmikabhāvāditāya anattato. Pavattidukkhatāya, dukkhassa ca ādīnavatāya ādīnavato, atha vā ādīnaṃ vāti gacchati pavattatīti ādīnavo, kapaṇamanussassetaṃ adhivacanaṃ, khandhāpi ca kapaṇāyevāti ādīnavasadisatāya ādīnavato. Jarāya ceva maraṇena cāti dvedhā pariṇāmapakatitāya vipariṇāmadhammato.
as vain because of their emptiness, or because of their triviality; for what is trivial is called “vain” in the world; as void because devoid of the state of being an owner, abider, doer, experiencer, director; as not-self because of itself having no owner, etc.; as danger because of the suffering in the process of becoming, and because of the danger in suffering or, alternatively, as danger (ádìnava) because of resemblance to misery (ádìna)  since “danger” (ádìnava) means that it is towards misery (ádìna) that it moves (váti), goes, advances, this being a term for a wretched man, and the aggregates are wretched too; as subject to change because of having the nature of change in two ways, that is, through ageing and through death;

 Dubbalatāya, pheggu viya sukhabhañjanīyatāya ca asārakato. Aghahetutāya aghamūlato. Mittamukhasapatto viya vissāsaghātitāya vadhakato. Vigatabhavatāya, vibhavasambhūtatāya ca vibhavato. Āsavapadaṭṭhānatāya sāsavato.
as having no core because of feebleness, and because of decaying soon like sapwood; as the root of calamity because of being the cause of calamity; as murderous because of breaking faith like an enemy posing as a friend; as due to be annihilated because their becoming disappears, and because their non-becoming comes about; as subject to cankers because of being the proximate cause for cankers;

Hetupaccayehi abhisaṅkhatatāya saṅkhatato. Maccumārakilesamārānaṃ āmisabhūtatāya mārāmisato. Jāti-jarā-byādhimaraṇapakatitāya jāti-jarā-byādhi-maraṇadhammato. Soka-parideva-upāyāsahetutāya soka-paridevaupāyāsadhammato. Taṇhādiṭṭhiduccaritasaṃkilesānaṃ visayadhammatāya saṃkilesikadhammatoti evaṃ pabhedato vuttassa aniccādisammasanassa vasena sammasati.
as formed because of being formed by causes and conditions; as Mára’s bait because of being the bait [laid] by the Mára of death and the Mára of defilement; as subject to birth, to ageing, to illness, and to death because of having birth, ageing, illness and death as their nature; as subject to sorrow, to lamentation and to despair because of being the cause of sorrow, lamentation and despair; as subject to defilement because of being the objective field of the defilements of craving, views and misconduct.