punar aparaṃ mahāmate parikalpita-svabhāva-prabheda-naya-lakṣaṇam upadekṣyāmo
Further, Mahāmati, I will tell you about the various features of the false imagination (parikalpita);
yena parikalpita-svabhāva-prabheda-naya-lakṣaṇena suprativibhāga-viddhena tvaṃ ca anye ca bodhisattvā mahāsattvā vikalpa-kalpa-rahitāḥ
and when you and the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas are well acquainted with each of them in its specific form, you will get away from discrimination;
pratyātmārya-sva-gati-tīrthya-naya-gati-su-dṛṣṭa-buddhayo (*128)
and seeing well and knowing the way of inner realisation by noble wisdom and also the ways of speculation by the philosophers, (128)
you will cast off discriminations such as grasped and grasping,
paratantra-vividha-vicitra-lakṣaṇaṃ parikalpita-svabhāvākāraṃ na prativikalpayiṣyanti |
and will not be induced to discriminate in respect to the multiple aspects of relativity-knowledge (paratantra), as well as the forms of the false imagination.
tatra mahāmate katamat parikalpita-svabhāva-prabheda-naya-lakṣaṇam? yaduta abhilāpa-vikalpo ’bhidheya-vikalpo lakṣaṇa-vikalpo ’rtha-vikalpaḥ svabhāva-vikalpo hetu-vikalpo dṛṣṭi-vikalpo yukti-vikalpa utpāda-vikalpo ’nutpāda-vikalpaḥ saṃbandha-vikalpo bandhābandha-vikalpaḥ | etan mahāmate parikalpita-svabhāva-prabheda-naya-lakṣaṇam ||
What are the various features of the false imagination, Mahāmati? They are the discriminations as regards (1) words (abhilāpa), (2) meaning, (3) individual marks, (4) property, (5) self-nature, (6) cause, (7) philosophical views, (8) reasoning, (9) birth, (10) no-birth, (11) dependence, and (12) bondage and emancipation. These, Mahāmati, are the various features of the false imagination.
tatra mahāmate abhilāpa-vikalpaḥ katamaḥ? yaduta vicitra-svara-gīta-mādhuryābhiniveśaḥ | eṣa mahāmate abhilāpa-vikalpaḥ |
Now, Mahāmati, what is the discrimination of words? That is the becoming attached to various sweet voices and singing this is the discrimination as regards words.
tatra mahāmate abhidheya-vikalpaḥ katamaḥ? yaduta asti tat kiṃcid abhidheya-vastu svabhāvakam ārya-jñāna-gati-gamyaṃ yad āśrityābhilāpaḥ pravartate iti vikalpayati |
What is the discrimination of meaning? It is the discrimination by which one imagines that words rise depending on whatever subjects they express, and which subjects one regards as self-existent and belonging to the realisation of noble wisdom.
tatra lakṣaṇa-vikalpaḥ katamaḥ? yaduta tasminn evābhidheye mṛga-tṛṣṇākhye lakṣaṇa-vaicitryābhiniveśena abhiniveśate yaduta uṣṇa-drava-cala-kaṭhina-lakṣaṇāt sarva-bhāvān vikalpayati |
What is the discrimination of individual marks? It is to imagine in whatever is denoted by words the multitudinousness of individual marks which are like a mirage, and, clinging tenaciously to them, to discriminate all things according to these categories: warmth, fluidity, motility, and solidity.
tatra artha-vikalpaḥ katamaḥ? yaduta suvarṇa-rūpya-vividha-ratna-artha-viṣaya-abhilāpaḥ |
What is the discrimination of property? It is to desire a state of wealth such as gold, silver, and various precious stones.
tatra svabhāva-vikalpaḥ katamaḥ? yaduta bhāva-svabhāva-avadhāraṇam idam evam idaṃ nānyatheti tīrthya-vikalpa-dṛṣṭyā vikalpayanti |
What is the discrimination of self-nature? It is to make discrimination according to the imaginary views of the philosophers in reference to the self-nature of all things (129) which they stoutly maintain, saying, "This is just it, and there is no other."
tatra hetu-vikalpaḥ katamaḥ? yaduta yad yena hetu-pratyayena sad-asator vibhajyate hetu-lakṣaṇa-utpattitaḥ sa hetu-vikalpaḥ |
What is the discrimination of cause? That is, to distinguish the notion of causation in reference to being and non-being and to imagine that there are cause-signs—this is the discrimination of cause.
tatra dṛṣṭi-vikalpaḥ katamaḥ? yaduta nāsty-astitva-ekatva-anyatva-ubhaya-anubhaya-kudṛṣṭi-tīrthya-vikalpa-abhiniveśaḥ | (53,1)
What is the discrimination of philosophical views? That means getting attached to the philosophers' wrong views and discriminations concerning such notions as being and non-being, oneness and otherness, bothness and not-bothness.
tatra yukti-vikalpaḥ katamaḥ? yaduta ātma-ātmīya-lakṣaṇa-yukti-vigraha-upadeśaḥ |
What is the discrimination of reasoning? It means the teaching whose reasoning is based on the grasping of the notion of an ego-substance and what belongs to it.
tatra utpāda-vikalpaḥ katamaḥ? yaduta pratyayaiḥ sad-asator bhāvasya utpāda-abhiniveśaḥ |
What is the discrimination of birth? It means getting attached to the notion that things come into existence and go out of it according to causation.
tatra anutpāda-vikalpaḥ katamaḥ? yaduta anutpanna-pūrvāḥ sarva-bhāvā abhūtvā pratyayair bhavanty ahetu-śarīrāḥ |
What is the discrimination of no-birth? It is to discriminate that all things are from the beginning unborn, that the causeless substances which were not, come into existence by reason of causation.
tatra saṃbandha-vikalpaḥ katamaḥ? yaduta saha saṃbadhyate suvarṇa-tantuvat |
What is the discrimination of dependence? It means the mutual dependence of gold and the filament [which is made of gold].
tatra bandha-abandha-vikalpaḥ katamaḥ? yaduta bandha-hetu-bandhya-abhiniveśavat | yathā puruṣaḥ pāśa-saṃyogād rajju-granthiḥ kriyate mucyate ca |
What is the discrimination of bondage and emancipation? It is like imagining that there is something bound because of something binding as in the case of a man who by the help of a cord ties a knot or loosens it.
evaṃ mahāmate parikalpita-svabhāva-prabheda-naya-lakṣaṇam, yasmin parikalpita-svabhāva-prabheda-naya-lakṣaṇe sarva-bāla-pṛthag-janā abhiniviśante | sad-asataḥ
These, Mahāmati, are the various features of the false imagination, to which all the ignorant and simple-minded ones cling, imagining that things are or are not.
paratantra-abhiniveśa-abhiniviṣṭā mahāmate parikalpita-svabhāva-vaicitryam abhiniviśante |
Those attached to the notion of relativity are attached to the notion of multitudinousness of things rising from the false imagination.
māyā-āśraya-vaicitrya-darśana-vad anya-māyā-darśana-buddhyā bālair vikalpyante | (*130)
It is like seeing varieties of objects depending on Māyā, but these varieties thus revealing themselves are discriminated by the ignorant as something other than Māyā itself according to their way of thinking. (130)
māyā ca mahāmate vaicitryān nānyā nānanyā |
Now, Mahāmati, Māyā and varieties of objects are neither different nor one.
yady anyā syāt, vaicitryaṃ māyā-hetukaṃ na syāt |
If they were different, varieties of objects would not have Māyā for their cause.
athānanyā syāt, vaicitryān māyā-vaicitryayor vibhāgo na syāt | sa ca dṛṣṭo vibhāgaḥ | tasmān nānyā nānanyā |
If Māyā were one with varieties of objects, there would be no distinction between the two, but as there is the distinction these two —Māyā and varieties of objects—are neither one nor different.
ata etasmāt kāraṇān mahāmate tvayā anyaiś ca bodhisattvair mahāsattvair māyā nāsty-astitvena nābhiniveṣṭavyā ||
For this reason you and the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas should never give yourselves up to the notion of being and non-being.
- 00雜阿含總圖 (49)
- 01法句經總圖 (7)
- 02俱舍論總圖 (9)
- 03禪經總圖 (6)
- 04心理學 (12)
- 上課概論 (57)
- 大毘婆沙論 (2)
- 大乘經 (34)
- 大乘論 (29)
- 大般若經 (29)
- 大般涅槃經 (1)
- 大寶積經 (16)
- 中阿含 (36)
- 古德 (2)
- 正法念處經 (72)
- 阿毘達磨 (21)
- 現觀莊嚴論 (40)
- 無說而說 (12)
- 集論 (46)
- 楞伽經 (6)
- 瑜珈論 (9)
- 解深密經 (3)
- 對比 (1)
- 維摩詰所說經 (20)
- 雜阿含 (207)
- 雜阿含圖 (67)
- akṣayamatinirdeśasūtra (34)
- dia (2)
- ubuntu (2)