2.55 偈:心、遍計、依他起、圓成實
tatredam ucyate -
So it is said:
cittaṃ viṣaya-saṃbandhaṃ jñānaṃ tarke pravartate |
nirābhāse viśeṣe ca prajñā vai saṃpravartate || 2.180 ||
The Citta is bound up with the objective world; the intellect's function is to speculate; and in the excellent state of imagelessness there is the evolving of transcendental wisdom (prajñā).
parikalpita-svabhāvo ’sti para-tantre na vidyate |
kalpitaṃ gṛhyate bhrāntyā para-tantraṃ na kalpyate || 2.181 ||
According to the false imagination, [self-substance] is, but from the point of view of relativity (paratantra) it is not; owing to perversion, what is discriminated is grasped [as real]; in the relativity there is no discrimination.
vividha-aṅga-abhinirvṛttyā yathā māyā na sidhyati |
nimittaṃ hi tathā citraṃ kalpyamānaṃ na sidhyati || 2.182 ||
Multitudinousness of differentiations is imagined [as real by the ignorant], but being like Māyā they obtain not; varieties of individual forms are discriminated as such, but they [really] do not obtain.
nimittaṃ dauṣṭhulyam ayaṃ bandhanaṃ citta-saṃbhavam |
parikalpitaṃ hy ajānānaṃ para-tantrair vikalpyate || 2.183 ||
[To imagine] individual forms is wrong, it puts one in bondage; they are born of Mind due to the false imagination of the ignorant; based on the relativity they are discriminated.
yad etat kalpitaṃ bhāvaṃ paratantraṃ tad eva hi |
(*131) kalpitaṃ hi vicitrābhaṃ paratantre vikalpyate || 2.184 ||
The existence thus subjected to discrimination is no other than its relativity aspect; (131) the false imagination is of various forms; based on the relativity, discrimination is carried on.
saṃvṛtiḥ parama-arthaś ca tṛtīyaṃ nāsti-hetukam |
kalpitaṃ saṃvṛtir hy uktā tac chedād ārya-gocaram || 2.185 ||
Conventional truth (saṁvṛiti) and ultimate truth (paramārtha)—if there be a third, non-entity is its cause; the false imagination belongs to the conventional; when it is cut asunder, there is the realm of the wise.
yathā hi yogināṃ vastu citram ekaṃ virājate |
na hy asti citratā tatra tathā kalpita-lakṣaṇam || 2.186 ||
As to the Yogins there is one reality which reveals itself as multiplicity and yet there is no multiplicity in it; so is the nature of the false imagination.
yathā hi taimiraiś citraṃ kalpyate rūpa-darśanam |
timiraṃ na rūpaṃ nārūpaṃ paratantraṃ tathā-abudhaiḥ || 2.187 ||
As by the dim-eyed a variety of objects is seen and imagined while the dimness itself is neither a form (rupa) nor a no-form (arupa), so is the relativity [discriminated] by the unknowing ones.
haimaṃ syāt tu yathā śuddhaṃ jalaṃ kaluṣa-varjitam |
gaganaṃ hi ghana-abhāvāt tathā śuddhaṃ vikalpitam || 2.188 ||
As is pure gold, water free from dirt, the sky without a cloud, so is [the Mind] pure when detached1 from the false imagination.
(1*Throughout the text, vikalpa is translated "discrimination" or "imagination," but here the term is evidently used as negating the function of kalpita which stands in these verses for parikalpita. )
(vi-kalpita,英譯註解說:在這些偈頌中,是否定kalpita。 )
nāsti vai kalpito bhāvaḥ paratantraś ca vidyate |
samāropa-apavādaṃ hi vikalpanto vinaśyati || 2.189 ||
Falsely-imagined existence is not, but from the relativity point of view it is, assertion and refutation are destroyed when one is freed from the imagination.
kalpitaṃ yady abhāvaṃ syāt paratantra-svabhāvataḥ |
vinā bhāvena vai bhāvo bhāvaś ca abhāva-saṃbhavaḥ || 2.190 ||
If the relativity-aspect of existence is, while the imagination is not, this means that there is a being apart from being and that a being is born of a non-being.
parikalpitaṃ samāśritya paratantra-upalabhyate |
nimitta-nāma-saṃbandhāj jāyate parikalpitam || 2.191 ||
Depending on the false imagination there obtains the relativity-aspect of existence; from the conjunction of form and name there rises false imagination.
atyantaṃ ca apy aniṣpannaṃ kalpitaṃ na parodbhavam |
(*132) tadā prajñāyate śuddhaṃ svabhāvaṃ pāramārthikam || 2.192 ||
False imagination can never be perfect knowledge (nishpanna), it is not productive of anything else [but itself]; (132) then one knows what is meant by ultimate truth whose self-nature is purity.
parikalpitaṃ daśa-vidhaṃ paratantraṃ ca ṣaḍ-vidham |
pratyātma-tathatā-jñeyam ato nāsti viśeṣaṇam || 2.193 ||
There are ten kinds of false imagination and six kinds of relativity; in the knowledge of Tathatā innerly attained there is no differentiation.
pañca dharmā bhavet tattvaṃ svabhāvā hi trayas tathā |
etad vibhāvayed yogī tathatāṃ nātivartate || 2.194 ||
Truth consists in [knowing] the five Dharmas and also the three Svabhāvas; when the Yogin thus comprehends [the truth], he does not transgress Tathatā.
nimittaṃ paratantraṃ hi yan nāma tat prakalpitam |
parikalpita-nimittaṃ tu pāratantryāt pravartate || 2.195 ||
According to the form of relativity, there are those names that belong to false imagination; and the various aspects of false imagination arise from relativity.
buddhyā vivecyamānaṃ tu na tantraṃ nāpi kalpitam |
niṣpanno nāsti vai bhāvaḥ kathaṃ buddhyā vikalpyate || 2.196 ||
When well pondered with intelligence (buddhi) there is neither relativity nor false imagination; where perfect knowledge is, there is nothing [dualistically] existent; for how with intelligence can discrimination take place?
niṣpanno vidyate bhāvo bhāvābhāva-vivarjitaḥ |
bhāvābhāva-vinirmukto dvau svabhāvau kathaṃ nu tau || 2.197 ||
Where perfect knowledge is, the existent cannot be qualified with being and non-being; in what cannot be qualified with being and non-being, how can there be these two Svabhāvas?
parikalpita-svabhāve dvau svabhāvau dvau pratiṣṭhitau |
kalpitaṃ dṛśyate citraṃ viśuddhaṃ cārya-gocaram || 2.198 ||
Because of false imagination, the two Svabhāvas are established; where there is false imagination multitudinousness of things is recognised, which being purified the [spiritual] condition of the wise obtains.
kalpitaṃ hi vicitrābhaṃ paratantrair vikalpyate |
anyathā kalpyamānaṃ hi tīrthyavādaṃ samāśrayet || 2.199 ||
Where there is false imagination there is multitudinousness of objects, which are discriminated under the aspect of relativity; if otherwise discriminated, one becomes attached to the teachings of the philosophers.
kalpanā kalpitety uktaṃ darśanād dhetu-saṃbhavat |
(*133) vikalpa-dvaya-nirmuktaṃ niṣpannaṃ syāt tad eva hi || 2.200 ||
What is imagined being subjected to further imagination, there are various views from which rises the doctrine of causal origination; (133) when the dualistic discrimination is got rid of, there indeed is perfect knowledge.
- 00雜阿含總圖 (49)
- 01法句經總圖 (7)
- 02俱舍論總圖 (9)
- 03禪經總圖 (6)
- 04心理學 (12)
- 上課概論 (57)
- 大毘婆沙論 (2)
- 大乘經 (34)
- 大乘論 (29)
- 大般若經 (29)
- 大般涅槃經 (1)
- 大寶積經 (16)
- 中阿含 (36)
- 古德 (2)
- 正法念處經 (72)
- 阿毘達磨 (21)
- 現觀莊嚴論 (40)
- 無說而說 (12)
- 集論 (46)
- 楞伽經 (6)
- 瑜珈論 (9)
- 解深密經 (3)
- 對比 (1)
- 維摩詰所說經 (20)
- 雜阿含 (207)
- 雜阿含圖 (67)
- akṣayamatinirdeśasūtra (34)
- dia (2)
- ubuntu (2)